We can find peace both in the steps we take and in the steps we do not take.
Sometimes, despite our best intentions, it is not in our best interest to take certain steps.
It requires deep conviction of our ability to listen within and to receive Guidance to turn away from what looks like a perfectly good direction.
When we are given the signs to move away or to move in a different direction, we have to be ready to trust them.
Moving away can be an instance of moving toward something else.
When a path has been prepared and we want to take it, but feel held back, it is a good opportunity to review our priorities and to listen within.
Our resistance to one path may build up our strength to overome obstacles in another path.
When we take our steps in the new path, we will find our way open and unobstructed.
This happens to me from time to time.
By applying excellence to all our efforts, we can be rewarded with a sense of the best path for ourselves.
The peace we receive when we turn in the right direction helps us continue in it.
Our feelings keep us in contact with what is deeply good for us to do.
Our tiny steps, taken in deep peace, lay down a foundation of peace.
We can trust the steps and see the foundation being built.
When it is time, our project will become visible to the people who can benefit most.
We will be able to serve consistently without swerving from our path.
By trusting our intuition and Guidance, we will move gently, with confidence in the path which gives us peace.
We will convey our peace through every action we take.
We will dispel confusion for ourselves and for those we serve.
We will help others to build their own trust through receiving peace from listening within.
© 2019 Kathryn Hardage
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