Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Big Enough

If your project or dream is not getting started as fast as you anticipated, perhaps it is because you need to expand your concept to a bigger scale.

That will influence the tiny steps you take at the beginning.

Although all projects, big and small, begin with the first step, they may take different directions depending on the scale you anticipate.

You will know when you are aligned properly with the scale of your project, because you will begin to see the flow.

Projects tend to draw in the resources which they need in order to get accomplished, so you know to focus carefully on what is happening.

Expand your possibilities and consider how many people can be benefitted by what you are doing.

Are there ways of including more people once you have laid the foundation?

What do you need to do in the formative process to be able to expand easily once you have started?

You will be guided to use the appropriate technology tools and feet on the ground as you continue to take steps.

The happiness you feel as you work on your project will be part of every step.

Listening for the right step at the fight time will remove frustration and impatience.

The harmony you incorporate into the process will create a harmonious yield throughout.

Be big enough to include every person working on the project into your uplifting view.

The negative components you erase all along the way will speed your delivery.

All the points at which the community is touched by your project will feel the infusion of your positive energy.

Let your project be big enough to include all who may possibly benefit.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage


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