I felt pressured to get a too long list of stuff done.
After running from one thing to another, I finally sat down and listened deeply for my priority.
I found myself writing up two proposals for classes.
I felt so fulfilled, as this has been on my list for several weeks.
I didn’t notice the time passing, so I was surprised to see it was a couple of hours later.
With this important priority taken care of, it made room for the long list of other items to get done.
It gave me the freedom to do the little things once I did the important ones first.
I felt completely directed to take care of my proposals, and they were written up almost effortlessly.
My preparation for this time consisted of meditation and writing.
Later, I was able to start my long list and even take care of several tiny items.
Many relevant details were added into the day and there was even time for a visit with long-time friends.
Productivity comes in different ways.
My choice is to listen deeply and then act in much greater freedom and effectiveness.
© 2018 Kathryn Hardage