Monday, January 29, 2018

Shared Power

Watching the politics of domination reminds me of the values many of us have grown up with democracy.

If you want to head up a dictatorship, please do so, but not in the United State.

You may head up your dictatorship through your corporate interests.

If you wish to be a king and hold court, please do so, but not in the United States.

You may hold court within your social groups.

The ideal of democracy values everyone who lives within the jurisdiction.

It teaches attentive and active citizenship, a partnership between government and people who consent to be governed.

It looks for innovation in meeting challenges and finding solutions.

It educates its citizens.

The ideas of equality, brotherhood, liberty are the ideals of democracy.

To be power hungry conflicts with democracy.

Democracy shares power.

Those who violate the spirit and tools of sharing power and who desire to interfere with the liberty, equality and brotherhood of citizens need to be restrained.

Their violations are serious, dangerous and, in many ways, treasonous, to the spirit and practice of democracy.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, January 10, 2018


How do you take responsibility for your true nature?

It is within you.

Your purpose is to discover and express it.

Learn to let go of the outside world.

Learn to listen within.

Your guidance, direction, and resources one from within and are expressed outwardly.

You construct a different kind of world when you work from within.

The outward is the result.

Trying to manipulate the outward world results in chaos and imbalance.

It is like trying to build on shifting sand.

The permanence and stability of the inward world, your true nature, establishes you on a sound footing in the outward world.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Greatest Resource

My greatest resource of wealth is my peace of mind.

As long as I continue in the direction of my guidance and inspiration, I am developing my wealth.

When I get derailed by emotional reaction, I give up my own control over my life for that time.

I am learning to trust my own direction.

I am learning that the only important thing for me is to safeguard my happiness.

I am learning that other’s reactions to me is their choice as is my reaction to them.

I can only correct my own course.

I have learned the necessity of doing that.

After living for so long reacting to other’s points of view, even carried out to a level of trauma in my own life, I have learned I can live another way.

I am so grateful to the authors, workshop leaders, and counselors who have helped me gain a new productive vocabulary for my life.

It is a life which gives me strength and assurance and the choice to live it that way.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Wealth That Comes From Peace

With peace of mind, we are free to think about a much wider range of possibilities.

When our personal interactions are assured, we can branch out into more expansive communications.

With an attitude which values everyone, we can utilize ideas from everyone.

This always assures that more needs are met with more imagination.

This safeguards intelligent use of common resources.

As we make the adjustments to our society from the desire that all may live well, we will settle the issues which cause so much disturbance.

We will find the answers and enact the solutions until we are assured that all who have needs are able to meet them.

As a community, we will be aware of the well-being of all our members.

We will move into the belief that all is not well until all are given the means to uplift themselves.

We will not see anyone deprived of resources which are available to some.

We will make sure that all feel valued and welcomed and that they are given useful and uplifting work to do to contribute to the sense of wealth and well-being in the community.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, January 1, 2018

Body Optimization

My body has an optimum balance, physically and emotionally.

My work is to keep it within tolerable ranges, aiming for optimum.

Staying calm or returning to calm is my first priority.

I am countering all the media harassment about certain body ages and types by reminding myself that “I love my body”.

I love how my body takes me anywhere I want to go.

I love how my hands can perform intricate movements.

I love how the big muscles and small muscles all coordinate together.

I love how I can digest food, and I make sure I give my body the best food that I can.

I love how my body lets me meet other people and have great conversations with them.

I am looking at my body in a completely different way which lets me celebrate it.

I look at other people in terms of their character and special qualities, since I know that their bodies perform the same role for them as mine does for me.

I remove myself from judgement and move into celebration.

That is the way I am performing body optimization.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Good vs. Greed

Good always overcomes greed.

There are infinite resources and methods for good.

Greed is always empty and can only be jealous and try to take over what is good.

Then, more good flows from its Infinite Source.

We are all discovering our “good” and how to take action from it.

Our powerful desire for good for all of us is overcoming the narrow misguided senses of greed in new ways.

There will be many excellent unforeseen corrections along the way as adjustments are made to promote the well-being of all of us.

We are discovering our power in community.

We are building interdependence through unified action.

We are creating a new way of relating to each other.

We are discovering the strength of a generous spirit.

We are moving into a new phase of development as we prioritize the many over the few.

We are rising up in consciousness to learn how to manifest consideration and cooperation.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage