Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Within, Then Without

I take care of what is within, so I can take care of what is without.

Everyone I know takes care of what is within, so they can take care of what is without.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, know takes care of what is within, so they can take care of what is without.


I must start with what is within.

When I go to the quiet place within, I can hear the peace that is mine for the day.

When I am within, I have no distractions.

When I am within, I feel the strength of my well-being.

When I am within, I feel the balance and harmony of my life.

When I am within, I am fulfilled and happy.

when I am within, I have expectancy of all good things.

From my deep peace and well-being, there will come a message for action.

I will feel guided to take little steps.

I will be put in touch with people who can help me.

I will find a new client.

I will be on time.

I will able to live my life in order and balance and harmony.

So I start within, and then I take care of what is without, naturally.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage


Receiving Ideas

You need room in your life and in your mind to receive original ideas.

Usually, our lives are so filled with carrying out someone else’s instructions for work… 

or in school… 

or taking care of someone else’s needs at home. 

We cannot hear the ideas that are truly ours.

And yet, we exist to honor our individuality.

You can set an appointment to take care of any other kind of need.

One of the ways to do that is to provide a reception area.

Only this time, you are setting an appointment for yourself.

You are creating a place and time to receive the original ideas that are yours to express.

When you sit down with your journal and a cup of tea in a quiet and comfortable spot where you will not have any interruptions, you are preparing yourself to listen within.

As you breathe deeply and shut out the distractions, you feel yourself relax.

You sit quietly, with no demands on you.

This is your time.

You have prepared a space.

You have designated the time.

Now, you can listen.

Breathe.  Listen.  Write.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage


Unclogging Resentment

I noticed several items which I resented because they frustrated me.

I could not get them done.

I was too afraid, or too worried, or too convinced it would do me no good to try to get them taken care of.

And I resented carrying them around with me mentally, day after day, week after week, and longer.

So, I decided on a course of action.

I decided that even if I did not take action or could not take action, I would close the worry, frustration and resentment “account”.

And I would not judge myself.

I would simply move on.

So, I made the call.  I made the pitch.

And I was taken care of.

And so I shall move on.

I am grateful to come up with a plan for action.

I am grateful I took the steps to enact it.

I am very grateful for the way it turned out.

The flow is restored.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

The Reach of Character

How far does character reach?

It is something within you that you share every time you are with someone else.

It comes out in your day-to-day actions.

Your thought processes are built around your character.

Your judgements come from your character.

Your self-assessment comes from your character.

Your business dealings come from your character.

Every time you have a thought about some event anywhere, your character adds to the strength of the event.

Where you focus your thought not only affects you, it affects others who are reacting or responding to the event.

A study with random number generating computers showed a distinct definable effect when a world-wide scheduled event was monitored (from the movie “What the Bleep?).

When you continue to build your good character even when it looks like it is meaningless as far as the way the rest of the world is reacting, it still does have an effect.

When you model good behavior and good character in all the little ways, it has an effect.

When you teach it to your children and your students and use it at work and in how you conduct meetings, and how you treat salespeople, it has an effect.

You are using the tools you have to be an uplifting presence in every situation.

It is contagious.

People notice.

They respond will a more elevated mood, and it contributes to their next action.

This is happening all over the world, and it is one of the main causes for improvement in all the ways we can measure it.

Is there a need for more?

Of course.

So know that your expression of good character is part of an important movement, both within and all around you.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Active Replacement

When something becomes emotionally overwhelming, it is necessary to find a replacement.

Even though I cannot change the events, I can change my response.

Since many events are changing all the time, I find replacing them works when I find something that is unchanging.

The only relationship that I am aware of that is unchanging is my relationship to the Universe.

So when things are so disturbing, I go within order to listen for a message there.

The message is usually one of peace.

It comes as a peaceful feeling.

As I breathe deeply and simply experience this feeling, it expands.

I am able to calm myself.

Within this peaceful feeling, if I have anything on my mind, I can listen for ideas.

I will get a sense that I should do something, or more often, just wait.

When I come back to ask again, I will get whichever response is appropriate.

That is how I replace my upset feelings and even panic attacks.

I can replace them with powerful inward listening.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, January 30, 2017

My True Priority

Now that I am turning to my true priority of listening within, I am finding my peace of mind.

In this inward mind, there are answers to every possible question.

Immediate questions and far-reaching questions.

All the answers are there when we listen.

Not when we are so full of noice and disruption.

We simply can’t hear those answers, and we don’t even know which questions to ask.

But when we move inward to find our listening center, then, in the peace we find there, we know which questions to ask.

And we can hear the answers.

My true priority is to find the peace within.

Over and over again.

Step by step.

In every situation.

If I am not finding the peace, I am off course.

No matter what the disturbance is, there is always an answer within of peace.

Acting on my true priority always puts me there.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage


Right Things Happen

I am grateful for the quiet voice within that tells me that right things happen.

Every one I know is grateful for the quiet voice within that tells the that right things happen.

Every one I don’t even know all over the planet is grateful for the quiet voice within that tells them that right things happen.


Loud noise and confusion appear only to distract us from the good and right things that are going on despite everything else.

But, we can prevent our distraction by remembering where our guidance and direction come from.

They come from within.

The constant Source of all right things does not get distracted.

It does not run out.

It does not get tired.

It does not take time off.

It is always present and we can always turn to it.

The louder the noise and confusion, the easier it is to remember where our peace and guidance are, right at that very moment.

Guidance and peace are within.

Guidance and peace are right now.

Guidance and peace are where we are right now.

The peace is within us and we are within the peace.

We can hold our ground calmly and let the feeling of peace radiate all around us.

This is what we can do during times of loudness and confusion.

Gently and firmly hold our peaceful ground.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Feeling the Peace

Instead of getting agitated over relationships, the news, incidents at work, there is a way to feel the peace.

It comes from within audit is always there when we turn to it.

Peace does not run out.

It has an infinite source, and we can find it every time we need it.

It can become our constant companion as we realize that the results we get from listening for the peaceful feeling far outweigh any reaction we may have to other outside information.

We can cultivate peace all the time.

It always is fulfilling.

We can make calm decisions even in the midst of confusion.

When we see and hear evidence of loud agitation, even then, we can find peace.

The peace we add to the situation will do far more for it than taking sides or fanning the flames.

Let’s do our part in seeking the peace within for ourselves and notice what it does for the situations around us.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

No Pushing

The right thing is always present.

It is so close, sometimes we can’t see it.

But, when we try to push or to speed things up, we lose it.

When we trust that things will happen at the right time, we don’t have to push.

We can continue doing the best we know, and improving how we do it.

Then, at some point, our good work may be seen and we may get the promotion, the next assignment, the best opportunity.

While we are working, it may seem that other people are getting ahead and that we are not.

But, once again, it is good to be attentive to details and improve even more.

Our good work may get recognized where we are, or another opportunity may open up for us.

Either way, a work ethic without pushing, but with continual striving to do our best, will benefit us all along the way.

A feeling of excellence is always welcome.

Without pushing, we can keep ourselves at such a standard.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, January 29, 2017


I am so grateful to find wholeness in my life.

Everyone I know is so grateful to find wholeness in their lives.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is so grateful to find wholeness in their lives.


Moving first, to the country and then, a small town, has given me a perspective I never had before.

People know each other, here, and have, for generations.

I, too, am getting to know people.

New people, in the groups I have joined, are welcome.

This area accommodates a fewer number of people by several magnitudes, so for me, it moves at a gentler pace.

Because I have been carrying out my desires, I am getting to do so many things that I have always wanted to do.

I love doing them.

I am getting alignment between what I want to do and what I am actually doing.

I am finally getting to relax.

I have never practiced self- acceptance and self-respect like this.

It is giving me a sense of wholeness and peace.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, January 26, 2017

The Atmosphere of Wholeness

Being in the atmosphere of wholeness feels so safe.

Everyone in that atmosphere feels the difference between wholeness and the feeling of disaster.

It is so important to fill yourself up with things you love to do.

That begins the process of becoming whole.

Once you can relate to this wonderful feeling, you will measure other activities and experiences by it.

As you move in this direction, it can become more and more of a priority.

Imagine filling up more and more of your time in a way that makes you feel good, together, aligned.

You will create an atmosphere of wholeness for yourself, and people will notice.

They will want to do that, too.

Your own work with yourself will encourage others and create an entirely different kind of community.

Others will feel how safe and happy you are, and your community will expand.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage


Getting Happy Through Creativity

Today, after I took my daily political action and looked at more about the political mess, I went to Fiber Artists and Yarn Spinners on FB. (https://www.facebook.com/groups/fiberartists/?ref=br_tf)

There is so much beauty there.

People are making beautiful yarns from scratch, i.e. dyeing them and spinning them.

Every level of ability is represented, from beginners to experienced professionals.

I enjoyed seeing all the beautiful projects.

It is so lifting to the soul to see and participate in making beautiful things.

I love discovering things that make me happy.

I like living in a happy manner.

It is worth making the effort to be uplifting and to provide happy experiences for ourselves and for other people.

Creativity is one of the best ways to do this.

Join in, and make yourself happy, too.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage