Friday, July 28, 2017

Trust Your Courage

You can live your true identity.

Trust your desire and your courage to do so.

There is always room to do what you love.

The more you devote yourself to doing it, the more opportunities you will receive.

Your life will evolve into a complete expression of what you love as long as you consistently devote thought and time to it.

You can take the steps you need to at the time you need to take them.

Once you begin, adjustments can be made, either by your initiative or by intervention from the Universe.

You are not here to live a fearful and oppressed life.

All Nature grows, and we are designed to grow as well.

As your identity evolves and you become more conscious of it, you will find that you fit into your surroundings in a succession of ways.

Just as Nature’s landscapes succeed seasonally and over longer periods of time, your identity will expand and recess to include new skills and new areas of expression.

Your courage to commit to your identity will naturally lead you to be in the places you need to be, doing what you need to do in order to proceed into and through the next stage of succession.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

A Calm and Orderly Pattern

Even in the wildest creativity, there is a pattern.

Certain repetitions appear, certain augmentations and diminutions.

Creative contrasts highlight consistencies and inconsistencies.

And so the pattern evolves.

I love to feel the excitement overlaying the underlying calm of creativity.

It is a direct “feed” for me, and I write or draw, or compose as fast as I can write things down, but with the certainty of the underlying calm and order of it all.

The certainty is new because I have gotten used to the phenomenon of ideas pouring forth all day and night any time I want to tune in.

I have a consistent practice of listening for ideas from within which has been developed over several years.

I didn’t know how it worked at the beginning, of course.

But now, I understand that the creative ideas are always there for whoever wants to tune into them.

They take shape in individual lives according to that person’s life focus.

Once you accept the presence of ideas and learn how to employ your intuition by listening, the flow of ideas becomes a natural and orderly event.

You can let your entire life be shaped by this orderly flow of creativity and let it employ you in the most satisfying ways.

I know I am glad to have learned how.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Right Here and Now

We have the capacity to begin now, right where we are.

With only a simple container garden or the start of a conversion of a lawn to food, we can begin to rejoin the ecosystem.

Our awareness of the need to protect bees, water conservation, soil improvement can all be done right here and now on a small, individual basis.

We can plant beautiful pollen-filled plants which are free from pesticides in our yards.

We can capture water in our shower in a bucket and use it for one toilet flush.

We can create a raised garden bed using enriched soil and compost.

Once we take those first little steps, and they become habits, we can take more little steps.

Our conscious practice will connect us with more valuable ways to live on our only planet.

Making your yard beautiful will create beneficial habitat for pollinators.

It will encourage others to cut down on how much lawn they have to mow.

Mowing less and less will remove a significant amount of air pollution.

In David Jacke’s and Eric Toesmeier’s books Edible Forest Gardens, we read that a collection of individual yards can be converted in any neighborhood to create habitat and food and to put ourselves back into the ecosystem.

We can all start right here and now.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Love Yourself to Do What You Love

The ideas you love will keep coming to you.

When you are moved to create them, you are giving yourself recognition.

You are trusting the presence of the creative ideas in your life and in your mind.

How can you manifest them?

Simply by listening and nurturing them, as as you feel it, taking the first tiny step.

We are filled with the noise of many ideas which are pushed on us and everyone else.

But there are ideas of our own, and they are wonderful.

To be validated, love these ideas, the ones that come to you.

Let them grow in your heart and soul and mind.

And, as you enjoy them, you may want to share them.

You will feel the guidance for every step, tiny ones at first usually.

Develop your consistency and strength by following them up.

Take a step, and then listen.

Love what you are doing with each step.

Wait until you feel the gentle, persistent presence, and then take the next step.

This way, the idea that you love will grow and gain strength.

When it is complete and strong enough, you will be able to share it and show what you love so much.

It will be a process of love and recognition and appreciation all the way.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Feed Your Soul

Stay close to what you love.

Don’t ever leave it, unless you want to observe the contrast to what nurtures you.

Place yourself in an environment which comforts you and in which you can give comfort.

Live your ideals; it can be done.

Your body responds in ways that are healthy and calm and have a rhythm and a flow when you are where you love to be.

Your body can only live on high alert so much of the time.

Constant high alert is not healthy and does not give you restorative rest.

You provide a nurturing environment for yourself when you stay true to your vision and create the ideas which uplift you and others.

You feed your soul when you are honest about what drives you.

You create the habit of finding happiness when you stay close to what you love and continually develop it.

When you satisfy your soul, you will satisfy every other need.

Be true and honest and creative, and consistent and keep on moving toward your highest expression.

You will never be disappointed as long as this is your direction.

You will reach your destination over and over again and keep raising the bar.

Your unlimited soul expression will always nurture you and others who are ready to receive the benefits of what you do.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Reassurance and Comfort

It is often good to have the stimulation of contrasting and even conflicting ideas, but it is most important to be in a supportive situation.

You will find the reassurance and comfort you need when you realize the ideas you have to express are entirely valid.

Your ideas come to you for the purpose of being expressed.

You are validated by the ideas that come to you.

You are their chosen messenger, through art, poetry, business, finance or whatever your mode of expression is.

Your comfort lies not in the connection you make with the outside world, but with the connection within which guides you to the outside world.

Your reassurance lies not in the reaction of the outside world to your ideas, but in how faithfully you execute your ideas.

You find the right connection when you are faithful to your own expression.

You bring a supportive community around you when you faithfully execute the ideas which come to you to your fullest ability.

Be assured right now that your devotion to your unique ideas is bringing you comfort and community.

Get better and better at expressing your ideas.

That way your clearer and more skillful expression will be felt with more impact.

Your community will have a strong beacon to follow.

The existence and expression of your ideas will comfort and reassure those who are most delighted and relieved to receive them.

Rest assured and comforted.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, July 21, 2017

Long-Held Desires

It is important to act on long-held desires

They are attainable.

You are here to be fulfilled.

When you can see the work that you desire to do, it is your right to be able to do it.

If it takes a long time to put yourself in position, that is OK.

The sincerity of your desire will take you there.

You will explore the steps you have always wanted to take and appreciate the fact that it is now possible.

Whatever is deeply within you has a right to be expressed and enjoyed.

You are the best person to judge how you feel and to direct your steps.

You can take them with confidence as you get more and more practice.

Act now in the direction of your own desire.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Access for Anyone

When you take a deep breath to establish peace within you, you take the first step for listening within.

Each calming breath leads you closer to the access point of peace.

We all breathe and we all have access.

Our desire to reconcile our feelings within with how we live without is a wonderful thing.

It is the direction we are meant to go.

It creates peace in our lives.

We may convince ourselves for a while that it is OK to go in a particular direction, but eventually we will acknowledge the little feeling that keeps nudging us in a different direction.

This brings another element of peace into our lives.

It is wonderful to be a part of good things.

It is also vital to take the time to listen within and to hear the special and unique direction that is there for us.

Building in the time to listen and to build peace within is vital.

It creates access to peace in a new way.

There is always peace for us, and when we listen within we can feel it.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Imbalance is not Permanent

Although things may seem to be off balance for a while, or even for a long time, the human system tends towards balance.

Even when laws are dictated which cause imbalance in society, at some point the system begins correcting for itself.

I am noticing this because things seem to be a bit out of balance for me.

I know I am reacting to situations from the past and I know that I have learned how to deal with them.

I am just having to make the effort at reconciliation, and then the accounts of my life will be balanced again once more.

I am glad to know how this works.

Even though there are many skills that I did not absorb in a natural step-by-step manner because I was thrown so out-of-step as a child, I can still gain them.

I just have to be more conscious and appreciative of those skills as I add them into my life.

They are coming because I desire to live my life in balance.

I desire to know what I can count on, and as it turns out, that is myself.

I can come through for myself now in ways that were not forthcoming when I was a child.

I can add to the natural balance in my life with the conscious use of my intelligence, compassion, patience and even humor.

When I feel compassion for myself and then take the steps I need, I am able to experience the balance in my life that I desire.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Special Items

When I go to a special event, I always look for the most unusual or imaginative item.

I found a lattice-style scarf with rosettes at the junctures of the weaving.

I found metal articulated dragon “fingers” at a Renaissance Faire.

A friend showed me a lucet (a device for weaving cord) made out of a wooden spoon.

I always appreciate the original thought and use of materials when I find a special item.

It lets me take note of the artist.

There is an individual connection between the mind of the artist and its manifestation that I love to acknowledge.

I look for the unusual because it suits me.

Original ideas bubble up to me consistently and I love to create and share them.

I learned how to cultivate them very early as a child.

Of course, at that time, I didn’t realize that everyone didn’t do this.

It is a skill which can be developed, first by listening for ideas.

Next, acknowledging them, even in their simple baby-step kind of identity.

Treasure them at this stage and ask them what they want to become.

Support them on their way.

You are their nurturer.

Let them shape themselves and become better at expressing them as they grow in your mind.

Let them grow in words, art, dance, music, sculpture, weaving.

Let them be beautiful and powerful.

Love them.

Let them become special items for those individuals who can recognize your artist’s mind.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Getting Things Done

There is such peace in actually getting things done.

I am learning not to fret, but to get things done when I can.

Sometimes I start moving the things I need into place.

Later, I start the process with one tiny step.

In a more or less timely manner, the thing gets done.

It is getting easier with this method of not fretting.

I am connecting the threads a new way.

I feel much more peaceful and supported as I take the time I need.

I am asking for and getting the help I need all along the way.

My beginning steps are laying the foundation for the things I have always wanted to do.

My patience and compassion for myself are allowing me to proceed with a new feeling of appreciation and empowerment.

It is a good way to get things done.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Making Things Easier

I am so grateful to discover the way to make things easier.

Everyone I know is so grateful to discover the way to makes things easier.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the world is so grateful to discover the way to make things easier.


When you focus on your priorities, that is one step to making things easier.

When you learn how to put down the demons from the past, that is another way to make things easier.

This combination frees up a lot of attention and emotional energy so that everything you do moves in a positive direction.

I am so grateful to learn how to make things easier.

It feels amazing that it is possible to move forward without a huge drag on me.

Overcoming obstacles may sound hard, but it is easier than living with them.

Building up strength and techniques gives you the power to do this.

Using your new strength and techniques puts you in new and better circumstances.

It is easier to live in new surroundings once you learn how to get there.

Your desire starts you on the path.

It cuts through the habits of negativity that keep you in present circumstances.

Although it took me longer, and I was tempted not to believe it, this, like everything else, gets easier as you practice.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage