Friday, June 30, 2017

Move into Your Beauty

When are you going to move into your beauty?

When you value who you are, you move into your beauty.

Your beauty comes from within and is expressed as character.

Your integrity and your honesty give balanced form to your life.

Your inspiration gives expression to your soul.

These combine to form beautiful things.

They give you a beautiful life.

They make you beautiful.

When you do what you love and put yourself in a position to give and share what you have done, you move into your beauty.

Everything around you contributes to and reflects back your beauty.

Your community appreciates you.

You help lift each other up.

The knowledge, skills, and organization that you need show up as you express your beauty.

It is a natural part of you life and gives you a comfortable and happy living.

You bless others with what you create.

They bless you by appreciating and supporting you.

When you release your beauty, you live in a community of appreciation.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Being Heard

The first time I had the experience of being heard, I realized for the first time that I had a voice.

Although the ten-week women’s group helped, it was not long enough to address my deeper needs.

As my life continued to break down, I finally found a new resource for being heard on a continuing basis.

Now that I am getting the help I need, with skillful guidance in a safe environment, I have been able to discover just how bad things were for me.  

Until reaching this point, nothing worked on a lasting basis.

There was still more damage to acknowledge.

Now I am able to start  building an entirely new foundation for myself.

It is based on deep self-respect, compassion, and gentleness, all things that were lacking due to the nature of my situation.

This is the most incredible thing for me.

The deep patterns of being torn down are finally being replaced with security and confidence in the direction I have always wanted to go.

I am very gently discovering how resources that I need can appear with this opening.

Every single type of resource, no matter how distant or foreign to my previous training or existence is becoming available.

Now that I am able to acknowledge my goals in a spirit and conviction of validity, I am manifesting what I need, exactly as I discover it.

The self-improvement and prosperity workshops are kicking in, now that I have a platform on which to build.

I am so grateful for the amazing people who devote themselves to helping people who need it, to be heard.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Building on Light

Every step that I take which moves me in a positive direction is built on light.

I move from that step into more light.

Each step is made up of light.

I carry the inspiration of one step with me to catch the light of the next step.

I am always moving in light.

As I desire to express light, I am drawn toward good ideas.

The resources to help me are included as I take each step.

The goal moves along with me and inspires me.

I gain courage and energy as I take the next step.

When I pause to consider my position, I am raised from discouragement as I listen for the next step to take.

I discover that I am always moving in light.

All I desire to do is to be uplifted and to help uplift others.

We can all feel the inspiration of the light and take our steps.

Our whole community can feel the influence of the light which includes everyone.

Let us listen and feel the light and take those steps.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Steps of Light

Each step that I take is a step of light.

Each step that everyone I know takes, is a step of light.

Each step that everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet takes, is a step of light.


All of us, each one, wants to move in a better direction.

When world events feel like they are pulling us down, we have the right to look toward the light and to take the best possible step.

Each time we are moved toward the light, we receive the next idea for what to do.

It takes care of us and those we love.

When others see that we are moving toward a better situation, it can inspire them as well.

As we feel the light inspiring us, it shines on everyone

We can all do the best thing for those under our protection.

As we feel the presence of an enlightened idea, we can move toward that light.

We draw the resources that we need to us as we take the step.

All are empowered to look toward and utilize the best ideas and to share them.

An idea improves as it is shared.

It expands so that all can be included.

The light just shines.

It shines on all who are willing to take the next step.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Relaxed Without Stress

Move into Your Strength

When are you going to move into your strength?

When you value who you are, you move into your strength.

Your strong convictions about the issues confronting you is part of your strength.

Knowing how to express your convictions is another factor of your strength.

Being unwilling to compromise on your core values is strength.

Being willing to defend someone else’s right and ability to express themselves is another form of strength.

Move into your strength gently, steadily, fiercely.

Move into your strength with great joy.

Celebrate yourself for your convictions.

Celebrate yourself for your innovations.

Celebrate yourself for your originality.

Celebrate yourself for your intuition.

Celebrate yourself for your empathy and sensitivity.

These all are your strengths.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Inward Recognition, Outward Peace

As you recognize your inner identity, you can begin to connect to your purpose.

As the sense of your purpose infuses you, you begin to feel a new kind of confidence and peace.

You are no longer competing in the world for the worldly values in a typical way.

Whatever you are doing becomes infused with this deep sense of who you are.

At some point, it can lead to a different occupation, but mainly you keep your peace with you  whatever you are doing.

As your individual sense of purpose refines itself, you may be guided into a new direction.

You know that you can go there with a sense of peace.

Once you are used to listening to your inner identity, it is easy to recognize the feeling of being guided.

Everything you do from your inner recognition gives you a sense of peace, whether you continue where you are or make changes to your situation.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage


Many references to recognition refer to outward rewards as a motivational boost.

Recognition from within is the more important kind.

This recognition establishes your identity and allows you to  live with purpose.

Being manipulated by outward recognition does not address the motivation from within that defines you.

The noise of outer rewards can be distracting.

You can feel the difference when your inner needs are not being met.

As you recognize your inner needs, you can become attuned to serve them.

Your deep inner nature is there to guide you.

You have a deeper purpose for living.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

From Wholeness to Wholeness

Value your incoming thoughts and let them lead you where and how to be whole.  

That is what starts the income flow.

Consider what is vital to you and focus on that.

Listen for those directions.

Your sense of direction is the feeling of what makes you whole.

It is unique to your individuality.

Wholeness is a way of proceeding.

You start from a feeling of what it is like to be where you want to be.

You have a complete feeling about it.

You move from wholeness to wholeness.

It is all-encompassing.

Whatever you need is included.

A timetable of completeness is part of the process.

It does not include rushing or pushing.

It does not allow holding back.

It is a patient process, though, while you work out what it is you need to do next.

By listening and being patient, you will find yourself moving in the right direction.

As you feel whole and complete your goal, you may find that it is just one stop on your path.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

The Peace of Making New Things

It is so incredibly satisfying to make things.

I love learning how to make many different things.

It is a source of delight and confidence to gain and execute new knowledge.

Making things develops so much more than just buying or receiving them.

You engage your mind and hands to create.

You experience textures and shapes and rhythms.

You associate with actively engaged people.

You attract interesting and creative givers.

Your create inspiring surroundings together.

Your conversation is inventive and informative.

You share knowledge.

You support one another in your new skills.

You create an uplifting environment.

Making things generously expands knowledge and facility in a pleasant atmosphere.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Collective Lies

Collective lies are never true, just as the individual lies we tell ourselves are never true.

Just because we believed something false, it never made it true.

Just because large number of people believe something false, it also has never been true.

I found myself getting caught up in the politics of lies.

I was very upset.

Finally, I realized that none of the lies are true.

People may act as though they are true.

People may try to pretend that they are true.

But lies are never true.

Possibly the advantages that the lie-tellers seek are very tempting in various ways.

But the only life any of us really want to live are our lives in truth.

We are all passing through various stages in life, and this is a stage of public lies and the advantages certain parties are seeking by being deceptive.

A person plays an instrument out of tune until they learn how to play it better.

A person can play a sport only so well until they acquire better skill.

A person lives their life in various ways until they acquire a true sense of purpose.

Then they cannot distort it in any way, nor would they seek to do so.

We will pass out of this stage of collective lies when it ceases to provide an opportunity for collective growth.

Until then, we can all continue living our lives as true to purpose as we possibly can.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Care-Giving - Giving Care

Who do you love most?

Who do you care for?

How are you taking care of her?

Of him?

Are you caring for yourself?

You are important.

It is important that you notice what you need and that you make sure you give it to yourself.

Do not neglect your own needs.

Do not neglect your own desires.

You have a unique and delightful individuality and you are the person best prepared to express it.

Nurture yourself.

Make sure you have what you need in order to be free to share your gifts.

Be caring of yourself and make sure you are considerate in the ways you take care of yourself.

Consider what you have to offer the world.

Make sure you can offer it in the best of circumstances as well as the ones that have been challenging.

It is OK to live well, very well.

Do it a way that shows how much you love and care for yourself.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, June 26, 2017

Getting My Things Done

All my life, I carried out other’s plans for me.

Now that I am carrying out my own plans, I find I have to connect every thread that I was not able to connect before.

Part of it is the matter of learning new skills, which I am doing.

Part of it is overcoming the fear of doing what I want.

I am learning that I now have the strength to move myself in the direction I choose.

I no longer have to survive; I can thrive.

Even though it produces terror that I am going against the old powers in my childhood, I am persisting.

As I connect the threads to what I desire to do, I can feel an inner foundation which has been buried under the terror.

The foundation to do what I choose and what is important to me is being built as I nurture it and take the steps one-at-a-time in my new direction.

I am grateful for the grounding techniques I am learning when the panic attacks are overwhelming.

I am grateful for the progress I can see as I learn my new skills and produce beautiful things.

I am grateful for the lessening of the panic attacks as I do what I want and need to do repeatedly.

I am grateful for the beginning feelings of confidence and self-respect for moving in the direction I want to go.

I am grateful for not feeling helpless.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage