The frivolous and ambitious accounts which surface as news and personal experiences come from a desire for deep underlying meaning.
While we play with ideas and seek advantage, deep down is a desire for meaning and relevance.
While those on the surface may only feel the tug and push of personal dominance, nevertheless, the underlying meaning is seeking to assert itself.
We are all hungry for the same thing.
We want to live meaningful and relevant lives.
Valuing only one kind of currency, money and investments, coerces our ability to invest in other kinds of currency, such as living meaningful lives and contributing to others.
When we manage to distance ourselves, even for a moment, from the push and shove of gaining an advantage, we are able to feel a moment of meaning.
Once this happens, we have a way to return to it over and over again.
As it reshapes individual lives, so meaning can shape communities.
As communities grow in meaning, they can help shape the attitudes of larger groups.
As we approach more meaning in our own lives, we are lifting society out of the push and shove for personal or even national advantage.
We can certainly find meaning as we uplift all our communities worldwide.
© 2017 Kathryn Hardage
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