Thursday, March 30, 2017

The Benefits of a Strong Contrast

What creeps slowly in upon us often does not scare us until it is too late.

Habits of acquiescence are terrifying to break.

The contrast between apathetic daily life, and awareness through fear is terrifying.

It requires a lot of work to get rid of what we do not want when that happens.

When something with great contrast appears, we can see right away that we do not want it and we can take strong steps immediately.

That is the situation in which we find ourselves today.

Many uncomfortable actions have now become obvious, and we are now aware of them because of their great contrast to the kind of society we wish to live in.

The new collective steps we are taking quickly are having an immediate influence.

As we become more aware of all the steps which are being taken to destabilize and control society from without, we have more and more power to recreate the society we desire from within.

It is wonderful to discover what we all have in common.

It is delightful to experience a unifying experience despite all the ugliness.

I am so grateful for the encouragement of the courageous individuals and groups and political leaders who are standing up for the deep values in our communities.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

The Calm That Settles Within

There is a calm that settles within as we practice seeking it.

Any news or personal event has to weigh itself against this calm.

As the calm becomes more and more pervasive in our individual lives, we create an atmosphere of calm around us.

In the peace, we can hear the next steps to take for our business, our family, our politics.

Since we are seeking to create a society which takes care of all of us in the best possible ways, we are fed wonderful ideas to accomplish this from within.

These ideas are taking wonderful form in ways which include more and more awareness on the part of all segments of society.

When society as a whole receives enough benefits from associating with each other, we will have achieved a practical and stable state.

All the individual effects tied together in groups which unify together are resulting in a very aware and active populace.

The peace and well-being that we want for ourselves naturally spills over to include everyone else.

It is worth cultivating the peace within so that as we all gain power by associating with each other, we have a new way in which to express ourselves.

We can maintain a collective high standard of living as long as we maintain a deep sense of peace and calm which settles within.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

What We Value About Ourselves

What is it we value about ourselves?

Our intellect?

Our ability to make friends?

Our ability to empathize with others?

Our ability to make sound financial decisions?

What we value most is what we express.

If we have a feeling of privilege and superiority, we value recognition and think it is our due.

If we have a feeling of being downtrodden, we feel a sense of despair and lack of energy.

When we start to value everyone in an uplifting way, and give ourselves hope, we open up the streams of abundance for all of us.

We can work against the separating influences of privilege and poverty.

We can unify behind the feeling of the best good for all of us.

We can be caring for our environment and the privilege of living here on earth.

We can value the studies and insights we are given through science.

We can value the freedom of restrictive social and cultural norms.

Let’s see our society and our world blossom as never before when we give all of us a true value.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Self-Congratulation and Value

Being at peace involves true value, not self-congratulation.

Doing worthy work, which provides for the most good possible for all of us is a great source of satisfaction and peace.

Compromising one’s own value shows how worthless a person actually feels.

A source of satisfaction and peace about doing worthy work naturally increases the effectiveness of the work.

It spreads and helps others feel valued as well.

This uplifting feeling allows more and more sharing and more and more imagination in making everyone feel welcomed and valuable.

It lessens domestic strife and promotes a sense of relief and the ability to share generously.

Accepting privilege at the great expense of so many others actually lessens one’s own value.

What is the work you have chosen?

Can it uplift and give value to more people?

Can it improve they way others are living across a garden scale?

If that is your role, you have a sacred trust.

Be sure that you value yourself only as much as you value others in order to be able to do it well.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Underlying Truth

I am so grateful for the underlying truth about life, regardless of the lies that surround us.

Everyone I know is so grateful for the truth about life, regardless of the lies that surround them.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is so grateful for the truth about life, regardless of the lies that surround them.

The many temptations of greed and the feeling of superiority that goes with it are reckless since they are not based on the underlying truth about life.

Life is for all of us.

We all breathe, learn, grow, develop a relationship with each other and with the earth.

Anything which can help us to do this in responsible ways, is part of the truth of life.

Having respect for the natural development of society and nature is what lets us live in harmony with each other and with the earth.

Substituting a sense of privilege for the processes which are a part of natural living for all of us is reckless.

The temporary excitement of winning over the system will be quite short-lived, especially when you are a guardian of the rights of others.

The underlying truth about life will automatically correct everyone involved, as the compassionate awareness that we all live on the same planet continues to gain momentum.

I am grateful “these truths” which are self-evident” will come into play as we all find our right and just place in this country and in this Universe.

Short-lived glory can be such a very painful lesson.

What a marvelous time to have such an example as we all increase in awareness and compassion.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Your Concept of Yourself

You express your concept of yourself.

Many things have shaped your concept of yourself, but whatever you accept is what you express.

You can change your concept by changing what you accept about yourself.

Old habits of thought can be redirected and replaced and a new concept of yourself will emerge as you practice the new habits.

Reach for concepts of integrity, honesty, unlimited resources and being of value.

Include wealth and health at the same time.

Include happiness and a sense of purpose.

Include satisfaction and service.

Be compassionate and forgiving.

Be purposeful and take action.

Listen within for each step

Be receptive to the guidance which comes from the quote and peace within.

Be alert and watchful and observant and sensitive to what you truly love.

This is your individuality.

You have a right to the abundance and fulness within your expression of your concept of yourself.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, March 27, 2017

Confidence and Assurance

One Beautiful Thing

You are here to do One Beautiful Thing, plus many others.

But there is one focus, from which many things will come.

It comes from what you love most.

Within your deepest peace, there is a sense of what you love most.

It may be connected to something you do now, or it may be completely different.

The One Beautiful Thing satisfies you completely.

Every time you contemplate it, something more opens up for you.

There is an infinite sense to it, a sense of unlimited good.

It is a way for you to connect with others and to uplift them.

It is a way for you to bless them and to be blessed by the doing of it.

Your identity is best expressed in the One Beautiful Thing.

It draws you toward it, gently and consistently.

When it reveals itself to you, you are filled with wonder.

It is marvelous and beautiful.

It is irresistible; you are compelled to follow it.

It is the desire of your heart.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

A Community of Love and Trust

We build community with those we love and trust.

When we do what we love, it sets up an attracting flow.

People with complimentary skills show up in our lives and expand our work.

People who are benefitted by our work show up and are enabled to increase their flow.

Building a community on what we love to do creates trust in all those around us.

Others are encouraged to do what they love, and of course, to do it well.

Our level of skill grows through a commitment to doing what we love.

This attracts appreciation; more people want to be part of it.

Places appear where more specialized needs can be met, and the community grows through genuine interactions.

An authentic community of skills and appreciation blesses everyone within it with love and trust.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Listening for Love

We listen for what we love to do, and then, despite the obstacles, we move in that direction.

Sometimes the obstacles are lack of knowledge or skills.

Sometimes the obstacles are other people’s opinions.

When we listen deeply within, we drop other people’s opinions for the guidance we grow to trust instead.

We acquire the knowledge and skills.

We practice what we love.

A completely new and different world opens to us when we practice what we love.

We move into a flow with the Universe.

We are introduced to those who benefit from our work.

We are recognized for our contribution.

We help create a flow where others can do what they love.

As new community feeling of love and trust and joy and delight is built on listening for what we love and doing it.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Best Person

Awareness About Honesty

I am grateful for increasing awareness about honesty.

Everyone I know is grateful for increasing awareness about honesty.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is grateful for increasing awareness about honesty.


The use of dishonesty has become accepted practice in politics and in big business.

It is the desire to sway people to buy products and to follow politicians motivated by greed instead of integrity. 

When people are given the facts about products and politicians they can make intelligent decisions.

What is happening now, is that more people are taking responsibility for finding out the truth in more of these situations.

The power of honesty and awareness is increasing.

More people are participating in our government.

The apathy and malaise encouraged by so much dishonesty and defeat is being overcome.

Even though it is new and uncomfortable, more people are finding out the power of their awareness and action.

I am so grateful to find out that the truth, honesty and integrity which are so valuable on an individual level are beginning to find their power in government and economics.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Family Beyond Family

Beyond our immediate family members, where is our family community?

I am finding a sense of family in my many craft and hand-work groups.

Knitters, quilters, weavers, spinners, all are givers.

They have all taken the time to learn a skill with various levels of complexity and beauty.

This is a sharing community where all skill levels are respected, and programs and workshops constantly give us all help in improving.

Somehow, when a group of women get together, the conversation is supportive of the issues we all have in common.

We discuss family, work, how to help ease relationships, how to get through hard times.

We celebrate the beautiful things we are all making, congratulate each other on children graduating and becoming self-supporting.

Mainly, there is just an atmosphere of people who have been through good times and bad, who have survived and who are thriving.

It is a place we can receive and give comfort to all of us.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Shining Light

Your understanding is something you can share.

Your abilities are available to be interpreted in a particular way, and then shared.

We naturally share what we love, and want everyone to have it.

We want them to have the same experience of loving what they do and doing it so well, that it creates an overflow.

This overflow is how we share.

We share an overflow of light, understanding and practice.

We share an overflow of delight, joy, and attraction.

We share an overflow of abundance practice and expertise.

We share an overflow of application and solutions.

Bringing our insight and delight to what we do, increases its effectiveness.

We become a shining light in our profession, and share the abundant overflow.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

What Does Me Good

I only accept what does me good.

Once I recognize whether a thought is here to do me good or to disrespect me, I can accept it or I can reject it.

I am learning to accept only the thoughts which do me good.

If there is a problem I need to solve, I can get to work to solve it.

If a pesky thought keeps saying the same thing over and over again, once I have discerned this purpose, I can remember to reject it.

What does me good is exerting the control I have over my life, and remembering the new ways I now know to do this.

Pesky, intruding thoughts are immature ones, which have not yet learned to be productive.

They do not accept their responsibility to lift up instead of to put down.

What does me good is to recognize that they are not my thoughts and to send them back to their origin. 

I love my work and my ability to recognize what is mine and where I can have good effect.

I choose to live in a way which does me good and which allows me to help others recognize and cultivate the good in their lives.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage