Saturday, September 28, 2019

Oneness With Happiness

I feel so happy now that I am aligned with what I love to do and am doing it.

All the steps that I have taken have brought me to this point.

My philosophy and practice are unified.

I am expressing my skills and talents in ways which support my philosophy.

I am doing what I love to do in ways which help increase happiness for others.

I feel the unity of my purpose and action as never before.

I am releasing my inspiration in ways which benefit others.

I am drawing the resources for release, just as the resources were given to me to receive.

I am experiencing great satisfaction as I see these ideas expand into action and release.

I have overcome obstacles in unexpected ways.

Momentum has been provided from unanticipated sources.

Support is building for each phase as I am ready to move forward.

I am happy and unconcerned, feeling only the solid grounding for each step.

My ability to feel the solid grounding keeps me moving on my path.

I am building on happiness all the way.

The power of consistent happiness as I develop my ideas envelops all those who come in contact with the ideas.

The force of my expression of happiness embraces and uplifts all who participate.

All other expression is rolled back and only happiness remains.

The power of upliftment through happiness is demonstrated.

The attracting force of happiness draws all who can receive it into range.

Happiness expands into the community as I release my ideas and they are received.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, September 27, 2019

Defining Yourself

You have an individual life signature.

It comes to you as you observe what you are attracted to doing.

When you discover what you love to do, you are in tune with your deep being.

Take the time to notice what it is that you love on such a deep level.

Cultivate that feeling as you move into your daily work.

It will lead you to a satisfying and fulfilling way to live throughout your life.

Whatever you encouter, measure it against what you love to do.

It must meet that standard in order for you to include it in your life.

Surround yourself also with what is in harmony with what you love to do.

You will define yourself by your increase in happiness.

Your increase in happiness will lead you to a life of prosperity.

Your experience of well-being will overflow into service.

Those who can most benefit from your work will find you.

You will increase their happiness and well-being and they will pay you to do so.

You will discover that what you love to do has many benefits to the community.

Your view of yourself as valuable and productive in the ways which define you best has a positive impact.

Your desire to know yourself and see yourself doing what you love to do frees you to contribute in the most uplifting ways.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Your Diamond Mind 

Thursday, September 26, 2019

My Peaceful Surroundings

I am surrounded by peace from within and without.

My ability to choose the direction of my thought lets me choose peace.

I am able to measure the things which come into my life by the peace they bring me.

I am able to exclude what does not increase my peace.

I have a right to create happiness and peace for myself under all circumstances.

Only that which supports my happiness and peace is allowed to be in my presence.

I have found my way to peace and happiness step by step.

I have a sure foundation to support me in peace and happiness.

I am able to attract peaceful and happy circumstances, occurrences, and even memories.

I am able to rewrite what does not bring me peace and happiness.

I choose to create peace and happiness for myself and for others.

I see the benefits and results from creating a life which is immersed in peace and happiness.

Problems are solved by seeking the solution through peace and happiness.

Occurences outside of my life have no bearing on who I am or what kind of life I lead.

I have the power to include what belongs in my life and to exclude what does not.

I choose to follow what I love to do and to enjoy the experiences that brings me.

I choose to assoicate myself with those who also enjoy the uplifting feeling of peace and happiness.

I choose to assoicate myself with those who enjoy creating peace and happiness for others.

I am in a place of peace and happiness from which I can build my complete life.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Innate Deep Power

The power of today’s youth movement is expressing their innate deep power.

The young can feel the difference between what is true and what is a lie.

They have not been so influenced and corrupted by daily decisions and acceptances of wrong, little by little.

They see the sharp contrast between what is healthy action and what is not.

They are mentoring themselves as they communicate their ideals and their fears.

Common fears have drawn them together in a powerful movement to demand change.

The way things have been done is no longer acceptable.

Their clear vision is created by a reality which does not include privilege for decision-makers who have moved the planet in a destructive direction.

They are aware and motivated and are taking action.

Their leaders come from wthin their ranks.

Many have stepped into unplanned leadership.

Their sincerity and understanding of the true threat to their futures is unmarred by the past.

Theirs is a powerful message.

As present leadership resists their message and pleas for their own privilege, it will find itself overrun as well as irrelevant.

The strength of todays’ youth movement is in its honesty.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Peel the Lies Away

It is possible to grow up thinking of yourself in entirely false terms.

You may have had the feeling of being completely unappreciated.

You may have felt that all your efforts were for nothing.

You may have felt defeated by circumstances which surrounded you.

It may be that you were around negative people.

Whatever caused the criticism and destructive self-image, it was all lies.

Everything is so beautiful once you peel the lies away.

You can translate your present circumstances into steps forward.

What is it you love to do?

This discovery will move you toward self-appreciation.

Your efforts to move yourself toward what you love to do will increase your sense of self-compassion.

You will begin to see connections which are good for you.

You will move yourself into surroundings which are supportive of you.

You will attract people who love who you are.

Criticism will be turned into recognition and appreciation.

Your individuality will begin to emerge.

You will begin to see yourself as you really are.

You will peel away the lies.

Your well-being will become evident.

You will live the life you are meant to live in well-being and happiness.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, September 23, 2019

Receiving Definition

I feel the presence of my defintion of who I am.

Everyone I know feels the presence of the definition of who they are.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, feels the presence of the definition of who they are.

Despite current trends and possibilities, I feel the presence of the definition of who I am.

As I listen within, I receive the direction and guidance which defines me.

I gain clarity through every challenge as I consider its validity and application to my life.

My conviction of my purpose and identity grows as I face other possibilities.

As I compare what is offered, I discard what is not relevant to my defintion and life’s purpose.

I sort through the offerings, and feel the energetic response within me.

Even though some possibilities look good and are presented with conviction, if they do not match my motive, they do not help define me.

I am freer and freer as I gain conviction as to my identity.

My definition grows into an unstoppable outward shape and project.

My action aligns harmoniously with all that I am.

I see the effects of my work as I follow my deep convictions from within.

I gather my resources effortlessly.

Support flows in from unexpected places.

I feel my exact definition taking place and putting me into a harmonious environment.

I know where I am and I love being here.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

New Territory

New territory is bringing me a different kind of life.

New territory is bringing everyone I know a different kind of life.

New territory is bring everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, a different kind of life.


My new territory releases me from the old reactions and patterns of my life.

In my new territory, I am appreciated and liked and enjoyed and recognized.

I am starting out with an uplifting attitude all around me.

This helps direct me toward new experiences which are completely out of range of criticism from the past.

As I explore my new territory, I am without prejudice.

I am open to what is available to be learned.

I am open to a new way of looking at things.

I am able to bring the best of what I have learned into a new context.

I am comfortable and comforted in my new territory.

I am reaffirmed by what I know to be mine.

I make powerful connection with my purpose.

I act with confidence to carry out each step in a harmonious flow.

I know that all the steps in the foundation have been laid because I can move without obstruction.

I receive evidence that what I am doing meets a need.

My work is valued and accessible.

I am able to release my “imprisoned splendor”, (from Robert Browning's “Paracelus”).

I experience well-being in my new territory.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Discovery of Self

We are vectored toward self-discovery both through our successes and through things which fail to work out well in our lives.

Our response to both kinds of experiences herds us into self-discovery.

It can be discouraging when things do not work out, especially over a long period of time.

Our sincere efforts and desire to progress ensure that we will continue taking steps in a posiitve direction.

Even set-backs help define where we are and what is important to us.

As we build on what we know to be our true purpose, we receive incontrovertible evidence that we are moving in the right direction.

We feel panicked and pressured when we move away from what we know to be ours.

That which is ours is such a deep part of us that it causes great discomfort when we move in such a way as to separate ourselves from it.

We are drawn back in a very powerful way.

With confirmation of our purpose, we are aligned to receive direction for the next steps.

Our perfect alignment allows unobstructed action to begin to flow.

This is how we know that the complete foundation has been laid.

Our discovery of self defines the unique service we can offer best.

It gives us the product ideas to help uplift and inspire others.

It gives us the steps to take in producing the products.

We are connected with the resources we need at every step.

Everything, poistive and negative, works to define who we are to ourselves.

We make our self-discovery with complete clarity.

We take action with complete confidence.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Your Diamond Mind 

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Peace in the Steps We Take

We can find peace both in the steps we take and in the steps we do not take.

Sometimes, despite our best intentions, it is not in our best interest to take certain steps.

It requires deep conviction of our ability to listen within and to receive Guidance to turn away from what looks like a perfectly good direction.

When we are given the signs to move away or to move in a different direction, we have to be ready to trust them.

Moving away can be an instance of moving toward something else.

When a path has been prepared and we want to take it, but feel held back, it is a good opportunity to review our priorities and to listen within.

Our resistance to one path may build up our strength to overome obstacles in another path.

When we take our steps in the new path, we will find our way open and unobstructed.

This happens to me from time to time.

By applying excellence to all our efforts, we can be rewarded with a sense of the best path for ourselves.

The peace we receive when we turn in the right direction helps us continue in it.

Our feelings keep us in contact with what is deeply good for us to do.

Our tiny steps, taken in deep peace, lay down a foundation of peace.

We can trust the steps and see the foundation being built.

When it is time, our project will become visible to the people who can benefit most.

We will be able to serve consistently without swerving from our path.

By trusting our intuition and Guidance, we will move gently, with confidence in the path which gives us peace.

We will convey our peace through every action we take.

We will dispel confusion for ourselves and for those we serve.

We will help others to build their own trust through receiving peace from listening within.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, September 16, 2019

Trusting Myself

I am actually trusting and investing in myself.

I am not copying what the experts tell me to do, but I am finding my own way.

I suppose it is a normal resut for learning to listen within exclusively.

I suppose it is an anticipated result for committing myself to doing what I love to do.

Perhaps it is even a celebration of my recognition for my own authority.

From whatever viewpoint, I am investing all my effort in following the Guidance which comes to me.

I am in love with who I am and what I do.

I am worth my time and effort.

My commitment to excellence includes the value I bring to my own progress.

My inspired projects are where I choose to dedicate my time and resources.

I feel so wonderful giving myself permission to do them.

I am so happy I am exploring their possibilities.

I am so grateful to recieve the ideas and to give them expression.

Now, I will expand on their expression.

My ideas will be able to benefit so many more people.

They will find their way into the hands and lives of others to uplift and encourage and inspire them.

This is where I belong.

This is what I have been preparing for.

This is what my life and purpose are about.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Your True Tone

You have your own voice to speak your truth.

This is your true tone.

Although you can repeat what others say, it is not your true tone.

As you listen within, you can hear your own voice and your own message.

Your true tone defines who you are and how you express yourself.

It expresses your interests and how you feel about things.

You are entitled to know how you feel and to express it.

Your true tone guides you to a match with the things you love to do.

It guides you to the people who recognize and appreciate what you do.

As you express your true tone, it draws those to you whom you can best serve.

Your true tone sounds and reverberates with a call to those listeners who can most benefit.

Wherever you are, you can find those who are in harmony with you.

They will appear whenever you have something to say which is of value to them.

The ideas which come to you have a purpose and as you express your true tone, you are fulfilling that purpose.

Your work is in service to a greater Cause which guides you and protects you.

Your true tone blends with others who are called by the same Cause.

The harmony of your tone blends with the true tones of all those throughout the earth who have discerned their purpose.

Everyone expressing their purpose creates a harmonious world.

Needs are seen and filled in a harmonious flow.

All are lifted up as they express their true tone in service to others.

Those who receive service are able to progress and to serve others.

As each one appears and voices their true tone, they are led where they are most needed.

Each of us grows in a positive direction through expressing our true tone.

We draw the resources we need and we perfect our message.

As we discern the Cause which supports and protects us, we enable others to hear their true tone and Cause.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage