Monday, November 27, 2017

Uplifting Ideas

I am listening for ideas to uplift myself.

Everyone I know is listening for ideas to uplift themselves.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet is listening for ideas to uplift themselves.


As I listen deeply for the ideas to uplift myself, I feel peace within.

The peace within is so calming that it takes me away from the friction and turmoil of what is going on around me.

I feel relaxed and I sense there is something wonderful for me to do.

As I continue listening and feeling relaxed, I get the shape of an idea.

The idea is so very simple and it pleases me.

I feel that I want to take the first step to bring it about.

As I take the first step, the next step comes to mind.

At some point, the idea is complete and manifested.

This is such a calm way of implementing good ideas.

It is the way I want to continue.

I can always listen for ideas to uplift myself.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Peace and True Wealth

The wealth which comes through serving others through peace has no limit.

It is always possible to uplift even more.

As your thought becomes habituated to listening deeply for uplifting ideas, it gains immense power.

It eliminates conflict where the ideas are applied.

It draws on unlimited resources and they appear.

It blesses everyone associated with the project.

It leaves no waste and it causes no neglect.

It includes everyone who can possibly benefit from the idea.

It is easy to get on board with ideas like this.

Everyone wants to be associated with them.

This is what happens when you cultivate deep peace within and listen for the practical ideas and how to share them.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

How Wealth Increases

Once you learn how to tap into your deep peace and find the ideas there which bring you prosperity through service, you are prepared to increase your service.

As you continue listening deeply, and have built the foundation for your business through taking each next step, you find the peace of expansion.

You have carved out a space in your mind for more and more ideas which you have followed up on.

Your mental space and your ability to serve increase proportionally.

You habit of waiting until you find  deep peace allows you to feel the presence of ever more expansive ideas and know how to act on them.

Your habit of receiving a gift beyond yourself and acting on it to serve others, makes it natural to feel the presence of more expansive ideas for service.

From the beginning, you learned to feel your wealth in terms of lifting up society.

There is never any limit to how you can continue to serve.

Therefore, there is never any limit in how your wealth manifests itself.

Be true to your deep peace and you will feel your wealth increase, and you will see evidence of your uplifting service all around you.

Your wealth community will expand to include everyone you see.

You will be filled with ideas of how to address stubborn issues in your community so that more and more people are lifted up through your work.

Your example will inspire others to learn to tap into their deep peace.

This is the true wealth which you will bring to your community.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Your Diamond Mind

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Reality Switchback

I listen for good ideas to decide how to spend my day.

I listen for the ideas which will uplift me and which I can share.

I do my drawing meditation, reflecting on the affirmation as I draw it.

I think about what I will sew, or weave, or knit and which group I am looking forward to being with.

I write my inspirational blog posts.

My day begins in a relaxed and orderly fashion, no rush, no pressure, no tension.

Then, I read the news.

The more I read, the more upset I become, until I catch myself and stop.

I cannot contribute anything toward peace and calm when I am upset.

I have to think in a broader view about how the pieces of politics, economics, education, business are fitting together in a historical context.

I cannot see the finish from where I am now.

But there are many people who are engaged in sorting out the issues in conscious, uplifting ways, so I can join them.

As I switch back and forth between realities, I listen for what joins us all.

We can all go up higher from where we currently find ourselves.

Some take tiny steps, some take big steps.

What is big for me may be tiny for you and vice versa.

We are not standing still, not one of us.

We are being pressed to look at all sorts of things.

More of us are being goaded to work for more good than we have in the past.

The contrast between realities is extreme, which makes it good for deep consideration.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, November 24, 2017

Threads of Peace

I feel as though I am hanging onto threads of peace as I make my way through the political and economic landscape we are currently facing.

On top of that, we are dealing with the season of even more overt consumption as our nation gets ready for the holidays.

The greed among those who have congressional members doing their bidding is straining democracy and will break it if it continues.

The strain among families is acute.

So, where are my threads of peace coming from?

My mind gets infused with peace when I do the things I love to do.

Enjoying the company of sincere and uplifting people gives me respite.

Healthy, safe organic food that I am learning to cook and grow gives me comfort.

Spending as much time as possible creating beautiful things gives me a great deal of expression.

I know that this is the kind of life we are meant to lead.

If I can come to that conclusion and do what it takes to create that kind of life for myself, there is that ability in each one of us.

As we seek to create a loving and uplifting environment for ourselves, perhaps it will overflow onto our Members of Congress.

Perhaps they will discover a new kind of career in passing legislation which helps everyone uplift themselves.

These are some of the threads of peace which come to me every day.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Stay in Your Zone

Do not let the holidays take you out of your zone.

You have created the best situation for yourself during the rest of the year.

Continue to stay in your optimum zone.

Recognize your origins but do not be overly loyal to them.

Part of what they gave you was what you needed to overcome in order to create harmony and order and prosperity for yourself.

Wherever you are supported you are safe.

Wherever you are attacked, you are not safe.

Stay where you are safe, in your zone.

Whatever contact you need to make with family, make sure you keep yourself safe.

If you have overwhelming negative memories, you do not need to spend much time at all with the people who created them.

You live with yourself first, so create the environment where you feel loved, cherished and adored, and don’t leave it if at all possible.

Always return as quickly as possible.

You need your mind and heart and soul to be happy to do your best work.

You are here to uplift and to be uplifted.

You do not have to waste your time recovering if you do not let down your guard over a false loyalty to family.

Stay loyal to your best sense of yourself.

Respect the effort it took to get yourself to this uplifted and safe state of mind.

Never leave it.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

The Right Connections

It is important in business and in family to make the right connections.

Who is receptive to your ideas?

Whose ideas are you accepting?

Just because someone is “family” does not mean they are a good connection for you.

The right connections are the ones which uplift you.

Since your purpose is to uplift, through your business and personal relationships, it is only right that you associate with those of like mind.

Your family connections should also be uplifting.

At the time of year when family celebrations are going on, it may be a challenge to feel uplifted in the presence of certain people.

Just note that fact and do not spend any more time in their presence than absolutely necessary.

You have been cultivating higher thinking in your daily outreach for your business.

You have been cultivating a sense of order and harmony in your personal life.

If this criteria is not met during your family gatherings, you have no reason to stay there.

Your blood relations are those you started out with.

Your true family are those who have chosen the same life direction that you have chosen.

Acknowledge the strengths that your origins have either given you, or required you to overcome, in order to progress in the direction of your choosing.

Do not get distracted by the choices others have made.

Spend time and thought on your own direction.

Then, as soon as you can, keep moving in the direction of your choice.

You and your true family of like-minded folks will continue to interact, and you will not be dragged down involved in any friction for long.

You can choose the connections which are right for you, and you can create a family of choice just as you create the business you choose.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Your Diamond Mind

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Courage Within and Without

Today, I took my courage in both hands and and addressed a weird situation that has been going on for some time.

As I have separated out the first and secondary issues in my life, a recurring one stood in stark contrast.

I was finally led to address it as a case of being hypnotized to react in a certain way.

I looked up ways to “de-hypnotize” myself and found that it has to do with practicing continuing mindfulness and awareness.

I addressed the first symptom and declared my right to behave in a normal way.

That worked for the first part of my activity.

Then I looked at my next symptom, and addressed it.

I spent the entire night each time I awoke making sure that I addressed the specific symptom and behavior.

The next day, I asked my husband to be with me while I performed the activity.

I got farther along with it, and then found myself reacting further.

So I took a break and addressed the third aspect of my reaction.

I was able to complete the activity.

I find this a very interesting case for myself.

I have been thinking about the other things I find myself reacting to, although in less extreme ways.

What are the ways in which we are hypnotized by society’s norms to think we can or cannot do certain things?

What are the ways in which we work against ourselves over political and economic issues?

The immense power of the media to do good or to create negative influence in our lives is a kind of hypnotism.

It is good to remain mindful and aware of this  power and to be careful we are thinking our own thoughts to the best benefit of ourselves and our communities.

I am so grateful for the teachers and counselors and workshop leaders and writers who keep sharing their knowledge to benefit all of us.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Point of View

I am appreciating my new point of view since I have been basing my life around what I love to do.

I am a member of several groups of like-minded people who appreciate one another’s work.

We support and celebrate what each of us is doing and making every time we get together.

There is no pressure from anyone.

We share skills and help one another improve.

As I reflect on this, I realize that guild memberships embrace all these characteristics.

I am always uplifted after a meeting or an informal get-together.

Creative minds are always inspiring.

It is always worth going to a meeting or get-together to have this uplifting experience.

This is the best kind association I can have with people.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, November 21, 2017


When you are moved, you take the one step which will lead to all the others.

All it takes is that first step.

The same energy which inspired you will carry you to the next step.

As you gain more interest in your project, you will attract the resources to take the next step and the next.

Listening for guidance will amplify what you do, rather than send you down a path established by someone else.

Your original path will attract clients and customers who are uniquely drawn to what you offer.

Your one-step is the key to expressing your vision as a service or a product.

Your one-step is the key to expanding your service in a unique direction.

Go inward and listen.

You have more to offer than you know.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage
Engage Your Mind

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Emotional Set Point

I am learning how to set my own emotional level.

It has taken a really, really long time to figure out which feelings are mine instead of feeling all the ones which were imposed on me.

My feelings are just fine, thank you.

They have just been buried so deep, it has taken years for them to surface.

Now that I have found them, I am learning how to maintain them at the forefront my thought instead of falling into the old habitual negative impositions.

What a discovery!

And yes, it takes a lot of work to be sure I am focusing on the ones I want.

My first discovery was through listening deeply to what I really wanted to do.

What is it that I truly love?

I found out what it was and then, despite all the negative impossibilities, I put myself where I could do it.

Since then, I have been learning how to do all kinds of things I have always wanted to do.

It just keeps adding to my new foundation of happiness.

The best discovery of all is that I have the ability to move in the direction of happiness for myself.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage