Sunday, December 31, 2017

Reclaiming My Fortune

I had the feeling yesterday that I was reclaiming my fortune.

I have been studying the ideas of prosperity and abundance and getting a deep sense of well-being throughout every aspect of my life.

I have switched to doing what I love to do.

I have found amazing friends who are committed to the same kinds of things I am and who value community.

I am living in beautiful surroundings.

I am receiving coaching in mindfulness.

In short, I have removed all of the things I found disturbing about my life.

As I was going through my meditation writings and drawings to prepare an order for the printer, I realized that I am translating my sense of prosperity and abundance into another form of manifestation.

This is a natural, although unplanned step, at least by me.

I am letting Universe take over the “how” of getting things done, while I focus on what I love and sharing it.

I am even releasing myself from some duties which do not let me operate at my highest level.

I no longer try to do everything, just the things which are unique to me and that I love.

This is giving me balance and a lot more forward motion.

It is leading me toward reclaiming my fortune.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, December 30, 2017

We Prefer Integrity

Integrity helps us keep our balance.

We know we will be pushed around, nor will we suffer for genuine interest when integrity is the basis for our business.

Relationships built on integrity are long-lasting.

Integrity is the foundation for good business dealings.

We stand on solid ground when we make our offers with integrity.

We know we can come through with integrity.

We can trust wth integrity.

We have a basis for future growth when we start with integrity.

We can add more to the situation when we start with integrity.

Integrity uplifts us and all with whom we have dealings.

We can relax because we know we have a good thing.

We also remain eternally vigilant to insure the purity and integrity of everything in our lives.

The strength of purity and integrity in our lives carries us beyond our daily business dealings and into the realm of trust and happiness.

Integrity is one of the best qualities we can cultivate.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, December 29, 2017

Choosing Chatter, Choosing Quiet

I knew that I could choose to listen to the chatter going on around me on the media, but I decided to involve myself in the quiet.

I am taking time to notice details in botanical photography from a site I really enjoy.

I continued adding to the warp I am creating on my weaving loom.

I mixed the ingredients I had gathered on my kitchen counter to make almond meal fruit and nut bread.

I have gathered my drawing materials together for a series of cards I am designing.

I am being more consistent about putting compost into a bucket by the back door.

There are many ways to engage in quiet and orderly activities and not to be rushed and pushed.

To follow a routine mindfully is a way to choose quiet.

There are no new decisions to be made.

One is free to listen while moving gently and purposefully.

I can maintain my balance and poise.

I can begin my day in the way I wish to maintain it.

I can continue swimming quietly in an ocean of political and economic upheaval by choosing the option of maintaining my peace.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

What My Happiness Depends On

My happiness depends on the images of thought which I cultivate daily and hourly and in every moment.

When I let my imagery fail, I fail to be happy.

It is worth the extra work of turning towards uplifting thoughts and internalizing them, and then letting them externalize in my life.

Despite the horrifying examples of public so-called leaders, (not someone to be following!), I have a higher image of what can be accomplished.

I have a higher image of the value of each one of us.

I have a higher image of the ways in which we can employ ourselves to continue to be uplifting forces in our own country.

I have a higher image of the beautiful and precious children in our country and of their unlimited potential.

Surely we can find ways of bringing out our own higher values and practice them despite the short-sited governmental policies.

Greed is not a force compared to kindness.

Selfish is not a force compared to generosity.

Policy is not a force compared to citizen’s healthy self-interest.

We can all live in such ways as to continue our own uplifting courses of action and be led from our higher nature.

This is what our happiness and well-being depend on.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, November 27, 2017

Uplifting Ideas

I am listening for ideas to uplift myself.

Everyone I know is listening for ideas to uplift themselves.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet is listening for ideas to uplift themselves.


As I listen deeply for the ideas to uplift myself, I feel peace within.

The peace within is so calming that it takes me away from the friction and turmoil of what is going on around me.

I feel relaxed and I sense there is something wonderful for me to do.

As I continue listening and feeling relaxed, I get the shape of an idea.

The idea is so very simple and it pleases me.

I feel that I want to take the first step to bring it about.

As I take the first step, the next step comes to mind.

At some point, the idea is complete and manifested.

This is such a calm way of implementing good ideas.

It is the way I want to continue.

I can always listen for ideas to uplift myself.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Peace and True Wealth

The wealth which comes through serving others through peace has no limit.

It is always possible to uplift even more.

As your thought becomes habituated to listening deeply for uplifting ideas, it gains immense power.

It eliminates conflict where the ideas are applied.

It draws on unlimited resources and they appear.

It blesses everyone associated with the project.

It leaves no waste and it causes no neglect.

It includes everyone who can possibly benefit from the idea.

It is easy to get on board with ideas like this.

Everyone wants to be associated with them.

This is what happens when you cultivate deep peace within and listen for the practical ideas and how to share them.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

How Wealth Increases

Once you learn how to tap into your deep peace and find the ideas there which bring you prosperity through service, you are prepared to increase your service.

As you continue listening deeply, and have built the foundation for your business through taking each next step, you find the peace of expansion.

You have carved out a space in your mind for more and more ideas which you have followed up on.

Your mental space and your ability to serve increase proportionally.

You habit of waiting until you find  deep peace allows you to feel the presence of ever more expansive ideas and know how to act on them.

Your habit of receiving a gift beyond yourself and acting on it to serve others, makes it natural to feel the presence of more expansive ideas for service.

From the beginning, you learned to feel your wealth in terms of lifting up society.

There is never any limit to how you can continue to serve.

Therefore, there is never any limit in how your wealth manifests itself.

Be true to your deep peace and you will feel your wealth increase, and you will see evidence of your uplifting service all around you.

Your wealth community will expand to include everyone you see.

You will be filled with ideas of how to address stubborn issues in your community so that more and more people are lifted up through your work.

Your example will inspire others to learn to tap into their deep peace.

This is the true wealth which you will bring to your community.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Your Diamond Mind

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Reality Switchback

I listen for good ideas to decide how to spend my day.

I listen for the ideas which will uplift me and which I can share.

I do my drawing meditation, reflecting on the affirmation as I draw it.

I think about what I will sew, or weave, or knit and which group I am looking forward to being with.

I write my inspirational blog posts.

My day begins in a relaxed and orderly fashion, no rush, no pressure, no tension.

Then, I read the news.

The more I read, the more upset I become, until I catch myself and stop.

I cannot contribute anything toward peace and calm when I am upset.

I have to think in a broader view about how the pieces of politics, economics, education, business are fitting together in a historical context.

I cannot see the finish from where I am now.

But there are many people who are engaged in sorting out the issues in conscious, uplifting ways, so I can join them.

As I switch back and forth between realities, I listen for what joins us all.

We can all go up higher from where we currently find ourselves.

Some take tiny steps, some take big steps.

What is big for me may be tiny for you and vice versa.

We are not standing still, not one of us.

We are being pressed to look at all sorts of things.

More of us are being goaded to work for more good than we have in the past.

The contrast between realities is extreme, which makes it good for deep consideration.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, November 24, 2017

Threads of Peace

I feel as though I am hanging onto threads of peace as I make my way through the political and economic landscape we are currently facing.

On top of that, we are dealing with the season of even more overt consumption as our nation gets ready for the holidays.

The greed among those who have congressional members doing their bidding is straining democracy and will break it if it continues.

The strain among families is acute.

So, where are my threads of peace coming from?

My mind gets infused with peace when I do the things I love to do.

Enjoying the company of sincere and uplifting people gives me respite.

Healthy, safe organic food that I am learning to cook and grow gives me comfort.

Spending as much time as possible creating beautiful things gives me a great deal of expression.

I know that this is the kind of life we are meant to lead.

If I can come to that conclusion and do what it takes to create that kind of life for myself, there is that ability in each one of us.

As we seek to create a loving and uplifting environment for ourselves, perhaps it will overflow onto our Members of Congress.

Perhaps they will discover a new kind of career in passing legislation which helps everyone uplift themselves.

These are some of the threads of peace which come to me every day.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Stay in Your Zone

Do not let the holidays take you out of your zone.

You have created the best situation for yourself during the rest of the year.

Continue to stay in your optimum zone.

Recognize your origins but do not be overly loyal to them.

Part of what they gave you was what you needed to overcome in order to create harmony and order and prosperity for yourself.

Wherever you are supported you are safe.

Wherever you are attacked, you are not safe.

Stay where you are safe, in your zone.

Whatever contact you need to make with family, make sure you keep yourself safe.

If you have overwhelming negative memories, you do not need to spend much time at all with the people who created them.

You live with yourself first, so create the environment where you feel loved, cherished and adored, and don’t leave it if at all possible.

Always return as quickly as possible.

You need your mind and heart and soul to be happy to do your best work.

You are here to uplift and to be uplifted.

You do not have to waste your time recovering if you do not let down your guard over a false loyalty to family.

Stay loyal to your best sense of yourself.

Respect the effort it took to get yourself to this uplifted and safe state of mind.

Never leave it.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

The Right Connections

It is important in business and in family to make the right connections.

Who is receptive to your ideas?

Whose ideas are you accepting?

Just because someone is “family” does not mean they are a good connection for you.

The right connections are the ones which uplift you.

Since your purpose is to uplift, through your business and personal relationships, it is only right that you associate with those of like mind.

Your family connections should also be uplifting.

At the time of year when family celebrations are going on, it may be a challenge to feel uplifted in the presence of certain people.

Just note that fact and do not spend any more time in their presence than absolutely necessary.

You have been cultivating higher thinking in your daily outreach for your business.

You have been cultivating a sense of order and harmony in your personal life.

If this criteria is not met during your family gatherings, you have no reason to stay there.

Your blood relations are those you started out with.

Your true family are those who have chosen the same life direction that you have chosen.

Acknowledge the strengths that your origins have either given you, or required you to overcome, in order to progress in the direction of your choosing.

Do not get distracted by the choices others have made.

Spend time and thought on your own direction.

Then, as soon as you can, keep moving in the direction of your choice.

You and your true family of like-minded folks will continue to interact, and you will not be dragged down involved in any friction for long.

You can choose the connections which are right for you, and you can create a family of choice just as you create the business you choose.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Your Diamond Mind