Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Capacity for Peace

Our capacity for peace is without limit.

Even individually, this is a challenge, but it is a great goal.

Not to become irritated or agitated is a practice we can initiate several times a day.

As we practice peace in our individual lives, it expands into our communities.

All those daily interactions which show we care for each other has a long-range and long-term comforting effect.

We begin to lose some of our fear.

As a practice, the possibilities for extending this are enormous.

Just maintaining it for ourselves is immense.

A workshop which I took began with finding a reference point for peace.

A thought, an image, a word, a breath.

By bringing ourselves to peace as often as we can, we are creating an uplifting atmosphere for ourselves and for others.

The possibilities for building on this practice send thought and action in a completely new and refreshing direction.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Taking Each Step

My first deep breath is a breath of trust for each step that I take toward my goal.

My second deep breath is a breath of trust for each step that everyone I know takes toward their goal.

My third deep breath is a breath of trust for each step that everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, takes toward their goal.


Each step promises fulfillment.

It is a microcosm of the whole goal.

It gives a holographic view.

In quality and direction, each step characterizes the whole project.

This reminds me to be happy with all the little things that happen along the way.

I get to see the equivalent of each leaf, each bud, each root as the project develops.

I can trust that the seed I plant in the ground will grow in a characteristic way.

I can also trust that the beginnings of an idea will also grow to fulfillment.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, February 27, 2017

Unique Signature

What we do expresses who we are.

It has our unique signature on it.

As we put into practice the things that are important to us, we create a unique signature  atmosphere.

Our ideals about earth stewardship, relationship, right livelihood all express our unique identity.

We are creating our world by what we express.

When we intersect with those of like-mind, those ideals are expanded.

When we encounter those with differing practices, we adjust.

Each person is moving toward some type of goal, consciously or unconsciously.

If unconscious, the goal changes according to the strongest influence upon the person.

Developing our own consciousness from within insures that we stay on track to accomplish our goal.

Our collective attraction to uplifting ideals informs the unconscious.

Repeated exposure awakens it.

We know this because of our own awakening.

Our consistent compassionate practice creates a powerful attracting community signature.

Let us consciously expand this practice in every possible moment.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Healing the Worst Aspects

Even if someone cultivates the worst aspects within you, you can come to a place of healing within yourself.

That is what is happening in American society and in many other societies.

We are learning that there are resources we can all draw on to help each other.

As we observe how an attitude of hatred and intolerance is once again fanning the flames of narrow minds, we can consider how to comfort and broaden them.

The rural area where I have retired supports its historic views.

At times, where I am in conversation, I can share some of my many delightful personal experiences with people of different nationalities and belief systems.

It is a little pebble of peace which I am able to drop into the pond.

It is completely reasonable for people to respond in ways which reach deep down into their historical views.

So I am able to calmly and happily describe my experiences and therefore, my differing viewpoint.

It is not always a good to to do so, so I am considerate of where I am.

I am learning to value this new usefulness which I have found, as I value the healing effects of living in beautiful natural surroundings.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage


Saturday, February 25, 2017

Misplacing and Replacing Trust

Someone I was told I could trust betrayed me.

Part of our discussion was helpful and gave me some more insights, but it triggered more panic attacks.

As I process these triggers, I am restoring myself.

I am complete everyday all the time.

I am discovering the immoveable me.

What I observe is not a part of me.

I am observing someone else’s life view, not my own.

Instead of being taken in, another’s view can simply wash over me.

I do not agree with it, and it obviously does not agree with me.

I have the power to simply reject it.

I reaffirm my own wonderfully appropriate and uplifting life view.

This replacement reaffirms whom I have chosen to be.

I love me.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage


Friday, February 24, 2017

Inner Sanctuary

As I hold my identity in my mind, I watch the rest of the world around me running in various directions.

Since it does not affect who I am, deep within, it no longer affects how I respond on the outside.

I respond from my deep sense of identity, even when I am dealing with all the mundane daily affairs of my life.

I know that everyone is managing the best they can.

Those who are finding their own deep peace convey a sense of poise no matter what else is happening.

I am glad when I, too, can do that, even though it is not all the time, yet.

But I have found it, and I trust the peace that I find there.

Whenever something does shake me up, it is for less time, as I find my focus within more and more quickly.

I love having this new sense of myself, undisturbed, standing true, faithful to my ideals.

I love that I can share it, so that more people can trust that they, too, have an inner sanctuary.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Finding My Way, Finding My Place

I find I am still finding my way.

I am grateful to have a deep sense of identity while I am alone.

Now, I am having to learn, instead of how I fit in around everyone else, my absolute place whether I am around other people or not.

I still have the same identity.

Even when the places that I have are occupied by other people, I still have my own identity.

I still have rights and I am able to express those rights in assertive and visible ways.

I don’t have to hide in order to get anything done.

I don’t have to recede or become less.

I don’t have to come up creative and convoluted ways to get where I am going.

I still occupy all the space that is mine, even when there are other people and their activities in that space.

Apparently, I express it somewhat differently.

That is what I am having to find out.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Delicious Consciousness

I live in the deliciousness of the Universe that is provided by my Divine Source.

I am at peace here, because I have every relevant resource that is known to the divine, Who loves me and cares for me.

The divine in me responds to the divinity of the Universe, and I feel my unassailable place within.

I exist with everything I need in an inexhaustible supply of companionship, comfort, purpose, prosperity.

I always have my uninterruptible relationship with the divine within me.

This delicious, luxurious, opulent source of peace envelops me and raises me up above attack or disturbance.

My only relationship is with the divine and what the divine provides me.

Any negative thought or memory or reference to the past is wiped out, dissolved, redirected, compensated in my new relationship to all that is good within and without.

I have nothing within me to respond to negativity.

If it has an existence at all, it exists outside the divine, and therefore outside of me.

I love as I have always lived, in the conscious presence of the Divine and Its peace within me.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Learning New Things

When I learn something new, I enter someone else’s world.

It is such a privilege to learn from an expert.

It is also fun to learn from people who are sharing their processes from the beginning.

I love knowing how it feels to be an expert.

I am also so thrilled as I introduce myself to each new skill.

Each one uses different techniques and I get to see the world from a slightly different aspect each time.

It is stimulating to learn new things.

It is exciting to see the shape new skills take.

I am never, ever bored, because I can improve on some new skill I have been learning.

It keeps me engaged and makes me a more interesting person.

By varying what I do, I get to meet more people and share their world a little bit.

I love how learning new things puts me in touch with more communities.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, February 20, 2017

Depend on Yourself

You have immense resources within your being.

You are defined by the special individual characteristics which only you can find.

When you do find them, and have the courage to act on their behalf, you become yourself.

This is the self you can depend on.

Your immense resources come into play when you begin to recognize them within you.

At first, they appear as an intuition, a thought.

Then, as you pay attention, and turn within more and more, they become more constant.

Finally, as you realize this is who you are and why you are here, you express this identity, your true self all the time.

You can depend on this recognition of your true self to bring you what you need.

It is not your effort.

It is what is propelling your effort.

The self within is constant, even when you are in confusing or disturbing circumstances.

The confidence and direction is there, waiting for you to turn to it.

When you feel this peace, most of all, you know this is the self you can depend on.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage


I no longer fear abandonment because I know I can depend on myself.

In my early years, my touchstone was emotional abandonment and physical abuse.

While I was fearful of life’s experiences, I felt abandoned.

It was a negative feedback loop.

When I realized that my life had gone wrong, I began to take steps to right it.

I had to turn it upside down.

I found new skills, techniques, and self-respect.

I triumphed over a lot of internal bad habits.

Now, I know that I would never abandon myself.

I know how to recognize myself, who I really am, not the person with the bad training.

I had skills which I was taught very exactly and specifically.

I also had emotional habits which surrounded me.

Now, I was learning on my own.

Out of necessity, I had to develop new abilities myself.

It has used whole aspects of myself which I never knew existed.

They have had to learn how to wire and fire together in new ways.

I am a new person, and I really like being her.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Never Taken Away

What I have can never be taken away.

It is mine.

It comes from within.

No one else can find it, because it exists within me.

While I can think, I know where it is.

Even while I am not thinking or even awake, it is still there, waiting for me.

When I am confused or disturbed, I still have it.

I can calm myself and go within, and find what is mine.

I can be peaceful and relaxed all the time, knowing what I have.

I can be safe.

I can be secure.

I can be provided for.

I can always have what I need.

It is in a special place, within, that only I know about.

From within, I find connections, resources, friends.

From within, I create a Universe that is safe, and Which loves me.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

What I Have and What I Don't Have

Support comes from within.

Various kinds of support come from surroundings and other people.

But if you have not been trained to feel supported, you may feel without it.

Once you discover your own support from within, you will attract more of it to you.

Whenever you feel a lack of support, you can generate more from within.

Then you will find the resources you need and you can expect connections to work out.

You are then in your right place at the right time.

With confusion or self-doubt, things often do not work out.

Insisting that they must work out, that you deserve a good life, turns you to search in different ways.

Once you begin, and you discover the “within”, you are on the right path.

Going “within” over and over signifies that you are open to receiving something that is there.

And then, you find it.

The deep peace.

The quiet.

The guidance, step by step.

And then, you have all you will ever need.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage 
