Sunday, December 30, 2018

Breathing In Your Creativity

Your creativity is in every breath you take.

You are a living example of creativity.

As you breathe in ideas, you feel their power.

As you listen deeply, quietly, gently, beneath the idea is a tiny call to action.

As you continually return to the idea, the call to action grows stronger.

It begins to bring unexpected resources to mind.

You are able to follow up on the resources, step-by-step and to create what you love.

All around you, in the atmosphere surrounding everyone, are sources of ideas.

Everyone responds to different ideas and enjoys different aspects.

Woven together, we create a culture of creativity.

We are drawn to certain ideas because of our own individuality.

We are inspired to create with various materials.

Certain designs appeal to us.

Once seen, others respond as well.

This stimulates even more creativity as the ideas in our manifestations are perceived.

The inner life comes to light through creativity.

It is necessary to be in a calm, quiet, receptive state to imagine something new.

Engineers as well as artists, inventors of all kinds, experience this inner light.

Living from the inside out brings new things to light.

Let your own light emerge.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, December 29, 2018

How Can I Serve?

The question, “How can I serve?” is transformative.

It directs thought away from our problems and allows an influx of practical inspiration.

When we offer service, we are uplifting our own lives.

The problems we have in attracting business are addressed in this question.

We have to have the courage to ask “How can I serve?”

Our own directives for our lives are usually limited to what we see around us plus our own imaginations.

There is something more specific and more focused and more expansive to our situation when we are willing to listen for an answer to this question.

We are allowing the Universe to weigh in when we do this.

The Universe has much larger solutions in mind.

We connect ourselves with all the resources possible through the question of service.

It includes a larger answer, although that answer may appear in tiny steps.

It allows entrance to the answer of the question.

The first tiny step is in acknowledging that we need to know more about serving.

Combined with honesty about doing what we love to do, serving will attract exactly what we need in order to grow and to expand our business.

Our own lives improve as we enter into service through our business.

It is because we are all connected that this happens.

When we ask for greater good, we are included.

We cannot exclude everyone else and expect to progress.

Even if we are serving others as part of our business, we can still improve our outreach by asking “How can I serve?” as part of a broader philosophy.

There are always opportunities to include more people in expressing and receiving good.

Ask the question and let the Universe direct the answer.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

New Possibilities

I am moving into a new year with new possibilities.

Everyone I know is moving into a year with new possibilities.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is moving into a new year with new possibilities.

This past year, I have gained so many new skills and techniques, I have an entirely new view of my life and its possibilities.

In addition to exploring homesteading skills, which I enjoyed very much, I learned therapeutic skills for self-care.

I feel more self-sufficient in terms of earth stewardship and also able to control my reactions to triggering experiences.

All of this is enabling me to consolidate to use my skills for my true purpose.

I am able to change my direction and to utilize my skills in a new way with more outreach.

My concentration is more focused and I am determined not to be distracted so much, even in pleasant ways.

By keeping my goal of service foremost, I am able to do what I love and to share it in an uplifting and inspirational way.

The possibilities that are offered to me will enable many more people to be affected in positive ways.

I am delighted to have gained the skills and lessons in order to share my higher view of life.

The sense of direction and purpose is profound.

Everything I need in order to accomplish this is appearing, often in surprising ways.

Even though it looks like I am approaching my goals from a completely different direction, it is enabling greater unity within and greater outreach without.

I am assured and energized with the new possibilities through Guidance.

Being involved in new possibilities is so life-giving and affirming.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, December 28, 2018

I Can't Help It If You Don't Fly

I am learning to fly.

I am seeking out answers which will allow me to move ahead.

These are new muscles I am developing.

It requires completely new ways of thinking about myself.

I am unable to justify staying caught in my present circumstances.

As I look around me, I am directed to look within.

Those lies which were implanted so early and so deeply are waiting to be rooted out.

I now have the strength to seek out the resources which can help me gain the truth about myself and the skills to implement it.

It is work only I can do for myself.

No one can do it for me.

I have to find the space inside me to begin again and to create the life I desire.

When you see me fly, I hope it inspires you to fly.

It is work only you can do for yourself.

Your desire will take you to the resources which can address the lies which were implanted in you.

It is your decision to seek them out and to practice them.

When you do, you will fly, too.

I am sure you will inspire others.

It is always an individual decision to take on the work.

We have to be moved by something greater than ourselves.

We have to use all the effort available to break out of old habits.

It is taking every bit of strength and knowledge for me to find my way to my freedom.

It is a daily, hourly commitment.

What you do to develop your strength comes from your desire.

Only you can develop your own strength to fly.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Lie Consciousness, Truth Consciousness

When we cultivate honesty and integrity, we are uplifting the atmosphere within our own life and in the lives of others.

When we see the effects of lies, they are very short-term.

They may provide temporary gain for the liars, but the feelings and actions of betrayal on those around them is lowers everyone’s potential for trust and goodness.

Liars get eaten up from the inside.

They only find gain from others who think like liars.

When we betray our highest potential, we are disrespecting our Source.

When we listen to the deep intuition of our heart, we are able to draw on the resources of an Infinite Beneficent Universe.

The Universe wants only good for all its inhabitants.

Being infinite, IT can provide good through upright, honest and sound means which uplift everyone associated with IT.

Taking action based on truth instead of lies gives a firm foundation to us and our organizations.

We are being true to limitless ideals.

Truth expands to bless everyone.

It is the nature of truth to apply to everyone.

Supporting the truth is part of our innate identity.

We grow through embracing the truth.

We increase through being truthful in our day-to-day living.

We consciously want to be around those who are truthful.

Truth seeks out its own, and we are part of that community.

It is a distraction to turn away from truth for any reason.

We will have the peace of mind by staying true to our expression of honesty and integrity and live in the inspiring and uplifting atmosphere we are helping to create.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, December 20, 2018

One World

Doing my weekly errands in a mixed race, mixed ethnic neighborhood, I go from the Amigo Laundry, next door to the donut shop run by an Egyptian couple who has been in the US since 1974.  As I walk across the parking lot to get groceries at Aldi’s, an Arabic woman in a full chador precedes me.

I am comfortable in this rich mix and am glad I fit in. Although I was raised in the US, in Texas, I am occasionally identified as Latina or Egyptian in various settings.

When I taught pre-school music in a Montessori school in a gated community, several families hired me to teach private lessons in their homes.  I loved being welcomed into homes with cultural practices from Lebanon and Pakistan, and various parts of India and China, as well as the US.

I was invited to witness religious and holiday celebrations and felt privileged to do so.  I felt elevated by the value many other traditions place on learning the arts, since it is considered to be an important part of the child’s spiritual development.

The celebration of cultures in schools in many large cities allows me to get a glimpse of other tastes and traditions.  I hear the different rhythms of languages and  am encouraged when I ask how to pronounce people’s names and the names of foods.  It is always fun to practice “please” and “thank you” in other languages and I often get a supportive laugh for my efforts.

I asked a couple of my elementary school students to show me how they are learning to write in Arabic and in the dialects from different parts of India.  It feels so different as I try to make those shapes with my American-trained hands.

These are the ways I can expand my world view in every day living in the US.  They are tiny steps, but they allow a flow of communication across cultures.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Balance and Abundance

Let’s celebrate 
our innate goodness
and bring it out 
in everyone.


When we discover our innate goodness, it fills us and overflows.

It is a relief to discover we are not any of the things that others have identified as us.

Our being is something entirely different, entirely within.

When we discover it, it flows outwardly and is abundant.

Our goodness is not dependent on anything or anyone.

Our goodness is just who and what we are.

Our goodness is naturally expressive right where we are.

Our goodness is something which enables us to discern a need and to fulfill it.

We gain our balance by not having to make up for anything.

We have enough just as we are.

We are valued members of the society which we belong in.

We are able to find that society by being authentically ourselves.

Then everything comes into balance and we are able to give and to receive, releasing our abundance where it is most appreciated.

Our microcosm of goodness within, readily expresses it self without.

It inspires others to create the balance and abundance possible in their lives by releasing their innate goodness.

It multiplies the effect of our goodness by creating balance and abundance in the lives we touch.

Let us move ourselves into grace by freely releasing our goodness wherever and whenever possible.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Release, Do Not Resist

When there is resistance or you can go no further, simply stop.

Let the needed processing take place.

When you think of the situation, let tiny bubbles of memory and pain be released, not pushed down.

As those tiny bubbles continue releasing, in time you will be able to proceed.

No rush, no hurry.

Each increment of release creates room for your positive, joyful vision to manifest.

These tens of thousands of negative incidents are contained in tiny bubbles of memory and they can be released steadily and gently.

Whatever the event, all the little memory bubbles can be released and then they burst in the air.

Long, slow deep breaths allow you to pull in only new, pure air without the constricting fast, fearful breaths.

The fears which have shaken me to my very soul are being released.

There is time for that.

There is nothing holding them down.

They are bubbling to the surface and being released.

This is a safe place to release them.

Even though I was lied to in the most consistent, convincing, and cruel ways, they were always lies and I am releasing them.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Your Authentic Power

What is, is.

What you have is yours.

There is a power from within you that is inseparable from you.

It wells up in you every time you have a thought.

You can direct your thought and you can direct your power.

What you are is a formidable power.

As an infinite being, you want to be sure that you are not accepting limitation.

Your thoughts can take you any direction, inward or outward.

When you express your natural tendencies to increase your outreach, you are expressing your authentic power.

You have access to unlimited ideas and they come to you in ways you are ready to express.

The timing and power of your ideas is always perfect.

Keep listening within and you will guided toward outward expression.

The experiences you create for yourself through your authentic power are uplifting for you and for others.

Your life becomes one of natural inspiration.

Guard what enters your thought to be sure it is always something you have invited.

A negative or selfish outlook is unnatural since you live in an Infinite Universe.

Your life is lived on terms which are generous and inclusive.

It is wonderful to consider that everyone has access to their authentic power through uplifting ideas.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage