Monday, October 31, 2016

Where Are We Now?

I am grateful for the actions which express the contrast between good and evil goals.

Everyone I know is grateful for the actions which express the contrast between good and evil goals.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, are grateful for the actions which express the contrast between good evil goals.


Everyone has to act in the best interests of their own lives.

Being guided by integrity can make some heavy demands on us.

These are the times when following ideals with action is crucial.

When we are prepared for growth, situations come to us in which we can no longer stand by.

We must take decisive action in support of those ideals.

The desire to see greedy action cease, in order to care for the greater good, is moving into consciousness.

Disgust and dismay leading to action show solidarity.

All the objections and discomfort caused over long periods of time, finally have to erupt into action.

It can be done through education and legislation, or failing that, it can be done through physical peaceful action, and the reaction to that shows the character of the participants.

When enough people come to a conclusion and take action, it shows that a level of consciousness has been achieved.

When this happens, it shows that the prevailing culture has changed.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

Making Decisions in Deep Peace

First of all, the feeling of Deep Peace is an amazing sensation.

Breathing in harmony with the Universe, not feeling rushed or pressured in any way.

Being quietly happy, taking my time, walking gracefully.

These are all part of the feeling of Deep Peace.

And then, to extend and enhance it even more, the experience of making decisions in Deep Peace.

No hurry, the sense of absolute confidence, with nothing to compare it to, nothing to give it a rating.

The quiet power of a decision made in Deep Peace.

Absolute, confident good.

No second guessing.

Just the amazing feeling of rightness.

The go-ahead is implicit.

The resources are a given.

The feeling of blessedness in all directions - creating, manifesting, receiving, giving, receiving, giving, receiving, giving.

The cycle of good, beauty, creativity reaching through and outward to all.

This ads to the feeling of harmony and peace all over the world.

It is happening, in every heart.

When we move at the level of Deep Peace, there is a connection with everyone.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Averting Panic

With the beginning of seasonal planning, I reviewed my desire to stay at home and work while my husband went out-of-town for his business.

Since his business takes place where we used to live and we still have two adult children there, it is always a temptation to get drawn into the time frame of cultural norms of holiday celebrations.

I prefer not to be involved for several reasons, both personal and professional, but I found myself beginning to experience the symptoms of a panic attack as my emotions dragged me in a direction I do not enjoy.

Before I got very far down that path, I found myself asking what I would really like to do.

My ready answer was, to be making my second video music lesson.

Since the first one is not yet done, this answer propelled me into action to organize the first season of ten lessons.

Now that I am actively engaged with spreadsheets and looking up song titles, I have settled into my happiest zone of productivity.

I now know that I will not be drawn into something by habit; I am already moving forward in a direction I do enjoy.

I prefer my family visits to be solely for the time that I can spend with them, rather than focusing around holiday demands.

I also needed a way to take the next steps in this long-awaited project.

I am content that I now have the best of both worlds, and grateful that I also have a way to move out of the panic arena.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

PTSD and More Healing Light

Little by little more healing light is coming into my and my husband’s lives.

We both have PTSD issues when dealing with finances.

For both of us, the person who taught us about handling money was our abusive fathers.

Abusive in different ways, but the absolute fear and terror from those past experiences leaked over into financial matters.

As we have been inspired to clear up other issues, aided greatly by our daily study of ”A Course in Miracles” (we are beginning our second time through), lesser issues have come to the fore.

We have not been able to choose the timing, intensity or the order of importance.

We only know that certain things seem to come up, and then, finally, to be resolved.

I am so grateful for any and all help in these long-term, low-grade, terrifying issues.

For instance, we are both able to keep asking questions, now, until we understand how to process various financial information, simple stuff that our grown kids have been doing for years and years.

We know how to keep breathing through the panic attacks that hit us, and to keep going, or at least to come back, until we can interpret and complete various financial forms.

We are discovering that our PTSD has nothing whatsoever to do with the things we are good at.

But it has hampered us in various other ways, which seem so obviously simple to other people.

We could never explain it before, even to ourselves.

Now that things are settling down to a form they can be dealt with, we are both very grateful to be able to see the problems be defined, and then solved.

This happens repeatedly on some issues until we get them under control, and quickly with other issues.

Even to feel it happening at all has been such a gift.

Knowing that it is continuing in such a gentle and pervasive way is truly amazing.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, October 24, 2016

I'm Worthy, Too



Ignoring our deep desires.

All are based on some type of fear.

This things that affect us from the outside are not important.

What is going on inside is important.

When we start clearing away all the chatter, we can finally hear more clearly.

We become certain of our direction.

We no longer doubt our abilities.

We listen to and honor our deep desires.

The mental noise that was blocking us goes away when we listen deeply within.

What we hear is a feeling.

A feeling of being loved, cherished, and adored.

We feel worthy.

Deeply worthy.

We feel safe.

We feel comforted and comfortable to be in our right place.

We coincide with good things.

Our life is freed up and we can move successfully in the direction of our desires.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage


“The Age of the Unthinkable” by Joshua Cooper Ramo, is the most exciting and optimistic book I have read in some time.

In it, Ramo depicts the scientific, political, historical moments which have introduced uncertainty into the world.

Dealing with uncertainty requires the ability to shift and change at a moment’s notice.

He brings the reader to the conclusion that successfully living from the personal level to the international level requires this ability.

It feels like it creates the most wonderful opportunity for each of us.

First, creating personal resilience is the best deep security we can provide for ourselves.

Secondly, volunteering and working in the community develops the relationships for creating deep security for our community.

You can see where this leads, to deep security by developing a strategy for larger groups, towns and cities of people who are all developing relationships with each other.

Instead of the slow weight of a top down organization, the best minds will be quick to respond with the groups and relationships with which they habitually function.

New, relevant ideas and strategies will be enacted with current resources.

The needs of the small and larger communities will be met quickly and responsibly.

Everyone involved will be monitoring the action to determine if it is working.

Schools will work better, utilities will be administered better, safety laws will be enforced better, food laws will meet the needs of the local population.

What needs do you see?

How can you act to help bring about the best local solutions?

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, October 23, 2016

The Human Spirit

The human spirit remains constant when we remember we have unlimited spiritual resources.

This means we don’t have to get scared over media campaigns about scarcity, competition, or loss.

We always have a balance of unlimited spiritual resources.

Remaining calm, and even cultivating happiness puts us on a completely different route.

Instead of getting scared and resentful and running into wall after wall, we receive ideas which create connections for us.

These ideas help us over, around, under or through the barriers created by fear and negativity.

The great thing about the human spirit is that it can be uplifted.

We can uplift ourselves by turning within for our connection to Inner Peace.

Our attitude cues other people.

It contributes to the atmosphere for positivity or negativity, depending on which direction we are manifesting.

It leads us and guides us.

We can ask it for anything.

As this becomes a habit, we find answers on a regular basis.

And that’s a cause for happiness.

That’s a cause for abundance.

That’s a cause for originality.

Thats a cause for giving and receiving.

What a great resource we have in the human spirit.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

Your Greatest Wealth

Your greatest wealth is your uplifting attitude.

You can draw upon it at any time in any amount.

You just have to not buy into the depressing or scary or agitating scenarios which are presenting themselves all the time.

Even it you get caught up in one that is tailor-made to push your buttons, you can get back out of it and regain your calm.

It will leak out of you and radiate all around you and help others to catch hold of a feeling they would much rather experience.

We are so tired of being pushed and prodded and manipulated and driven to react to all kinds of negative things.

Outrage, sorrow, hatred, revenge are not good feelings to incorporate into your body.

The body is designed to operate at its optimum in happy, relaxed and calm modes which energize us in productive ways.

So to get more productivity for yourself, cultivate ways to be happy and uplifted.

Your colleagues and family members will be so grateful.

They will enjoy being in your presence and will feel so relieved to be able to enjoy their moments with you.

With this kind of contagion of uplifting attitudes and thoughts, the whole atmosphere in your business and home can change.

Take the time to remember to draw on your unlimited account of uplifting feelings, thoughts and actions.

You will feel so good bringing such wealth into your life.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

When You Feel Agitation

You may notice agitation as a physical reaction or irritation in your body.

It is good to check yourself by observing your thoughts.

A therapy book I was reading suggested relaxation as a cultivated practice to balance hyper-alertness.

I found myself getting more anymore tense as I sneezed in an allergic reaction.

I decided to calm myself in order to step.

As I observed my thoughts, I realized an undercurrent o rehearsing a hurtful situation.

I redirected my thought to enjoy what I was doing right at the present moment instead.

I was able to resume the pleasant conversation I was having without the sneezing reaction.

Later on in the night, I awoke with same symptoms.

Once again, I found a habitual negative rehearsal of thoughts taking place.

I calmed myself by remember my own choice to leave the negative situation.

I affirmed my gratitude for where I am, and I appreciated the new, positive people and delightful activities I am now involved in.

The symptoms receded.

I do not have to go along with or experience agitation in any way.

I can become conscious of what is going on in my life, and in my body and I can redirect my thoughts to change in a positive direction.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, October 21, 2016

Enduring Peace

How can peace endure within me?

By choosing peaceful thoughts over judgmental ones.

We are all growing and changing.

Judgement locks us into a negative state of mind.

It is better to feel peaceful than to feel negative.

If a situation is offensive, leave it without judgement.

Move yourself into a state of peace and the situation will change around you (or you will be lifted out of it in some unexpected way).

If the negative situation persists, keep practicing peace.

Your consistence in either direction will win.

Choose what you want to live with.

Eventually, your discomfort will guide you to a consistent way of thinking which will protect you from judgement.

The situation will adjust and you will find a much more peaceful way to live.

No matter how persistent the negative situation is, you can do this.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Do Not Judge

The idea of judging reinforces a negative picture of someone.

We validate it.

Later on, there may be a change in attitude or behavior.

Then, we find ourselves wondering which one is the real person.

We all go through changes.

Even judging ourselves is not helpful.

It is actually very unhealthy.

As we grow, we evolve into higher expressions of who we really are.

Our earlier practices were based on earlier experiences.

Not judging, not being attached, allows our natural upward evolution to occur.

Why be weighted down with useless opinions?

Why not make room to contribute to individual and world progress?

We all have the opportunity for growth.

Let’s encourage it by not judging.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage