Sunday, July 16, 2017


We are refining our concept of things, every time we revisit a topic.

If we merely reinforce our previous view, we are not refining it.

Refinement takes place when we take into consideration all that affects our view of the topic.

Our goal in refinement is to reach a point of understanding which applies to the upliftment of everyone.

Refining to benefit only a portion of the people affected continues a lower standard.

We must realize we are part of the same world, and therefore responsible for uplifting all of us in every way possible.

Refinement leads us to recognize the many threads of our connections.

Actions and policies which continue to limit certain portions of society sow resentment along with frustration.

Actions and policies which encourage and uplift all portions of society feed possibility and innovation.

How do we want our world to feel?

Downtrodden and frustrated or empowered and uplifted?

Which policies will free all of us to be better people?

Continuing the politics of entitlement and exploitation will result in more and more violent overthrow.

Expanding the policies of valuing each person as a precious citizen of our country and of our planet will lead to the best action possible.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

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