Sunday, October 29, 2017

Deeper Into Peace

When you begin our search for peace and begin to find it within, your search may cause some deeper issues to surface.

Having remained hidden for so long, there is a lot of resistance to being exposed and resolved.

The resulting disturbance may feel like the opposite of peace has overtaken you.

But, as you continue your commitment to moving deeper into the peace you desire, these hidden disturbances will be routed.

The experience in agitating any complacent and hidden practice may be violent, but ultimately your greater strength and desire for deeper peace will win.

As always, the alternative is unacceptable.

Once you are on the road to inward peace, it continues to draw you in with greater self-satisfaction and self-appreciation and self-compassion.

Your ability to fulfill you won life desires increases.

You begin to find allies around you instead of enemies to your peace.

You begin to find support and you are able to offer support to those on your same path.

Your path to deeper peace is profitable in how it places you in society.

You are no longer agitated and fretful.

Your peace is seen as a calm beacon.

Others are drawn by your beacon and find encouragement in their own search for peace.

Having braved the upheaval and disturbances caused by routing the hidden agitations in your own life, your life is an example to others.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Displacing Limitations

The negative thoughts and actions which were imposed on us can be overcome as we rise to the surface in our own value and estimation.

We displace these negative buoyancies with our absolute joy in choosing what we love to do.

The long-term effect cannot just be smushed down.

It has to be acknowledged and then displaced.

As I pay attention to where I am hurting, I have been led to uncover the deep trauma and expose it to the light for healing.

This has been lifting limitations which have been in place for decades.

I am finding my new, joyous self as I continue to pursue what I love and to integrate it into my daily life.

As I am led to take each next step, I am entering a new professional life.

I am finding respect and encouragement all along the way.

I am learning how to break down the limitations.

I am finding grace in each next breath and love in each tiny new step.

Surviving the trauma is being superseded by thriving in the direction of my choosing.

I have deep new devoted friendships and supporters.

I have new openings into a new professional life.

I feel stable and appreciate the control I am beginning to feel that I have her my life.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Expect Niceness

What if we could all grow up being nice to one another?

To treating each other with respect?

To being considerate and understanding?

These are qualities which we learn to cultivate through the examples of people around us, through children’s stories of kindness, and through becoming mature.

The fear behind selfishness and bullying is evident.

The fear behind having to have so much that you are willing to take away the ability for everyone else to provide for themselves is evident.

We no longer need to glorify that kind of fear.

We can glorify the qualities in the “Book of Virtues” and in other moral writings.

We can make practical decisions, as most of us do, on the basis of creating policy which allows everyone to thrive.

We can back away from bullying in the financial and political spheres, just as we do in the lives of our children and in our own business dealings.

We can expect niceness.

We don’t have to be manipulated into buying something that is good quality.

When we support the practical art of seeing the true value of everyone, we will do the right thing by them and by ourselves.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, October 23, 2017

Thought Value

I value the thoughts which come to me.

Everyone I know values the thoughts which come to them.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, values the thoughts which come to them.


When we value our own thought qualities and how they enable us to uplift our part of society, they give us a different kind of life.

Although I was not valued for myself as a child, I have found good support for learning to value and cherish myself.

I have been learning to listen to my own thoughts and to value them for many years.

I am so grateful for the ways in which they allow me to help lift up society.

My thousands of students have learned to read music and to make music in community.

They have a complex and valuable combination of skills which they enjoy sharing.

As I continue to listen, I am so grateful to be led to expand my outreach and to find ways of including even more people in sharing with their communities.

It is a wonderful way to live, by listening within, and valuing what you hear.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Your Innocent Path

Take a path of joy.

Take a path of curiosity.

Take a path of delight.

Learn new things.

Learn practical things.

Learn beautiful things.

Learn to make things, all kinds of things.

Learn how to fix things so they will work well again.

Become skillful and competent.

Do things you love.

Discover beautiful places in Nature.

Take time to continually revive your soul.

Walk your innocent path.

Walk your power.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, October 13, 2017

Invest in Peace

Invest in your own peace.

You have an unlimited supply every time you draw on it.

Your mind does not want to live in chaos or fear.

You have a natural tendency toward peace.

You recognize peace as part of your divine nature and heritage.

Peace calls to you.

Your peace beckons you to a safe haven.

You always move in accord with your peace.

With your own peace, you can live undisturbed in the midst of what appears to be turmoil.

You identify with your peaceful, harmonious nature.

It provides for you in the most natural way.

Your life is complete in the peace you draw around you.

The are no breaks in the flow of your peace.

Your peace envelopes all those who come in contact with you, and uplifts and protects and calms them as well.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Inclusive Peace

I create in peace.

I see in peace.

I feel the deep peace within.

In the peace within, I come in contact with my divine nature.

I have all that I need.

I am secure and serene.

As I listen within, I know intuitively what to do, where to be.

I am never separated from my divine nature, so I naturally take right action.

My solution is to stay in peace, to feel the calm presence.

I am always at home with all I need when I feel the deep peace.

All who are around me feel calm, peaceful guidance as well.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Community Wherever You Go

The person after me in the print shop area was a man who introduced himself to the clerk by saying he was ninety-four years old, and then described what he was looking for.

I pay attention when I hear someone who gives an elder’s age.  That person has lived a long time, and I know there is wisdom there.  He was by himself, and was active and engaged in his business.

After I finished getting my printing done, he walked past me out to his car, which was a mini-van.

I thanked him for being here and he came over and shared some of his story after saying he was one “of those World War Two guys”.

I loved learning that he had gone to Washington D.C. when he was eighteen and worked as a messenger for the FBI before being transferred to the fingerprint analysis department.  After watching airplanes fly overhead for several months, he decided “he had to have some of that”!

He flew B-17’s from Great Britain to Berlin and other places all over Europe.  He has a signed document by J. Edgar Hoover acknowledging his work for the FBI.

His wife of 67 years died in 2012.  He was married five years before I was born.  He says, if you live a good life, you can expect good in your life.

He was parked a little close to my car and he backed up to let me out.

I don’t know his name, but he is part of my community.

Now, he is part of your community, too.

I am so grateful to meet interesting people who have simply lived their lives.  They have done all the little things that you and I do, and this man showed how he contributed to our world in many ways.

I am making my way through this same world, and I hope I can speak of it with as much peace and quiet conviction as this ninety-four year old man did.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Treasure Your Preferences

After following through with someone else’s plan for my life, I have finally discovered the amazing benefits of doing what I love to do.

First of all, it was a challenge of self-doubt even to explore the idea of what I love to do.

I kept listening to the direction that came to me, though, and now have put together a combination of all my favorite things.

It feels completely different to be happy all the time about what I do.

I love every part of it.

I get to play with wonderful materials.

I get to meet with the people who enjoy the same kinds of activities I like to do.

I get to be a natural introvert and only share when I feel like it.

I get to play with designs and go to visit the print shop and see them work their magic on my originals.

It is fun to share the different steps with the people who are helping me bring about my products.

Trusting my preferences is leading to a delightful life and one that I can continue to build on with happiness and satisfaction.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

New Wonderfulness

After watching the film “Prosperity” by Dr. Pedram Shojai , it made me feel so good to see all the solutions in action.  

Many businesses are operating under uplifting guiding principles which define their contributions to society, and they are making a good profit.

It made me feel good despite the desperation and rage and despair that the media is feeding us.

So now I know that what I do which is uplifting and gentle and good, is also powerful.

The new and wonderful ideas which come to me are worth completing, are worth bringing into production.

All the good qualities which I began researching as part of my spiritual study all my life are having an effect in my life.

They are touching all the children I taught, and they are touching all the people with whom I come into contact on a daily basis.

This is the quality of the thought I am sending out.

We can all see the results of the quality of thought which is promoted.

If we go along with it, we become part of the tide.

It can be a tide of despair or a tide of happiness.

When we value our own thought qualities and how they enable us to uplift our part of society, they give us a different kind of life.

We can continue to create new wonderful things which are good for people.

We always have the choice of joining in, whether to despair or to uplift.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, October 6, 2017

For Some, For All

I know that the love and consideration we have for some can be expanded into love and consideration for all.

It we base our actions on the motives and principles that everyone can be taken care of through good public policy, we can find imaginative new ways for considering solutions.

We all have love and consideration in our hearts for some people, those we know.

If we move beyond the analysis of tax dollars and privilege, we can find ways of reaching everyone in practical ways which will allow them to lift themselves up.

When we employ our resources toward public policy which allows everyone to take care of themselves, they will.

That is the natural urge of people.

Repeated discouragement through limiting the resources of public policy to be allocated in divisive ways, leads to despair instead of hope and inspiration.

There is enough for everyone when we think of everyone as important.

There is good solid groundwork already laid which tells us how to inspire through education.

There are interesting and challenging jobs available through respect for everyone’s intelligence and the desire for cooperation.

There are resources for people to move beyond the struggle for basic survival into the satisfaction of skilled and challenging and interesting work.

Our respect for all can move us beyond privilege for some.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Keep Your Imagination Going

Even if you cannot implement your ideas right away, it is extremely important to keep brainstorming.

As you keep yourself alert, you keep expanding your ideas.

Eventually, something will call out to you so strongly that you will do it.

The fact that your mind is so flexible and used to looking for resources, will aid you immensely.

Your old ideas may have been what kept your mind alive until you could actually implement them.

If those are not the ideas you implement, it is because you have outgrown them, or they have served their purpose in keeping your mind alive.

Now, you can hone in on what you are truly drawn to.

You can let your imagination become your reality.

Once again, you can let your mind expand and imagine different places and ways to implement your idea.

You will follow up on resources or keep listening until the ideas come to you where to find them.

New combinations of ideas may result from all the resources and skills you have been developing while you were getting ready for a new phase in your life.

You will be ready to imagine them coming together and your habit of mind expansion will continue taking you outward until they all connect.

The habit of imagining is an expectation which brings realization and manifestation into your life.

Be opulent and generous in what you imagine.

Let all with whom you come in contact be blessed and uplifted by your service.

Keep imagining far and wide and make room for your most delightful dreams and blessings.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage