Sunday, April 30, 2017

Resources Within

I am discovering resources within which I never knew were there.

By habitually looking within in order to escape the distracting noise around me, I am finding a constant unlimited Source.

When I listen quietly, and allow the noise to dissipate, I am led to take steps which comfort me.

These steps sometimes lead to creation of new products.

Sometimes they lead me to simple organization.

My idea of supply has completely changed from wealth creation in the form of aggressive business practices to thought-wealth creation in the form of service.

Apparently, that is the key to unlimited product development which uplifts.

It is easy to find interest in such things.

It is delightful to feel the support of meeting a need.

It is amazing to find solutions to the mundane at the same time as reaching for more inspiration.

I am finding a satisfaction I never knew existed.

I am being connected to people who love what I do.

I am no longer trying to repair the past.

I am moving forward into a new life of success and attraction.

My new path is not something I could have anticipated, because it exceeds anything else I have ever known or seen.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, April 28, 2017

Below the Surface

Simple ripples carry all the way to the edge of the pond when only a pebble is dropped in.

A huge rock can be thrown into the middle of the pond, and it, too, will subside into simple ripples over time.

Can you hear in the long-term what is being broadcast loudly in the short-term?

Can you see beyond the distractions to the truth of what is really going on?

Course corrections can be made at any time.

But can they be made now?

It will be more efficient and bring more good to more people to make course corrections now.

But that depends on good leadership, and it also depends on insightful citizenry.

Below the surface, the pond is supporting life.

Below the surface all the systems which support a pond are interacting appropriately.

If we build our systems so they support all life appropriately and bountifully and generously, we need to act decisively and truthfully.

We need to quit being distracted.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Currents and Undercurrents

Despite all the influences you have up grown with, despite all the loud proclamations through advertising and media, at some point, in some way, there is a moment when something simple comes to you.

Then you “get” that something and it just hits you as being true.

We are hearing lies and truths.

Both are really loud.

But which ones make sense?


When you cut through all the noises and manage to find yourself in a long, quiet moment, you can hear which things are true.

You get a feeling that isn’t loud and disturbing.

It is a feeling of what just “is”.

And it just may rock your boat.

Or it may feel like a little piece of the puzzle has just slid into place.

And then, everything works.

Everything makes sense.

We are at that point, where so many individuals have to decide whether they have been led truthfully or betrayed.

Lots of loud noises will proclaim one thing.

Can you hear the quiet truth beneath all the noise?

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Gentle Steps

I am taking gentle steps as I package my inspirational cards and graphics for a booth presentation.

I am aware of the growth I experienced all along the way as I created them.

Gentle, slow, calming, repetitious lines.

Gentle attention to simple shapes.

I want people to feel the power of the gentle persistent presence of these ideas in their lives.

I love the simple clear cellophane envelopes that show the cards.

I love the chipboard that keeps them from bending.

I love the ribbon and raffia that I use to tie the small cards in packets.

I love the quilt I made that covers my exhibit table.

I love the doll rocker and doll bed that will hold the large and small cards.

Everything is simple.

I want the messages to stand out, but in a way that lets everyone feel gently cradled by their elevating inspiration.

© 201 Kathryn Hardage

Peace in My Body

With so much tension and confusion in my life, I lived with a nagging sense of unease in my body which could easily be triggered to crisis.

Now that I have taken the steps to slow down and listen inwardly, I am living better in my body.

As I released the tension and the pressure of my life, I was able to train my body to relax.

I began eating better quality food, as much organic and responsibly raised as possible.

I eat so much less because my body is actually satisfied.

I no longer crave the excitement of sugar to make up for the lack of sustaining, undiluted calories.

With my body at peace, my life rests on a different foundation.

I do not have to serve by body in desperate ways to make sure I am OK.

I eat naturally and eat lightly and am free to function comfortably and to enjoy the way I have always wanted to live.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Foundation Building

Build the foundation to do what you love.

Then, when it is solid and firm, you can change your course, career or job.

Start with what you would love to do.

Then work back to the very first step you need to take.

Write it down and take the first step.

Listen for the next step and take it.

Always nurture the love you feel for what you are doing.

The joy you feel within will transform your life into doing the thing you love.

Keep taking you little steps until they add up into a big step and take it.

Because you have been building your foundation, you have a place prepared for you to go.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Newly Assured

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Good Friends and Good Progress

After a craft group meeting, it always feels good to visit with other folks.

Being among good friends who are willing to share their knowledge expands the feeling of community.

It is great to carry that feeling home with me.

I am able to get things done more easily after sharing good feelings with my friends.

I have been organizing my yarn and weaving supplies, and now they have taken on a new efficiency.

I can get to all of them on shelves and in boxes.

I have more room to walk through my studio.

It gives me a sense that I am making progress on what is on the looms and on the knitting needles, and also that I can get my future enjoyable projects done as well.

As I clean around the new spaces I am creating, it is easy to feel good.

I love having access to two more sewing machines.

I look forward to the projects I will set up on them.

My better organized space will also make it easy to package my new inspirational graphics and affirmations once I get them from the printer.

I love the feeling that good friends give to making progress.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Catching Up to Peace

I am grateful to catch up to the peace in my life.

Everyone I knows is grateful to catch up to the peace in their lives.

Everyone I don’t know, all over the planet, is grateful to catch up to the peace in their lives.


After feeling so busy and preoccupied with all the things there are to do, it is good to take a moment to catch your breath.

In fact, taking a few more moments may allow you to catch up on the peace that is available to you.

when I contemplate this fact, I realize that the peace is always there.

I just have to take the time to allow it into my life

Since the outside world is also rushing around with lots of distractions, the way to find the peace is to listen within.

This never fails.

It may take a little longer if I have neglected to make this time for myself, but soon, I can feel th peaceful Presence which always appears.

Spending time in the peace within always allows it to leak outside into my daily life.

When it does that, then I know I can take the next steps with guidance beyond my own personal opinion.

This gives me an even greater sense of peace.

As I settle down into my day, the peace stays with me and continues to invigorate me with its calm.

Catching up on the peace in my life is always a healthy and healing relief.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

The Right Moment

When the right moment arrives, you can feel it.

Even if it has been something you gave up pushing for a long time ago,  you can feel when the right moment has arrived

The work is effortless.

Resources just appear.

The time to do it is there.

Pleasant surroundings and company set up a nice atmosphere.

Even long-term projects which have been on hold find their right moment.

In the course of organizing for something else, the project may reappear.

Since there is no longer any pressure associated with it, it becomes easy to do.

Instead of interruptions, there is an easy flow as all the steps needed occur in an orderly manner.

It is as though the project itself is telling you, “Now is my time, get me done!”

As mountains of other interruptions finally fall away, it is a good feeling to find the right moment.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Creating Little Moments

I am discovering the little moments of peace I create for myself are a great way to spend my day.

I feel as if I am moving across stepping stones of peace from one side of my day to the other.

My little moments come in the form of not rushing myself.

I begin collecting the ingredients for a cooking project, and add to them as I pass through the kitchen.

I read the recipe several times as I do.

I follow through on the next step of gardening.

I sweep a small area where I am reorganizing a shelf.

I look up a tool to help me perform a task.

I make sure to spend time with people who are supportive and who value my company as well.

I continue my progress on various projects in a gentle manner.

I do not get mad at myself for anything I have done or not done.

I do not evaluate myself in terms of someone else’s opinions.

I remind myself that it is perfectly reasonable for me to approach my day in a way that works for me.

This helps constitute a peaceful day for me.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Up, Not Down

The tendency to get upset over the news or over personal events can be very tempting.

The price amplifies the discontent and hurt.

Instead, taking a stand, just in general, for finding an uplifting thought, can smooth over rough beginnings, and provide a courageous launch for the day.

Courageous launches may have to be employed on a continuing basis throughout the day as large and small issues come up.

The difference between the end of a day where anger and frustration have been indulged and one where solutions have been sought and found is dramatic.

A day filled with building and amplifying anger feels very different from one where solutions have been sought.

Choosing the type of mental activity gives a person a sense of overwhelming distress or of a few new steps in building an enduring foundation.

As I gained the tools for building an enduring foundation for myself, I continued to have opportunities to see the contrasting results of habitual anger.

Gradually, these have been replaced with more and upward foundation building, and my life has changed in amazing and distinctive ways.

Now, when I feel an overwhelming sense of panic  or anger, I know I am not facing a current situation, merely one that is triggering those emotions.

I can take moment to remember my new steps for building an enduring foundation, and alleviate the symptoms somewhat.

As I practice this, I am reconstituting all the myriad fragments of the charred remains of the anger that was directed toward me.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Give Without Need

What do you need?

Do you have happiness in some way?

Can you appreciate the beauty of a sunset?

Can you share some time with a friend?

When you give yourself a moment to take a deep breath, can you feel the calm?

These are symbols of your infinite unlimited gifts from within.

Design, purpose, meaning are all present within you in unlimited ways.

You have so many ways you can give using these resources.

As you develop the idea which you love the most, you draw on these and other resources.

How will they benefit those you want to serve?

How will this fulfill your own talents and expand your ability to express your highest ideals?

These are ways you can give without needing anything.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Giving Inspiration

Sometimes I can give right away, and sometimes it takes a little longer.

I love it when I wake up inspired and I can receive wonderful ideas right away.

Sometimes I need to slowly regain my inspiration through meditation or study.

From a consistent practice of study since I was a child, I know that I will find the daily inspiration, the solutions to whatever the day brings.

I have always responded to what the day brings, but now I am finding I can shape it.

My inspiration brings what I need and enjoy, as soon as I can claim the whole of it.

With my confidence in how spirit shapes my life, I can give direction to it.

I can let it shine on whatever I am looking at.

Then everything and everyone in my life receives a little boost.

I feel good about them and I feel good about myself.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage