Sunday, August 27, 2017

Trust Your Giving

When you find your gift, you can give without restraint.

Your gift flows from an infinite Universe.

When you tune in and listen consistently, you continue to be guided to the most effective connections.

Your connection to the Infinite never runs out; as long as you listen for guidance, you are connected.

Your ability to receive ideas and take action continues in an ever abundant flow.

Give as you receive, unstintingly, without limit.

Share your gift.

Let all who can benefit receive it.

Reap the increase, and share some more.

It is so freeing to see how much you can receive and how much you can share.

Tuning in and listening quietly becomes such a natural process, that ideas which you receive become more and more natural to share.

You become focused on the listening and taking action process.

Since it is abundant and ever-flowing, your giving becomes abundant and ever-flowing.

You can trust your giving, because you have learned how to trust your receiving.

Inward abundance results in outward giving.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Name the Terror

A nameless terror works very specifically and gains energy by having no identity.

Once you name the terror, you can look at it and disassemble it.

With a name, you can identity where and how it works, and you can defeat it.

A terror out of the past operates off your embedded emotions.

As you bring the intention of the terror to light, you can defeat it by realizing that there is no longer anyone to perpetuate it in your life.

Your memory of terror can help you identify it, name it, and dissolve it.

The next time you feel the terror, you can remember how you named it, and how you released it.

Your happiness keeps growing once you find it and start cultivating it.

Your happiness is so very much more powerful than the terror.

Your happiness carries you along, and even when the terror sneaks in, you can name it, and release it once again.

As you build up your happiness and your practice in releasing the terror that plagued you in the past, you will get better and better at your happiness.

You will be able to deal with other terrors from the past, and you will accomplish your goals and dreams as you continue to name and release your terrors.

What once stopped you has grown weaker.

You have named it, you can see how it works, and you can release it and give yourself happiness and accomplishments.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, August 25, 2017

Trusting the Contrasts

Contrasts are sweet and powerful.

Life’s challenges, agonies and betrayals, resolved, become pillars of constancy.

Unshakable confidence results.

Unchallenged self-assurance simply builds on the ever-available supports.

The desire for security in one’s own mind begins a different kind of search.

The search moves from without to within.

The contrast in resources is extreme.

The visible is useless.

Only the invisible has integrity.

The discovery of the infinite resources within has immeasurable power.

Listening for guidance and experiencing the sure and certain evidence of timing and connections creates immense manifestation.

There is no way to describe this.

You have to be compelled to take the first step.

It is a development like any other and requires devotion, commitment and practice.

It is a development unlike any other in that you must listen to the call.

If your life has tuned you to this frequency, you will experience it.

Listen for the contrasts.

Watch and observe when things do not work out.

There may be higher work for you.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Peaceful Contrasts

I am grateful for the ebb and flow of peaceful contrasts in my life.

Everyone I know is grateful for the ebb and flow of peaceful contrasts in their life.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is grateful for the ebb and flow of peaceful contrasts in their life.


I enjoy the excitement and and anticipation of ideas when they come to me.

The contrast of long steps of patience and skillful learning help to fulfill them.

Cultivating the desire and compassion to share beneficial and uplifting ideas fills them out.

Cultivating the ability to share them extends my reach in many different fields.

Simple, everyday routines provide a comforting rhythm in which to develop innovative ideas.

The deepest comfort I receive is following the idea from intuition to manifestation.

I feel a quiet joy as the idea permeates my thought.

Then, as the next steps unfold, I gently take them.

I marvel at how the connections occur and the pieces come together.

It is a totally natural process.

Each step leads to the next.

My job is to stay alert and to recognize when to take action.

This is a different kind of nurturing as the ebb and flow of creativity take place.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Your Idea Estate

What kind of estate are you creating for yourself?

You can do something besides collect stuff.

The ideas you develop can become your estate.

The services you provide can become your estate.

Your estate is the environment from which you create.

Your estate is the way you enjoy living.

It is something you create doing what you love.

Your estate is a state of mind, of generosity, of unlimited and realizable potential.

You create your estate by how you think about the world.

You create your estate by how you treat yourself and others.

The quality of your estate shows in the generosity of your thoughts and actions.

When they lift people up, you are increasing your estate, and theirs, too.

You let go of fear and selfishness which you contribute to the estate of others in this way.

You increase the value of your community with every uplifting thought, idea, product, service.

You increase the value of your life.

And you surround yourself with the good things which come from an uplifting life.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Taking a New Path Feels Wonderful

Our distinct individuality actually directs us to take a new path.

The way others have done things were appropriate for their time, but each new person brings a new view to the world.

Things can be refined and improved or new ways can be found altogether.

We are each called upon to lift the level of society by our presence.

We can see more people doing things they love even as we do the thing we love.

We can see more fulfillment by solving the challenges to make it possible for there to be a wider feeling of fulfillment beyond our own.

Taking a new path feels wonderful as we discover how to bring all the elements for success into it.

We can move in the direction of our intuition and our generosity.

We can listen for inner guidance and take it seriously.

We can follow through on innovation and imagination.

We can trust our new direction and see it manifested in all its happiness and blessings to all directly involved and by those who hear about it.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Power of Wellness and Happiness

I am grateful for the power and presence of happiness and wellness.

Everyone I know is grateful for the power of happiness and wellness.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is grateful for the power of happiness and wellness.

I can keep myself happy and well by the ideas which I surround myself with.

Instead of listening to the media harassment, I can find calming ideas of beauty and wholeness.

Instead of getting caught up in emotional disturbance, I can turn quietly within and listen for the calm and peace which are always there for me.

Instead of being impressed by the power of corruption, bigotry and wealth I can turn instead to the comfort of innocence, blessing, freedom and unselfishness.

I know which is more powerful.

I know the fear behind negativity is emptiness trying to fill in the void.

I know the fulfilling power behind innocence and unselfishness and blessing.

It is so full, it overflows endlessly and inspires more giving and comforting and uplifting.

I know that this gentle power is uniting everyone who feels it.

This feeling of good is eroding the emptiness of corruption and greed.

Good flows naturally; corruption and greed require recruiting through unhappiness.

So I trust what is natural and the delight we all find in each other’s happy company.

I trust in the wellness of good governmental practices overflowing and blessing the way they are intended to.

I am grateful for the power and presence of happiness and wellness, and that we can surround ourselves and with this practice every day.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Valed From Within

All the controversy that is being stirred up is because there is a deep truth which we are being compelled to discover.

It has to do with living in one world and making sure that everyone has access to the resources they need to take care of themselves.

Living in cooperation and respect is the best way to insure this state of existence.

We all have immense abilities to be inventive and to share our resources and solutions.

Our best is a mix of all available ideas and applications.

As we refine them, the most workable ones remain to be implemented.

In reading about cooperatives, I am impressed by how everyone’s contribution is valued all the way from administration to implementation.

The folks making things are as valued as the folks taking orders.

The folks designing advertising are as valued as the sales force.

The folks designing the products and services are as valued as the managers and administrators.

Everyone’s effort is seen as equally valuable and necessary.

So everyone is valued in making decisions for the company.

Cooperatives are seen as one of the most stable kinds of companies.

The most widespread demonstration of this is in the Basque region of Spain, in Mondragon, where even during the harshest economic times, Mondragon and its many cooperatives have continued to thrive for decades.

We can all begin to look at one another as valued community members and find ways of governing ourselves which include a good way of life for everyone.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Spark of Peace

Finding the peace within me means turning away from the news and other outside influences.

I have to find my way to a deep sense of who I am by listening quietly within.

With lots of media harassment and emotional disturbances, it sometimes takes quite a while, but eventually I find it.

The peace within.

I sit quietly and just feel the little spark begin to spread throughout my being, warming me and calming me.

I feel as though I am in a different kind of Universe, once where peace and harmony are valued.

I feel as though I am a valued member of that Universe.

I have a purpose and a place.

My desires and intuition are important in my community.

My ability to create and uplift permeate the way I live.

As I return my conscious awareness to my surroundings, I know that I can carry my feeling of peace and purpose with me.

I see peace manifest around me as I remain persistent in the feeling of peace within.

Habitual feelings of despair and isolation drop away as I learn to maintain my feeling of peace within as I go about my day.

I always have access to the peace within, and I can manifest it all around me.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Every Day a Healing Day

Every day of calm is a day of healing.

I have learned not to get too excited, either through happiness or sadness.

It can trigger an emotional level of overstimulation which leads to pain and the remembrance of trauma.

I used to feel that I had to become strong enough or accomplished enough to overcome my pain and PTSD.

Now, I feel relieved to know that the more I keep myself in a state of calm, the more I am healing.

I allow myself time to heal when old memories trigger unbearable pain.

I respect the time it takes to bring myself back into a feeling of well-being.

I am compassionate toward myself and I no longer bury nor trivialize the pain.

I respect my power and what it took to diminish it.

I respect how I am being helped and guided to build it up to much more than it was when I was a helpless child.

I can do this for myself.

I can comfort and protect and love and nurture that child within me.

She is worth it.  I am worth it.

We are precious, she and I.  We are one.

And I am calm once again.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

More Healing Calm

I am grateful to feel the presence of more healing in my life.

Everyone I know is grateful to feel the presence of more healing in their life.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is grateful to feel the presence of more healing in their life.


When the debris of cruelty and pain and misunderstanding sifts down, and there is only the naked pain, it is miracle to find the calm to begin healing.

I am always grateful for this calm.

Whether is it a new outrage or the flaring up of old pain, I am always grateful for the thought, or breath, or any technique which brings me back to calm.

What this tells me, is that there is always calm.

This tells me that I have a choice, once I get good at it, to find the calm faster and faster.

What this tells me is that there is going to be calm at some point.

My well-being can be restored every time.

I am learning how to stay within the boundaries of my well-being.

I am delighted to know that it is not okay to cross my boundaries, that it is my right to have them in place.

So I learning how to keep myself in a safe and calm place where I cannot be hurt.

That is part of the healing presence in my life.

I am allowed to stay safe.

And that lets me stay calm.

I know how to deal with intrusions.

I have a right to my calm.

I am grateful to actively choose the presence of more healing calm in my life.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage