Thursday, November 29, 2018

The Freedom of Good Choices

I felt pressured to get a too long list of stuff done.

After running from one thing to another, I finally sat down and listened deeply for my priority.

I found myself writing up two proposals for classes.

I felt so fulfilled, as this has been on my list for several weeks.

I didn’t notice the time passing, so I was surprised to see it was a couple of hours later.

With this important priority taken care of, it made room for the long list of other items to get done.

It gave me the freedom to do the little things once I did the important ones first.

I felt completely directed to take care of my proposals, and they were written up almost effortlessly.

My preparation for this time consisted of meditation and writing.

Later, I was able to start my long list and even take care of several tiny items.

Many relevant details were added into the day and there was even time for a visit with long-time friends.

Productivity comes in different ways.

My choice is to listen deeply and then act in much greater freedom and effectiveness.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

The Context of Community

The context of community supports me.

The context of community supports everyone I know.

The context of community supports everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet.

There is a perfect fit between each one of us and our true community.

We may try out many different situations until we find the right one.

Each setting up to that point is contributing something we need to know.

We may build certain skills in different communities until they all come together to create a meaningful whole.

When we have found what we love and what means something to us, we are able to fulfill a satisfying role.

Then we will find the community which is a good fit for each one of us.

We will have the skills and attitude which make us welcome.

Our character will make sense to those around us.

Our purpose will be able to be fulfilled.

We will be seen in a positive light.

What we do will make a meaningful and positive contribution to the community.

Friendships will result.

We will find ourselves supported in ways which are important to us.

That community exists for each one of us.

We have talents and skills and the ability to be a positive community member in the right place.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Confirmation by Community

Moving an idea into a different community changes the context completely.

When you are inspired to pursue a particular project or to create a particular product, it is important to realize that it has a particular audience.

The people who can most appreciate what you are doing are drawing you to make it or do it.

You are the go-between for the idea and its community.

You may try out your idea and discover that it is not received well or even noticed at all.

 However, you love the idea and trust the inspiration and guidance that helped you make it.

 The next step is to be open to where it will be best received and accepted and appreciated.

My situation was that I was running out of time.

I had lots of product, but couldn’t take it with me on a new travel adventure.

So I brought it to an unlikely setting along with the appropriate materials I needed to “destash”.

It turned out to be very well-received there, and much appreciated.

That alerted me to several elements I had been ignoring and not even allowing myself to consider.

I received confirmation by an unexpected community.

I now know to be alert to ideas which sometimes feel as though they do to fit into my overall plan.

They are part of the plan in a way I did not see.

The project and the community go together.

The product is appreciated and received very well by the community for which it is actually intended.

You and your idea will find a complete fit when you allow it to lead you to its community.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Idea Confirmation

Sometimes confirmation of an idea comes from an unexpected direction.

I came up with an idea for enjoying working with particular materials without having to create such large projects.

When it was invested with certain expectations, it did not reach the audience I anticipated.

In a completely different setting with different expectations, it had enthusiastic reception.

It confirmed my idea beautifully.

All the time I had spent following through on my joyous interplay with materials to develop the idea was completely confirmed.

As I released that Idea into a new setting, it had room to be seen in a new context.

It has also created room to expand into a new application.

I trusted the joy, since deciding to do what I love.

Now, I have received confirmation from others who love what I do.

For a creative, that means a lot!

I can build on my experience and release more fun projects, while being sensitive and aware of their settings.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Release and Move On

Opportunities for growth and progress appear at every point.

There is a technique for taking advantage of them.

It is to release what is no longer necessary in order to make room for new vistas.

Detaching is a wonderful life-practice.

When we get good at it, we never accumulate.

We are able to appreciate what we own, and to appreciate its contribution for that time.

Our value is in what and how we think.

That is what brings us into our heritage.

We embrace a new higher identity as we redirect our thoughts.

We are able to serve in a higher capacity as we envision it and take action.

We move beyond the reason for our start in a new direction as we let its motion uplift us.

The void we fear through leaving fills with good as we stay in motion.

The practice of release is a kind of sacrifice.

We sacrifice what we no longer need in order to move upward.

We are able to give higher service when we see what was behind our possessions, but are no longer possessed by them.

Our desire to give opens up new ways to receive.

We can share more widely as we share more readily.

We keep what we need in our heart and that supplies our other needs.

We become free to express our higher nature more and more easily.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

A Defined Space

I am in an infinite, defined space.

There is room for me and my ideas.

I am always at one with them in perfect expression.

They supply my needs in every case.

I am empowered by their presence.

I am surrounded in the comfort of knowing they are present.

I fully anticipate the wonderful ways they are expressed as I receive them.

I have a fulness which overflows as I listen within and take action.

I know I am where I need to be to take part in their expression.

The order which comes to me as I move forward is sufficient.

What needs to be released is released.

There is room for what needs to be included.

It is possible not to be overwhelmed as the changes transition into something new.

Back off from the stuff!

Let life progress.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, November 16, 2018

Today I Listen for Freedom

Today, I listen for the ideas which bring me freedom.

Today, everyone I know listens for the ideas which bring them freedom.

Today, everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, listens for the ideas which bring them freedom

Freedom is a constant for those who learn to listen within.

In the calm, within, it is always possible to hear the next step or be told to wait.

Trusting intuition is freedom.

It is a source that is always ready.

Sometimes I receive ideas for a project.

Sometimes I receive ideas which comfort.

Sometimes I receive ideas which simply reroute me through traffic.

All kinds of positive ideas are freeing.

Living in freedom is very practical.

It is freedom to release ideas which are no longer useful.

It is freedom to be able to trust the next step.

It is freedom to enjoy where you are.

It is freedom etc look forward to a new adventure.

The ideas which show up at the right time are the ones which create freedom.

Big ideas which occur to lots of people have the freedom and power of group acceptance.

Little ideas which enable one person to connect at the right time may create a cascade of freedom.

You may be part of a big idea or a little idea.

They are all bringing freedom.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Hearing and Acting

The young people are hearing and acting on the ideas which are most important for their generation.

No longer will they let the selfish corporate interests take away their freedom to grow up in safety and to live well.

They are unifying and empowering themselves through social media.

They are connecting directly with the power of voting.

They are acting with intelligent dispatch.

They are sensitive to the needs of others and are working with each other to create better government.

Their mentoring is coming from within their own communities.

They know what to do and they are doing it.

It is a remarkable thing to observe the awareness with which they are imbued and the compassion which they are expanding all around them.

Youth and idealism and practical action are a formidable strength.

We are seeing the ideals which empower youth and the egregious suffering which they have seen so young combine into effective action.

They are sharing their trust with each other, and reshaping the institutions which have failed them.

They are working within the law to break up the sickness which selfishness and greed have turned loose upon even the young.

The desire to express the ideals with which they have been educated is turning into powerful and effective action.

This whole movement has begun from grief and trauma and is being enacted with dispatch to relieve suffering.

I stand in awe.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

A Sense of Direction

Today, I am feeling a sense of direction becoming more present and active in my life.

As I have followed through on my ideas over the years, I have built up the ability to receive and act on ideas which I love.

These important ideas have blessed me in so many ways.

Gradually, I am feeling a sense of transformation taking place deep within.

As I have valued my ideas, so others are coming to value them, too.

It is a different kind of identity.

I have always valued the idea of individuality and have been empowered to receive and execute original ideas.

Now, my ideas are starting to connect with other people in a wider range.

I am so grateful for this new sense of direction, since it has grown out of the practice of acting on ideas which I love.

As I continue to listen and receive ideas, they are manifesting in new ways.

I am discovering new expressions of support in continuing companionship and in positive response to prototypes.

I am finding connection and support wherever I go.

I am able to expand my platform.

I am so grateful for this evidence of progress and outreach.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage


As I continue to add little pebbles to my container of water, it begins to overflow.

Each pebble of peace adds calm to the atmosphere around me.

My calm becomes noticeable and others respond to it.

Ways of expanding my expression of peace open up in tangible ways.

My peace has become so important to me that it is the first thing I establish within me every day.

I make sure that I settle little irritations before they expand and explode.

I know that anchoring myself to peace is the most valuable way I can contribute to my day.

In calm, I am able to listen and receive appropriate ideas which create solutions.

In calm, I am able to maintain my poise and to be where I need to be without rushing.

In calm, I am able to be reassuring to others in a convincing and far-reaching way.

In calm, I am able to experience happiness and contentment right where I am.

My ideas, poise, reassurance and happiness overflow into the atmosphere as I am persistent.

The effect around me is consistent and tangible.

I consciously carry my calm with me and it brings me the resources I need.

I see the evidence of this wherever I go.

Depending on the situation, I am either welcomed or repelled.

This makes it easy to know where I belong.

It makes it clearly apparent where I am going.

The overflow of my pebbles of peace creates an expanding platform all around me from which I can continue to share.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage