Thursday, January 7, 2021

Living in Safety

 I live in safety, surrounded by harmony and balance.

Everyone I know lives in safety, surrounded by harmony and balance.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, lives in safety, surrounded by harmony and balance.


I know I live in safety because I can feel my link to my Guidance.

When I take my first deep breath, I move into a deep feeling of connection.

As I listen quietly, and hold my focus, I am present to what I need to know.

I can take action, or I can rest, according to my Guidance.

This creates hamrony in my life.

I move from place to place, action to action, thought to thought, in perfect balance.

I move gracefully, with certainty.

I know I am where I can do the most good and where I can receive the kind of support which is appropriate in the moment.

I have the resources I need.

I have a plan to accomplish my purpose.

When my work is complete, I receive the Guidance to move on.

I listen for the next step.

This is my safety and my peace.

This is how I live my life in trust.

© 2021 Kathryn Hardage 

Thursday, December 31, 2020

Overflowing outreach

 I am experiencing how the overlfow of inspired ideas reaches into the atmosphere all aorund me.

I have been taking in the writings and teachings of many inspired authors over several decades.

It has inspired me to begin my own search for purpose and the ways to devleop it.

My newest step, in addition to sharing freely for years, is to launch my first on-line class.

This will allow the overflow to increase its presence in the world.

I have no doubts about the effrect this has had on me and the effect my work will have  on others.

The incremental results of uplifting thought in one life multiply as we share our experiences and  their results.

I am  so very grateful.

© 2020 Kathryn Hardage 

The example of snowflakes

 We may think that our life needs a major shift in direction, and that it will take a major sustained effort.

We may feel despair and and panic at the thought of all that impossible work.

Today’s snowflakes make me think differently.

I am watching all these tiny, insubstantial patterns of moisture as they fall gently on the ground.

They will cover it up completely over several hours.

It is not a major sustained effort.

It is a small efffort repeated many times.

A new life direction can be achieved the same way.

One shift in judegement repeated many times, over several weeks is enough to begin the shift.

The next habit of thought can be addressed in the same way.

Over time, these sustained repetitions create a new environment of thoughts.

The new environment of thoughts attracts a different set of circumstances and events into one’s life.

Gradually, gently, our life assumes a new shape and a new rhythm.

There is nothing in our life which cannot be shifted in this way.

This makes a huge difference from a gentle sustained  effort.

©  2020 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Trust yourself

At this time and in this place, trust yourself.

While I was raising my very large family, I received this “wisdom”, that each child brings its own supply.

As I clung to the spiritual meaning behind this, I calmed down.

That allowed me to hear the ideas which I needed and to provide for my children.

At one point, I was having a panic attack in the grocery store.

As I calmed down, I saw a large package of fresh spinach.

I remembered that I always liked  to make a large batch of soup for my family.

As I bought the onions and garlic and bacon, I continued to feel provided for.

I was able to complete the rest of my grocery shopping for the week and to come home and to cook.

This feeling of supply occurred, both during my marriage and when I was a single parent.

Now, it continues to be true for me in retirement.

I am finding more ways to be useful and inspired and paid.

My long-term commitment to listening within is yielding even better results in this day and age.

I am learning to trust myself to be able to learn new skills.

My new skills are connecting me with greater opportunities.

I am able to share my “wisdom”, which inspires other people.

Trust yourself in the step you are in today and in all the others which come to you.

Your ideas come to you for practical action.

They come when you are calm.

This is your greatest resource becuase it connects you to everything else you need.

© 2020  Kathryn Hardage 

Saturday, December 26, 2020

The deliciousness of this moment


My first deep breath of inspiration is to savor the deliciousness of this moment.

My second deep breath opf inspiration is for everyone I know to savor the deliciousness of this moment.

My third deep breath of inspiration is for everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, to savor the deliciousness of this moment.


This moment has all that I need.

Each breath brings me calm.

Each thought aligns with my true nature.

I look around and I see that I am surrounded by all that I love.

This has been a goal for me, to discover what I love.

Each step in that discovery has added to the deliciousness of my life.

As I take my tiny steps, they place me on a firm foundation.

I am always moving toward my goal.

Each step includes a little more of it.

I maintain my course.

I include more of what I love.

I can see further all around me.

It is beautiful.

It is delicious.

I move in the conscious presence of the beauty and power of what I love.

I live surrounded by good, by harmony, by love.

© 2020 Kathryn Hardage 

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

In the middle of peace

 Now that I know how to find peace for myself, I can place myself in the middle of peace at any time.

I feel it surround me as I go through my day.

I feel the peace from within and I let it flow out around me.

I carry it with me and I release it to fill up the space in front of me and behind me as I walk.

I remind myself that we are all precious.

I remember that what I have discovered is availalbe for everyone to discover.

I make sure that I am sharing inspiration and peace in whatever ways that I can.

These activities are what keep me in the middle of peace.

Peace is my new home.

© 2020 Kathryn Hardage 

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Turning your experiences into gifts


You turn your experiences into gifts.

How you look at them and what you replace them with, turns them into gifts.

When you find comfort, you are turning despair and cruelty into a gift.

When you reject bad treatment and focus on doing what you love, you attract respect, dignity, and honor, recognition and appreciation.

When you live in the consiousness of these new qualities, they become your life.

You make room for love, assurance, confidence, creativity, delight, happiness when you start the flow by doing what you love.

This washes out the old quality of life and everything attached to it, and you rise into your new life.

Old habits, old feelings, old sensations wash away by your constant involvement in doing what you love.

Your new attitude improves your life, your body, your relationships, your income.

Doing what you love releases the outflow and makes room for your income.

© 2020 Kathryn Hadage