Monday, September 19, 2016

Surround Yourself with Beauty and Peace (or make art)

I am enjoying the capacity to make art.

I love making beautiful things.

It puts me in a lovely, uplifting state of happiness.

Drawing zentangle-style word art while my husband reads from “A Course in Miracles” is a calming way to start my day. 

Having convenient access to my fiber art projects lets me take one more step on several of them. (I finished sewing the sleeve to display a quilt and then attached some beads to a knitted spiritual treasure bag.)
As I continue knitting sock #2.2, (I am half-way through the second sock) I can enjoy beautiful yarn to make a useful item.
Living in the country and driving back and forth surrounded by trees is very relaxing.
Even preparing to get the yardstick out of the truck to gently move spider webs off the porch so we can go in unhampered, is just part of experiencing the natural world.
We listen to the night sounds, and check the angle of the sun the next morning to watch for dragonflies.

Every time I open one of Christopher Alexander’s books, “A Timeless Way of Building” or “A Pattern Language”, I am inspired by his observations.
There is always a way to look at things with a sense of creating beauty.
There is always a way to more peace and calm and appreciation into your life.
Listen within to hear the messages, then observe how your life redirects itself.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

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