Friday, May 31, 2019

A New Paradigm

I can feel a deep shift happening.

Everyone I know can feel a deep shift happening.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the world can feel a deep shift happening.

Although we have already dealt with many of the problems which are surfacing in such a drastic manner, we have not yet solved them.

This is our opportunity.

This is our time.

I have no idea how this will be accomplished, but I do know that solutions are always, absolutely always, at hand.

Each one of us, acting and working expectantly, helps create the atmosphere to facilitate the shift.

We are creating the energetic signature for a shift and as we are all up in arms about various issues, the ground will shift under our feet.

We all have hopes for a deep resolution to all the waste and all the war, and that solution is available.

We definitely need to see it on a wider basis than ever before.

We need to let our consciousness of the needs which are here to be served make sure that they are served.

All the efforts which have been put forth into action and inclusion are having an effect.

As we continue, that action will take effect in brand new ways.

We are looking at solutions from multiplicity of angles and we can combine them and find the right ones.

It is time for everyone to be included in the solutions of world problems.

Input from those feeling the pain the most will act as a different kind of guide to traditional attempts.

The main thing is to continue moving forward into the realm of possibilities, and to never give up.

Such expectation shifts the energy and creates the circumstances and energy which will create the new paradigm.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage 

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Experiencing Safety

My new experience of safety has to do with authenticating myself.

I had moved farther and farther off my path by anxiously making sure that everything was working for everyone else.

The strain and stress took a great toll on my health, mental, physical, emotional.

Once alerted to my need to validate myself and to act in accordance with my own desires, I am experiencing safety in new ways.

I am aligned in my desires and my action.

I am exploring how it feels to take my own steps without judging them.

I am able to trust myself.

I can enjoy the rewards I gain by expressing myself through my own ideas.

I can connect with others in authentic ways.

I am becoming fully present to my authentic self.

Treasured projects are reshaping themselves to become more relevant and authentic.

I am discovering that it is safe to be myself.

After decades of hiding, this is a new discovery with joyful and confident opportunities.

There are appropriate ways to integrate with society which completely authenticate who I am and the path I have been on.

It is safe to tell my story.

I have a wonderful safety net all around me.

I can care for myself in far-reaching and compassionate ways.

My life challenges are fully met and vindicated.

I have discovered the safety of living the life I desire.

I can trust who I am and the conclusions I draw from life.

I have had the experiences which I have grown from.

I can use them in ways which support me and which keep me safe.

I am a complete and whole person with strength and protection for who I am.

It is safe to be, and to live.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Your Diamond Mind

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Acting on My Own Feelings

I am recently discovering that I have my own feelings.

They have been buried for decades due to coping with early childhood abuse.

Acting on my own feelings is a new thing to do.

It is an entirely new approach to my life.

I can actually take the time to think about how I feel about something.

I have not built the automatic connections which come with the freedom of being safe.

I am analysing each situation in terms of how I feel.

Usually, I have an automatic reaction of numbing inward focus, although few, if any, have ever noted it.

My ability to observe and move into my own feelings is an entirely different experience.

I am exploring it carefully.

I am discovering a whole range of feelings which I never knew I had.

In between the extremes of despair and jubilance are thousands of other nuances.

Each tone is appropriate for a different situation.

These tones and nuances of feelings move gracefully across the spectrum of emotions.

With a range of feelings, there is room for expression.

A range of feelings precludes a build up of frustrations and emotional outbursts.

A range of feelings can be experienced before dipping down to depression.

A whole appropriate range of feelings is available for many wonderful kinds of expression.

What a joy to discover this rich resource of feelings and to gain access to it.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Surrender

After trying to arrange and adjust and fix and produce, I have finally surrendered.

Everything that I need has been flowing forth from its deep Source and showing up in my life the way it needs to.

I have been receiving ideas and developing them in good and sound and productive ways.

The ideas have supported me and my family for many years.

As the ideas have continued to grow, I have been listening for ways to share them so they can continue to benefit others.

Those opportunities have been provided and I am finding a connection to them.

I set out one more time to adjust the situation after discovering that I had been deceived about the amount of space in my temporary set-up.

It was not successful, and so I let it go.

I then discovered that I could expand my work even without the space I felt I required.

After making a few adjustments within the space, a more efficient environment emerged.

I am now able to continue my work without interruption and without concern.

I have harmonious surroundings which I am expanding in other ways.

I am discovering a commitment and a devotion to the way I do things.

I had not given myself credit for my own feelings over decades of hiding them.

I am discovering that I can create safety for myself.

I can follow through on how I want to do things.

I can do what makes sense to me.

I am surrendering to my most authentic sense of who I am.

I am not making adjustments to others after a lifetime of fear.

By staying on my own path, I am connecting myself to  my priorities.

I am able to move in a direct path instead of making so many adjustments for others.

This is a new kind of surrender for me, and it is exhilarating.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, May 27, 2019

My Completeness

I had not realised it, but my completeness is at hand.

All the time of self-improvement and the development of ideas is coming together at this moment.

I have just received the resources I need along with the compassionate help to utilize them.

It is a privilege and it is a relief.

All the help I needed and did not know how to reach out for has shown up, all in this one instance.

I can see the way.

All my development has been internal, discovering and using inner resources to contact the Divine.

Now it is coming full circle and I am enabled to reach outward and to connect with what is good in others.

I am visible; my needs are no longer invisible.

I have validity; it is important that I exist.

I have a place in the world; that is amazing, a place of my own.

I am not just the offshoot of some other people.

I am not available to be used and exploited.

I live in a constant presence of wonderful ideas and I have the power not only of expressing them, but sharing them, too.

What a wonderful and gracious power that is.

To be able to speak, to be visible, to be seen and recognised as valuable.

The full circle of perceiving my true nature, being lifted up, receiving ideas, and being able to share them is tremendously empowering.

It is almost overwhelming, to finally have a valued connection to the rest of the world.

Everything has played its part and I have played mine.

Being made strong through overcoming obstacles of rejection and isolation is one thing.

Receiving compassion is quite another.

I am grateful for the sense of completeness and the coming reality of connection.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Your Diamond Mind

Sunday, May 26, 2019

The Moment

There is always a moment when everything comes together and you feel the wholeness of who you are.

This may occur in stages over a period of time, or it may occur in a flash of realization.

All the areas of input which are necessary to create the moment combine.

Resources which have to do with your personality may have been implanted from the very beginning of your life.  

These may be to your advantage or they may be obstacles to overcome.

Either way, they move you forward.

There is an impulsion, an urge, which comes about, and its’ consistency moves you forward.

As you respond to the requirement to take action, ideas well up from within.

There is a sense of direction to take steps in priority order.

The one step which is most prevalent is the first one.

All the other steps are revealed in this listening, meditative state.

Even if you are not sure or have no idea of what to do, your quiet, meditative listening will bring it to you.

Even if your mind is flooded with impetus and ideas, you must wait in the quiet and stillness for direction.

You may go on with whatever else you are doing, and the moment will appear.

As you continue your listening practice, you will become more attuned to your inner direction.

When the moment appears, you will know.

It is a good idea to cultivate the kind of mind-flow which allows you to feel the moment.

Preparing creates an attitude of expectancy.

When you anticipate wholeness, you listen for it.

You are aware that everything you do takes you closer to wholeness.

Live, breathe, listen, and feel the moment.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Peace and Connection

I am feeling the peace of connection.

Everyone I know is feeling the peace of connection.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the planet is feeling the peace of connection.


As I connect with my purpose and take the steps to carry it out, I feel deep peace.

The many steps which have been leading me to this point have been filled with gentleness.

Seeing the completeness of the idea after watching it grow over many years, is a delight and a privilege.

Meeting the continuing challenges to see it through has required growth and commitment.

Underlying it all has been the joy.

There is always a sense of delight and happiness whenever I present my idea and the materials which go with it.

Everyone involved enjoys it and looks forward to it.

My desire to fulfil my purpose led to the development of a specific idea.

It has grown as I have faced various challenges in my own life.

My desire to share this idea and others has led to a deep sense of connection with my Source.

I have discovered the prosperity of unlimited ideas.

I have faced the many and varied challenges associated with sharing them.

As I acknowledge my purpose and the good my ideas can create and inspire, I continue to be led into more and more outreach.

I have faced resistance to a new idea and overcome it many times and in many ways.

My love for my purpose has led me to love myself.

My compassion in the design of my ideas has led me to self-compassion.

Overcoming my personal challenges has given me the strength to persist in the development required to share my ideas.

I rejoice in feeling the peace of this connection.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, May 25, 2019

My Garden

I have found my garden, and it is within me.

In searching out a more comfortable space, I finally realised I do not have to go anywhere else.

I have all I need, right where I am, right in front of me.

I am now free to take the next new step forward.

I am free to build the foundation for releasing my work.

My initial anguished outreach was met with compassion.

There is now a ray of light going where I have been so isolated.

I can follow through on the directions which I have been given.

I can take the steps which are outlined.

I have a way to build my connection with the outside world.

Once I do that, I can release the “hidden splendor”.

The years of personal development underlying the work are creating an atmosphere of receptivity.

Building the structure for releasing the work is the next big step.

At last  everything is in place to begin.

As in a garden, the many steps to prepare the soil have been taken.

As in a garden, the plan has been designed.

As in a garden, the seeds have been sown.

As in a garden, the ideas, the plants, have been growing and becoming mature.

The next step will be bringing the ideas to market where they can be seen, acquired, and utilised.

I am calm and humbled to receive this gift, the gift of connection.

I will learn the steps to bring it about.

Breaking the isolation is a true breakthrough.

In my garden, all is prepared.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage