When you find your gift, you can give without restraint.
Your gift flows from an infinite Universe.
When you tune in and listen consistently, you continue to be guided to the most effective connections.
Your connection to the Infinite never runs out; as long as you listen for guidance, you are connected.
Your ability to receive ideas and take action continues in an ever abundant flow.
Give as you receive, unstintingly, without limit.
Share your gift.
Let all who can benefit receive it.
Reap the increase, and share some more.
It is so freeing to see how much you can receive and how much you can share.
Tuning in and listening quietly becomes such a natural process, that ideas which you receive become more and more natural to share.
You become focused on the listening and taking action process.
Since it is abundant and ever-flowing, your giving becomes abundant and ever-flowing.
You can trust your giving, because you have learned how to trust your receiving.
Inward abundance results in outward giving.
© 2017 Kathryn Hardage