Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Dimension of Peace

We live in peace in the ways in which we bring harmony into our lives.

We experience peace in a personal dimension when we do something we love to do.

We experience peace through the harmony and order and beauty in our home.

We bring peace to our friends and colleagues and family as we live our lives in harmony with our deepest values.

We take our peace with us into the community in our uplifting and positive attitude.

We share our peace with everyone with whom we come in contact.

We are a living witness to the presence of peace in our own life and the power it has as we move about the community in our daily activities.

The order we maintain for ourselves and the well-being it creates are available to everyone regardless of their resources.

When we look for the peace within, it assumes a dimension all around us.

In dark circumstances, we must lift up our head and look around.

We cannot gain peace from our dark circumstances, so we must find it within.

Once it makes its presence felt in our first moment of calm, we can return to that feeling.

As we cultivate that tiny feeling of calm, we give it more room to grow.

We feel the longing for more calm, more peace, and so we listen for it.

Peace becomes our goal.

It begins to attract other circumstances to us.

As we notice and place a high value on the calm moments we feel, we create better circumstances around us.

Our dimenson of peace increases and deepens as we spend time there.

We look away from disturbances as distractions and turn ourselves to the peace within.

It is more important to create and to experience peace.

The peace we share is more important and more powerful than the petty, or even great, disturbances.

Peace always prevails.

The first place it has to prevail is in our own thought and our own life.

Let peace be the goal and let it spread until you feel its dimension all around you.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, August 30, 2019

Clear Stance

I could not rest until I corrected a misapprehension.

I did not want the misunderstanding to continue.

Until I made a clear statement, I did not feel free to move forward.

We must clarify our stance to ourselves and then to others.

We want to live a life of accurate expression.

Our clear focus enables us to accomplish our goal.

We can only reach out and expand our expression and our purpose as we are clear.

Clarity allows us to see obstacles and to remove them.

We are able to bring all our resources to bear toward finding solutions.

Our honesty and integrity allow us to filter out unnecessary and unwanted elements.

Our willingness to clear a way and then to follow it assures us that we will accomplish our goal.

We must define what we stand for and then live that way.

When we live in accord with our goals, we bring our philosophy alive.

Until then, random ideologies may compete for our attention.

We only want to give energy to that which defines us in our highest expression.

Returning to what makes us happy, what allows us to be uplifted and to inspire others, we create a clear path for ourselves.

We become a beacon to those seeking upliftment.

The energy created between expression and recognition forms community alliances.

Everyone who is caught in resulting community projects recieves an energetic boost.

Be clear, take your stand, and let the resources of inspiration uplift your community.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Higher Ideals

Listen within and be guided to live to match your intuition.

You can always feel what is deeply true about yourself.

When you take the action which expresses your deep truth you have a powerful effect in your community.

The visible proof of your alignment is an attracting force.

From within, you are always led to go up higher.

Taking the practical steps to realize your higher ideals uplifts you.

Many are inspired by your ideals and how you are expressing them.

It gives them courage and inspiration to pursue their own higher ideals.

Following the inner guidance to outer expression is the most efficient and effective way of conveying practical ideals.

The ideals of kindness, generosity and compassion open the way to their expression.

They are not the ways of fear, limitation and the protection of personal resources.

Imagination based on ideals creates new solutions from right where we are standing.

When we let go of the outside limited view of reality and let ourselves be inspired by expansive ideals, those answers and solutions come into our lives.

They change the way we do things and expand who is served.

The ideal of well-being for all is completely achievable.

The practice of limited good excludes well-being for all by redirecting resources to selfish and limited thinkers.

We are capable of overriding our own limitations.

As we continue to do that, we will instigate a more generous practice around us.

Higher ideals and their solutions are attractive to everyone who is willing to see well-being for all.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

The Need for Clear Expression

When I express myself clearly, I know I am being heard.

When everyone I know expresses themselves clearly, they know they are being heard.

When everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, expresses themselves clearly, they know they are being heard.


It is important to be clear when we express ourselves.

Our goals must be correctly interpreted in order for us to move forward.

To attract resources, we must be able to express ourselves clearly.

We want others to be able to hear and interpret what we are doing and to support us.

Our clear expression allows those who can benefit most to find us.

A standard of clarity allows us to be aware of intentional misleading.

We notice the difference between uplifting motives and hidden selfish ones.

The innocence of givers contrasts greatly with the dark motives of takers.

Innocence in giving attracts unlimited resources.

The dark motives of takers requires underhanded persuasion tactics.

Since we are all emotional beings, we need to be able to tell the difference.

Our clear expression makes anything else a definitive contrast.

We move toward what we are.

We naturally move away from that which does not fit our concept of ourselves and what we need.

Being clear about our love for our ideals attracts those with high ideals.

It lifts eveyone up who comes in contact with our higher ideals and inspires them to higher and clearer expression in their own lives.

When we are a clear transparency for innocence and purity, we clear up a lot of misconceptions and bad practices.

Our motives in carrying out our excellent work inspires those around us.

The effect of clarity trickles up and out and all around us.

It is a call to all those who wish to rise higher.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Build Through Kindness

When we build community based on kindness, it incudes everyone.

Young children who receive kindness naturally express it to others.

When adults who are on hard times receive kindness, it reenergizes them.

We all respond to kindness because it is an easy thing to feel cared for.

We remove our barriers of mistrust when we are in the presence of kindness.

We all have the opportunity to express kindness every day.

Most situations can benefit from more kindness.

It is helpful to recieve guidance when looking for a shopping item.

It is courteous to hold the door open for someone.

It is compassionate to give to a food bank.

Every step in expressing kindness multiplies itself.

Our good feeling when we give and receive kindness expands into the Universe.

All who are within range of that good feeling are moved by it.

Kindness allows us to be more mindful during our day.

We slow down to consider kind action.

We take ourselves out of our hurried path to consciously uplift someone else.

We take a breath in the middle of a busy day to expand our viewpoint beyond ourselves.

When we pause to take that breath, we let in the possibility of expressing kindness.

We move outside ourselves and include the welfare of someone else.

All our community life can be expansive in this way.

We open ourselves to receive good ideas for the well-being of all when we are kind.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Your Diamond Mind

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Moving Into the Dimension of Play

There is room for so much play in our lives.

It is fun to consider things for the pure joy of it.

It is fun to work in a new element and dimension.

It is fun to run, and to jump into new ideas.

It is a feeling of happiness without a particular direction or commitment.

There is a feeling of delight in exploring for its own sake.

We can try out new ideas and actions and enjoy our new experiences in all dimensions.

In all the ways that play affects us the most, imagination is one of the highest forms.

We break through limitations in imagination.

We soar above problems and enter a life with a completely different kind of energy.

Sometimes our flights in imagination allow us to bring back wonderful ideas in which we work our way back to a solution which applies in our present state.

We sense a freedom beyond what we are living right now.

Because that experience exists in imagination, we are able to access it anytime we wish.

We can move ourselves into play through imagination.

We can bring back powerful solutions to our current problems and let them expand as far as we can imagine.

All inventions deal with imagination and play in some form.

All the brilliant leaders in social sciences as well as in “hard” sciences, artists, and creatives in business are used to working from the dimension of imagination and play.

We can all feel the upliftment and practical results from moving ourselves into play.

Let us play in small ways over short periods of time.

And then let us move into the dimension of play and see how it leads us into bigger solutions.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Choose Calm

In every single instance, choose calm.

Let a feeling of calm pervade your life.

Let calm be where you start, not just what you return to.

With all the violent and disturbing actions and interactions, let your life be a tribute to the deep reservoir of Calm which is your Source.

From this Calm comes generosity in the face of lack, 

compassion in the face of fear, 

understanding in the face of intolerance.

We are all facing the same challenges but in different proportions.

Each time we do something kind to provide comfort we are facing down our limitations.

Each time we bring calm to a disturbing situation we are interrupting the emotional chain of panic.

We can begin to hear solutions on a broader and broader scale as we cultivate a calm response.

We can find a calm way through even the world-wide violence we are facing through disruptive climate and environmental changes.

The intelligence and compassion which lead individuals to find solutions for themselves are available for large numbers of people. 

We all have the ability to listen within and find the calm direction we need to take our next steps.

Those who look at the big picture from compassion and generosity are receiving the ideas which are most effective and comforting for large numbers of people.

All of this counteracts the greed which is the result of fear and a feeling of living in a void.

Our resources are far beyond the kinds which can be hoarded.

We have the ability to live in a completely new kind of life which protects all relationships and all things.

Let us listen within with a deep sense of calm to hear the compassionate steps which are required and available.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Walk Away

Walk away from people who are willing to be mean.

Mean is the opposite of generous, caring, compassionate.

Place yourself in circumstances which reflect your philosophy and attitude.

With this as a directive, I have been experiencing so much friendship and support during our travels.

We just seem to fall into comfortable associations.

We make friends in the pastelaria where we go every day for pastries.

We enjoy sincere conversations with the other people who are staying in our shared residences.

We all learn more about each other’s countries of origin.

I enjoy my friends at my new overseas knitting group for the time I am there.

Everyone enjoys my experiences of life in their country and my explanations of things they are interested in about my country.

We walk together in appreciation through these conversational excursions.

Old experiences of being stuck with mean, unhappy and cruel people have been replaced with genuine interest and respect.

It is a great new way to experience my life.

I am glad I learned to walk away, even with the strong pull to the familiar.

If you are not moving towards good and happiness and appreciation and freedom, you do not need nor want the experience or association.

Set yourself to move in any other direction as long as it is away from hurt.

Give yourself room to develop new feelings and expectations.

You have a right to enjoy your gifts and to be respected and appreciated for them.

If your present environment and location cannot deliver upliftment and support, move as far as you need to in order to find them.

You carry your very delightful identity within you and it will always guide you.

Walk away from hurt and toward the wonderful places which are looking forward to your arrival.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Play With the Whole Heart

It is so important to introduce play into our day as often as possible.

Play lightens the heart.

It moves the mind into the lightness of imagination.

It allows a different kind of focus, one that is slightly diffused around the edges.

It lets us change direction moment by moment or hone in on a different kind of goal.

We experience play for its own sake.

It puts us into a different kind of mental and physical focus.

We live in the moment.

We act spontaneously.

With our greater resources, we can combine many different elements into our play.

As we relax, we see imaginative connections.

We can take the steps to bring imaginative play into our day.

We can collect materials to create different kinds of play.

Whatever the mode of play, we move out of our habitual way of thinking for a time.

We refresh ourselves by thinking and acting and feeling diferently for a while.

We use different mental muscles when we engage in play.

We allow ourselves to move freely through many different types of activities and  relationships when we play.

We may come in contact with different people during our time of play.

We may take in different sights as we play.

All the variety we experience during our play gives us many more elements to use in our thinking.

We experience our life differently when we include the elements of play.

After play, we may find ourselves incorporating more imagination or finding solutions which were not so obvious.

We can enjoy play for its own sake and for the positive effects it has on us when we return to our work.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Your Diamond Mind

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Sustaining Power

Within you is the sustaining power of your ideas.

The ideas which surround you and encompass you are the ones which you draw to you.

Your attracting force is your mind.

As you observe what ideas to fill it with, choosing some and rejecting others, you create the atmopshere around you.

It is not good to become disturbed by what you see around you and to leave it there.

It is good to replace and counter what you see with something higher, better, more uplifiting.

You have a sustaining power according to what you maintain in your mind and in your heart.

You place yourself through maintaining your highest sense of identity.

You place yourself within the community according to your sense of service.

You place yourself throughout your day in each interaction.

As you feel yourself rising higher and higher in your own ability to identify with uplifiting elements, you create your community.

You may stay where you are or be led to find a new place.

Wherever your ideas take you, they will supply you with what you need.

You can always find those elements which are compatible with your elevated view.

Your power to sustain your higher view will have an uplifting influence and expand to create harmony and well-being.

You will attract others who are drawn to that view.

Creating and sustaining and practicing an attitude of well-being for all is a powerful attracting force.

It is something we all have in common.

A feeling of well-being for all is a natural direction once we realize the sustaining power of an uplifted view.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Your Diamond Mind