Saturday, June 30, 2018

Democratic Principles

We have been taught democratic principles ever since we were little children.

It is what we believe.

We have learned about the balancing of there three branches of government, the Executive, the  Legislative, and the Supreme Court.

We have breathed those principles when holding meetings through following Robert’s Rules of Order.

We understand the intent of balance to facilitate fairness to this nation’s people.

We understand that government exists at the consent of the governed.

The fact that the government is out of balance and that it was accomplished with that intent is a betrayal of the purpose of democracy.

It is that balance which we seek to restore and safeguard once again.

Democratic principles mean something to us.

We are experiencing an awakening which is mustering a huge grassroots effort.

We intend to restore balance to our government though democratic principles and action.

That is the way our democratic principles are designed.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Maintaining My Balance

I take my first deep breath to help me establish my balance.

Everyone I know takes their first deep breath to help establish their balance.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, takes their first deep breath to help establish their balance.


My balance starts with acknowledging what I love, and seeing it all around me.

I have wonderful companionship, productive activities, beautiful surroundings.

Any disturbance to that causes me to clearly reestablish my balance.

I have learned how to consciously cultivate such a life and I know I must consciously maintain it.

We have been taught the principles of democracy since we were little children.

Now that their practice is under attack, we are becoming more conscious of their great value.

We take our first deep breath to expand awareness and appreciation of these principles.

Then, as we love what they stand for, we let that love and awareness and appreciation fill us completely.

The steps needed to protect and guard ourselves against the disruption come to us naturally.

We find ourselves in harmony with groups who have been organizing protests and electing candidates.

We see the results in many successes and look forward to many more.

We see how the approach of democratic principles being lived through grassroots campaigns is eroding old strongholds.

We see the great contrast between old entrenched ignorance and bold new enlightened action.

There is a lot to be done, and it starts with the first deep breath of awareness and a desire to establish the balances which create good for everyone.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, June 29, 2018

Balance of Good

I will release my positive view in the face of all the disturbances going on around us.

My positive view has a place, despite the chaos.

My positive view is based on the fact that my choices have brought me to where I am now.

I can continue to make good choices in every circumstance.

I can choose to fill my thought with uplifting and inspiring thoughts.

I can expect good solutions to be found by caring people.

I can expect the imbalances to be addressed and balance restored through appropriate and committed action, of which I am a part.

I trust that order will be found despite chaos, and that our united action is the way that order will be found.

There are principles that bind us, practices which uphold us, and generosity of spirit despite all.

I will put my efforts into understanding and patience and universal good.

Policy which supports the efforts of all to provide for themselves provides stability and a sense of balance.

This is well known by those forces which are enacting destabilization.

Our awareness and unified action to create a better policy through elections will place our balance on a better foundation.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Live With Great Conviction

You can see what works and what does not.

You can see the trends which have brought us to where we are now.

You can see your place in it.

Find out what is working for you.

If nothing is working for you, begin to create it.

Live with the conviction of what it is that lets you expand your sense of life as good.

Feel the deep peace within you and let it be your guide to what is right and most effective.

Live to release the powerful good within you.

Your ideas are valid and are taking shape.

Your individuality flows forth and shapes the world around you.

You have undeniable grace.

Your life is the power of forgiveness and the desire to rise from the very beginning.

Leave the debris of confusion at your feet.

There is right motivation and right action to support you in your every step.

Yours is a precious heart and from it flows immense power.

You are creating a new way to live in the world, one which includes respect for every one.

Your life is both individual and inclusive.

Your power permeates the whole world.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Awaking to Peace

I awake to a peaceful morning.

Around me are sounds and sights of Nature.

I feel the peace and balance of the day.

I know that I can bring myself back to this feeling of peace whenever I need to.

I have a way of observing, but not engaging, in the disturbances around me.

I can take action without succumbing to despair.

Peace is energizing me and permeating all that is disruptive.

Peace always wins.

Peace is what underlies the upheavals and cycles of the earth, so that all are provided for.

Peace, itself, is the substance of action which is taken to comfort and uplift.

In the midst of each of us, there is a center of peace.

It provides an infinite flow of comfort and trust.

We are led to follow it and to establish our own peace wherever we go.

Peace establishes itself in our minds and hearts and expresses Itself as us.

The peace that none can take away is a permanent part of us.

When we live from the peace that is within us, we participate in a different kind of community.

We are part of the power of peace which spreads Itself everywhere and makes Itself known to willing hearts.

I wake to peace each moment that I feel Its Presence within me.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Be Fearless

Be fearless in the light of your ideals.

Your faithfulness and integrity guide you.

Does something fit well with your ideals?

Then be fearless in pursuing it.

Does it violate your sense of integrity?

Then break off your involvement.

Be faithful and fearless and let your high ideals translate into manifestation.

Observe the distractions around you, but do not fall for them.

Regain your focus on your true nature and work.

What you have to contribute comes from your heart.

Be faithful to what you love and to the uplifting feeling it gives you.

Be sure that you are contributing to the higher nature of expression.

Be fearless in comforting and in lifting up.

Be fearless in your view of the universal goodness of mankind.

Support those who offer an inclusive and generous view of humanity and who put these ideals into practice.

Associate fearlessly with those who are also uplifting mankind in the most appropriate ways.

You will increase what you affirm.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Live With Purpose

The reason you are here is to discover your purpose and then to live that purpose.

We are surrounded with a certain concept of life.

Many aspects of that concept have never worked for me.

They have not worked so much, that I have had to figure out something that does work for me.

I have found a purpose which makes sense to me.

Everything I do is aligned with my core belief and purpose.

That has given me a particular direction which expands the more I practice it.

I trust my core belief.

I feel I must act on it despite the current national atmosphere.

I value people.

I see each one as precious.

I feel that we all have a vital contribution to make to society and civilization in an uplifting way which creates more unity and cooperation.

I value the unique viewpoint each of us has.

I value the experiences which have contributed to that unique viewpoint.

I also value the experiences which cause aspects of that viewpoint to break down to become more inclusive and appreciative of one another.

There is no limit to the good we can all accomplish with cooperation and appreciation of one another.

That is my purpose, to move in that uplifting direction.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, June 25, 2018

Live for the Greater Good

I am listening for ways to live for the greater good.

Everyone I know is listening for ways to live for the greater good.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is listening for ways to live for the greater good.


What are the little things which I can do which will benefit myself and others?

As I build on these, what will I discover that increases my ability to do good?

How will it encourage others?

How will it give support to those who are in despair?

How will it give confidence to those who are being beaten down by the current system?

I can be polite and courteous.

I can write to my elected officials.

I can volunteer.

I can donate.

Most of all, I can remember that these are temporal, temporary states.

The state I am drawing on is the one within, the state of mind which wishes to see everyone live well.

Solutions are found when we listen for unlimited good.

We have to have the concept first.

When we create conditions which allow ourselves and others to have time to think and imagine instead of the exhaustive stance of fear and worry, many new ideas which utilize resources efficiently come to light.

Some individuals have been able to beat the despair around them and have come up with uplifting solutions.

What could happen if that were today’s goal and standard?

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Stand Your Course

When you discover the high ideals which motivate you, stand your course.

Your gifts are important to share with society and civilization.

Generosity and unselfishness will lead you to solutions which elevate and bless all who come in contact with you.

Do not be waylaid by lesser feelings or opinions.

Your goals are directed by your higher consciousness.

Your message of freedom and individuality is important.

Do not despair as others are led down less ideal paths.

It is important for each one to discover their own high ideals in the ways most appropriate to their circumstances.

Keep to your own high path though and do not get distracted.

Your high course will be firmly in place as the environment around you changes in a more positive direction.

Keep building on your foundation to fulfill your ideals and to see them manifested.

Your mission will be seen and felt.

You will draw others to it and they will be benefitted.

Keep on with your building and do not stop.

There is no limit to the good you may do as you stand your course and fulfill your ideals.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Good Is Everywhere

Even where we are seeing the effects of evil, good is going on.

There is a consciousness of the goodness and innocence of people, which is so powerful it is challenging the attempts to distort and misrepresent it.

There is an absolute conviction to do the right thing by people, children and their families.

There is a power in unification of action we have not seen.

There is a commitment to stay the course until compassionate solutions are enacted.

This is huge.

We are enacting the unselfishness and generosity of which we are capable.

We are stating that compassion is more important than legalities, which change back and forth over time.

We are saying that it is more important to help and serve “our neighbor” than to guard our precious resources only for ourselves.

We are saying that we value everyone, even the “stranger within our gates”.

We are living the deep spiritual teachings from so many cultures which we have only read about  and heard preached.

This is a momentous time of waking up and living and being the richly compassionate beings which we are.

We are here to serve and uplift one another and we are doing it.

We shall see this to its conclusion.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage