Thursday, January 31, 2019

In the Same Country - Between Two Worlds

During my husband’s seasonal business, we return to the large city where we raised our family.

The rest of the time, we live in a small rural community a few hundred miles away.

Surrounded by the rich mix of ethnicities and races, I am comforted once again, seeing the daily interactions of all of us.

On the phone to arrange for some house maintenance in our small town setting, I was reminded of the sheltered and insulated life of some of our neighbors.

Through my work as a teacher, I have been able to expand the horizons of many of my students.

Some of them are willing to consider a new point of view from a trusted teacher.

As an adult, in some conversations, in some settings, I have been able to share my point of view which is influenced through my life experiences.

I realize that all of us are living out our viewpoints according to our life experiences.

I am hopeful that more people will be able to expand their viewpoints through new experiences  instead of reinforcing limited and fearful ones.

When I am around such limited viewpoints, I am troubled because I have no idea how expansion can occur.

It seems that over time, some progress is being made, then a backlash occurs, and the progress has to be reinforced all over again.

i continue to write and compose songs for children and to share what I can.

I know there are thousands of other people do this every day and I am so very grateful.

Reducing the fear that limits people is a worthy goal.

In spite of the backlash, I am glad there is as much evidence of progress as there is.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Restored Through Knowledge

Knowing what you have to forgive yourself for is a powerful healing agent.

Taking responsibility for what you failed to do is a firm foundational step.

Forgiving yourself for not being in a position to do what you wanted to do is fully compassionate.

Realizing that you can continue to grow in powerful and productive ways is the strengthening result.

I have finally come full circle through fretting about what I could not do.

I did not achieve my goal at the time because I had other healing work to do.

My healing work is starting to fill in some of the developmental gaps created in my life.

I am not responsible for the gaps, but I am responsible for filling them in.

I am empowered to take appropriate action and to get the help I need now that I am practicing forgiveness.

Compassion for myself is part of the process.

Each step which leads us toward healing is the most appropriate step for us.

Knowing what to do in the future is shaped by our forgiveness and compassion now.

Filling in the gaps takes place as we gain more knowledge and practice more compassion.

I can sense my direction better.

I am more aware of listening for direction.

I am consistently listening for the knowledge that I need.

Forgiveness and compassion are restoring me and giving me the direction I need to take.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Feel the Peace

I know how to feel the peace.

Everyone I know, knows how to feel the peace.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, knows how to feel the peace.


When I get started in the morning, I search for the sense of peace which I want to carry with me all day.

That is my first reference point.

When I need to feel a sense of peace, I take a moment for a deep breath or two, which allows me to access the peace I carry with me.

When different situations come up, I have already established how I want to feel, and I can find the peaceful feeling I choose.

Many times, it has been possible to defuse and calm a situation because I know that I want a peaceful feeling.

My peace is felt by others.

Since we all prefer to be peaceful instead of tense or pressured, it is easy to see why this works.

People naturally gravitate toward a peaceful feeling.

My peace overflows into the atmosphere wherever I am.

This creates a calm flow.

Difficulties are worked out, problems are solved, people are kind.

We all have the opportunity to bring peace into a situation.

The peace we want to feel is the same peace that everyone wants to feel.

It is good to establish our peace and let it overflow so that more people can feel it.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Peace That is Palpable

Tangible peace can be felt.

The presence or peace and its’ effects are obvious.

When you come into a particular place, you can feel the atmosphere in it, the vibe.

It may be exciting, it may be tense, it may be full of peace.

It is possible to bring peace into a situation.

When you are full of peace yourself, it flows all around you.

You respond in a peaceful way.

You create the peace you want to experience.

Others pickup on that feeling.

It is important to establish a sense of peace to carry with you throughout the day.

That way, you determine the nature of your day.

You are not subject to other people’s impatience or frustrations.

Instead, you can add to the peace moment by moment.

I have seen the peace I carry with me defuse tense situations many times.

We all want to be able to complete our daily activities in a peaceful and efficient manner.

When someone leads with peace, it is easier for others to follow.

I can always take a moment for myself with a deep breath or two to access the peace which I carry with me.

My ability to quiet myself and to act calmly infuses the atmosphere around me.

Making peace tangible is a valuable habit to practice.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Claiming My Rights

For many years, I have acquiesced to others direction.

I am finally learning to trust myself, my ideas and my intuition.

This is leading me to a completely different relationship with myself and the world around me.

By noticing what things mean to me, and realizing that my point of view is valid, I am reshaping my world and my life.

It is taking effort to build my new “muscles”, as it does with any new practice.

Because my inspiration is continuous, I receive encouragement from the Universe.

I feel an internal reliance growing for the first time.

I am able to remain resolved and follow through.

The constant shifting to avoid displeasing others has resulted in acute anxiety which I am able to address.

By following my own code, I am taking action which is in alignment with my deepest feelings.

That takes away the anxiety by giving me consistency.

I am not torn apart by trying to move two directions at once.

I am, at last, responding to my own needs in ways that make sense to me.

This is my right.

I have a valid point of view and I have decided to live in harmony with it.

My considered actions reflect that point of view.

With this strength, I am able to move forward in my own direction.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Unexpected Contacts

Everywhere we are, we have what we need.

Everywhere we go, what we have can overflow to uplift, bless, and help others.

I signed up for a one-day quilt retreat where I did not know anyone.

As I began working on my quilt, the woman across from me mentioned in conversation that she and her husband were thinking of buying land and moving off-grid.

I was really impressed, because my husband and I had done just that and lived for three years off-grid.

I was able to answer the woman’s questions from personal experience and to share various resources with her.

We will continue the conversation in the future.

I am so grateful for the opportunity to receive the resources I needed for my own project.

At the same time, I was provided an opportunity to share the resources I have with someone else.

Even though we are in unfamiliar territory, we always can find what we need.

The other side of that is that we can give something that someone else needs.

As we learn to live without expectation but willing to serve, there is a larger reciprocity happening in the Universe.

We receive, but we also give.

No one is depleted.

Unexpected connections can result in valuable contacts.

When we value the way we are learning to communicate through intuition, we naturally find ourselves where we can be benefitted.

Just as naturally, others find that they are benefitted by our presence and knowledge.

By being open to new opportunities, the blessings go both ways.

It is part of the natural order when we do not limit ourselves to what we already know and can already see.

A larger purpose for everyone involved takes shape in many little ways.

The many little ways grow continuously to benefit more and more people as we make it our habit to be willing to serve.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, January 24, 2019

When I Listen

When I listen, I am led to solutions.

When everyone I know listens, they are led to solutions.

When everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, listens, they are led to solutions.

Sometimes I have a scary problem that is so severe, it blocks out my ability to think.

I have learned to calm myself and to take deep breaths.

That is the first tool that I turn to.

Later, I am able to take other steps to relieve my fear and panic.

The best thing that happens is that by calming myself, I am able to listen for solutions.

Sometimes, just calming myself is the solution.

Sometimes, taking the time for deep reflection allows me to hear the solution.

Sometimes, just realizing that I need to stop, or at least slow down, allows me to feel calm.

Doing research can help find a solution.

Immersing myself in creative work always feels good.

Journaling helps me define my problem by putting it into words instead of just letting my feelings take over.

I am so grateful for the opportunities to listen.

The luxury of taking time for self-care is the greatest gift I can give myself.

Learning to practice self-care habitually is important for me.

Realizing the self-care needs to be consistent helps me progress.

The consistent and habitual practice of self-care is new for me.

Often, it is the solution.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

When Your Mind Moves On

I find I am constantly contemplating my projects.

I am aware of all the other things which are going on around me, the news, cooking, driving.

But my mind is solving problems on its own, and when I tune into my projects, they have progressed.

This is a very peaceful operation, as I am not concerned, nor am I included.

My mind is taking care of everything.

Occasionally, I will find myself getting up in the middle of the night and doing some excellent work.

Then, I think I will continue from there the next day, but that is not the case.

I will continue whenever that moment comes when I am directed to do so.

It is kind of a funny feeling, but I am getting used to it.

The project moves on and gets done, completely on its own time.

I am the messenger, the vehicle, nothing more.

I continue to acquire information and skills and then they get put to use in the most appropriate way.

It is quite enjoyable learning to take this in, and is completely without pressure.

I am sure everything will be completed when it is necessary, and that it will include everything.

I feel that I am living in a kind of gently suspended animation.

I am ready to work, and I have ideas about what I expect to do with my project.

But I do not feel that I am the one directing it at all.

Weird, huh?

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Big Enough

If your project or dream is not getting started as fast as you anticipated, perhaps it is because you need to expand your concept to a bigger scale.

That will influence the tiny steps you take at the beginning.

Although all projects, big and small, begin with the first step, they may take different directions depending on the scale you anticipate.

You will know when you are aligned properly with the scale of your project, because you will begin to see the flow.

Projects tend to draw in the resources which they need in order to get accomplished, so you know to focus carefully on what is happening.

Expand your possibilities and consider how many people can be benefitted by what you are doing.

Are there ways of including more people once you have laid the foundation?

What do you need to do in the formative process to be able to expand easily once you have started?

You will be guided to use the appropriate technology tools and feet on the ground as you continue to take steps.

The happiness you feel as you work on your project will be part of every step.

Listening for the right step at the fight time will remove frustration and impatience.

The harmony you incorporate into the process will create a harmonious yield throughout.

Be big enough to include every person working on the project into your uplifting view.

The negative components you erase all along the way will speed your delivery.

All the points at which the community is touched by your project will feel the infusion of your positive energy.

Let your project be big enough to include all who may possibly benefit.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage