Thursday, October 31, 2019

Awakening to Completeness

For many years, Ihave been writing down my thoughts about healing my child trauma.

As I gather my materials together, I see that I have matured greatly into my healing.

I have made a lot of progress.

I have different ways of interrupting my fears and moving myself into productive activity.

My intense desire for healing, (because the alternative was unacceptable), has given me the courage and persistence to stick with it.

Facing down the obstacles has required repeated strength.

Even though I still have many triggering effects to deal with, I can take action and move myself into a better state.

My practice has buit a new foundation for my life.

As I gather my energies together, I see that I have a body of work to share to help others.

I continue to learn the skills to release my materials.

I have the patience and self-compassion to continue learning as I take my tiny steps.

I feel calm and grateful as I realize how far I have come.

My life would have continued down its frantic, anxious and depressive path without my work to heal.

I am grateful for all the workshops, writers, therapists, and understanding and supportive friends who have helped me heal.

I am grateful for the opportunity to share the healing strategies which I have learned and which I have developed for myself.

I am in a new place.

It is wonderful to awake to completeness.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Happiness Field

Through connecting the threads of the tiny steps I am taking, I am gaining access to the happiness field.

The nerves which were sheared through long-term trauma are being connected and there is a tiny flow to a part of me that knows happiness.

It has always been there, available, waiting, but with no connection to it.

By discovering and immersing myself in what I love to do, I began the process of reconstructing a connection which was lost so many years ago.

The tiny flow increases every time I do what I love to do.

It is increasing at such a rate that I am able to help others move into their fields of happiness also.

I trust what I love to do so much that it separates me from others’ opinions about what I should do.

Discovering the never-ending consistent love whch I have, keeps me from veering off the path despite my other skills.

I arrive over and over again at my field of happiness and find it expanding each time.

By continuing to stay consistently on my path, I am becoming visible to others.

I am able to accept offers of help from those who recognize my path.

Making progress in my chosen direction feels very wonderful.

I am sincere and authentic in my chosen path of loving what I do.

I feel my conection to those who wil most benefit.

I enjoy the fact that I can help guide them to their own field of happiness.

I respect the individuality of each person who comes to me and I encourage them in developing it.

This alignment produces the most happy and satisfying life.

We can live in our field of happiness by respecting what we love to do and continually taking the tiny steps which authenticate our progress.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Moving Slowly to Cultivate Calm

I am deliberately movng slowly to experience a new way of cultivating calm.

I find that even the thrill of moving fast can be agitating.

When I move calmly, it is with poise.

Cultivating a sense of poise in everything I do is a worthy and delightful goal.

Developing strength adds to poise.

Moving with confidence adds to poise.

Releasing original writings and materials adds to poise.

My basis for doing what I love is to share inspiration and peace.

This adds to the comfort and calm of others.

Overcoming challenges and obstacles adds to confidence, calm and poise.

We all can benefit from encouragement in our lives.

Trusting the new good which we attract into our lives requires confidence.

Testing the waters and building the foundation creates calm.

Being alert to what contributes and what detracts creates calm.

We filter out what is not useful and move forward with calm and confidence.

I am finding my way as I develop the techniques and skills to do so.

I cannot move faster, and nothing can slow me down.

I am worthy to experience the good that is possible in my life.

It is possible for me to expand beyond the negative influences of the past.

I appreciate my pace for its slowness, because it allows me to feel secure.

I am able to trust my need for certainty and my ability to find it.

I am grateful for the persistence and ability to stay on my path.

I am able to cultivate calm with consistent practice and to move forward, whether it be slow or fast.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

A Whole Field of Happiness

An energy field of happiness exists which we can tap into.

By doing what I love to do, I am building up a connection to the field of happiness.

When an attempt was made to separate me from what  love to do, I hung on and clung tightly to it.

It is the only thing I have which is mine, this knowledge and practice of what I love to do.

When I do what I love, I return to a divine and spiritual place which is my home in the field of happiness.

I have room to develop my ideas without fear of criticism.

I can take the time to listen patiently within.

When I am filled up with happiness, it overflows into action.

I proceed without doubt and with a sure and certain direction.

I trust what I am doing as I do it.

I move gently and with conviction.

My whole day is filled with happiness as I take care of my projects.

My life refines itself by eliminating places of uncertainty or inharmony.

People who support me appear from many new directions.

I develop a new place in my life for anticipated harmony.

I fit easily into new places.

My work discovers its home.

My contentment is settled and safe.

The eruptions and disturbances of the past are covered over with pleasant memories during current times.

I am doing what i love to do and people are loving me for doing it.

I am in a safe, happy place where I am content.

This is my field of happiness.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Your Diamond Mind

When Things Feel Good

As I move into more and more good feeling about myself, my environment reflects that back to me.

I find the lack of tension an uncomfortable difference, because of its persistent presence in my past.

I realize that I am no longer being judged and criticized with negative consequences.

I have room to be OK with myself.  I will not be thrown off balance as a matter of course.

I am taking steps on my projects and they are going well.

Everything in my environment supports me.

I am moving myself into places of respect and harmony.

I am connecting with those who love what I do and pay for my products.

I am experiencing new feelings of relief as I make my connections.

I rebound from associations which do not benefit me.

The Universe supplies uplifting and supportive connections.

I benefit from their inspiration and recognition long after the initial connection.

I feel my definition taking form.

I move consistently in one direction which is fulfilling and satsifying and happy.

I can feel the presence of those who will most benefit from what I love to do.

Avenues of connection continually appear.

What I am releasing is being received.

I am being uplifted and supported by my work.

I expand with joy and happiness.

I feel good in more situations.

I am present to my needs and they are being met.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, October 28, 2019

All My Resources

What if I used all my resources to make myself happy?

I have been using almost all my resources to make sure everything runs smoothly for others.

Now that I have started applying my resources to myself, I feel as though I am having a complete life make-over.

I am important.

What I do is significant.

How I feel about things is something important to consider.

How I best feel I can use my time is important and significant.

Where I want to go and what I want to do is vital.

Giving myself the benefit of trusting my intuition gives me the courage to take steps which validate my resources.

I see significant progress when I apply all my resources to myself.

I accomplish my projects with full energy directed to them.

I expand my outreach beyond the basics when I utilize all my resources for myself.

I am happy and fulfiled and energized.

I follow through on my intuition readily and take action.

With my focus on what is important to me, I am relaxed as I move into fulfillment.

I can trust the outcome when I conentrate all my resources on myself.

I have the time, money, supplies and connections to accomplish what I love.

I am immersed in the feeling of success.

Happiness permeates me as I experience my progress.

I leave frustration and doubt behind.

I am confident and poised as I utilize all the resources at hand.

I love what I am able to accomplish.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Good Connections

I am moving into a feeling of peace about myself.

Everyone I know is moving into a feeling of peace about themselves.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is moving into a sense of peace about themselves.

My consistent movement toward doing what I love is bringing me peace.

I am finding the places which allow me to express that peace and to expand upon it.

I am living the peace I have always wanted to live.

It is overflowing into a product line with multiple outlets.

It is bringing me the security and recognition I enjoy.

I feel myself living with confidence and the expectation of good.

I connect with good everywhere I go.

Sometimes the connection is by contrast to what is not a good fit for me.

By trusting my intuition, I arrive at the right solution for myself.

As I tune into the view from the Universe, I see my connections clearly.

My identity is so clear in the Universe that my connections are natural and pure.

I continue to create the valuable products whch help to lift and inspire others.

As I create them, I feel their connection to those who will most appreciate and benefit from them.

The good in me connects with the good in others.

This powerful connection is the force which governs the action moving me forward.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Attraction of Innocence

Innocence creates a powerful atmosphere.

There is no room for condemnation or criticism of others.

We see the higher nature of everyone when we practice our power of innocence.

Others are drawn to our higher view of them.

They desire to create the same kind of energy for themselves in their own life.

We create an atmosphere of upliftment through our active practice of innocence.

We cultivate purity of action which creates well-being for everyone.

We see others as deserving regardless of their circumstances.

We work as a community to create circumstances which allow everyone to uplift themselves.

Our action expresses the pure ideals which allow everyone to be uplifted.

This energizes the efforts of everyone and creates new solutions.

Involving every one addresses problems accurately.

The innocence of allowing everyone to participate creates room for more ideas.

We uplift ourselves and others through the dignity of inclusion.

When well-being is established for everyone, we have a healthy community.

In our innocence we value everyone.

We lead with respect and we see an uplfiting attitude toward everyone.

This creates room for more people to participate in assessment and solutions.

With more creativity and intelligence applied to solutions, they are more complete.

Motivation to particpate increases.

The whole community becomes energized.

There is an increase in productivity through feeling valued.

There is mutual respect as we all experience what can be done through the attraction of innocence.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Care From the Universe

The Universe of ideas is unlimited.

When you start being willing to receive them, they will flow in increasing number and frequency.

They will fit you, tailor made, to your personality, skills and desires.

The more you respond to them, the more you will receive them.

Your life will be completely shaped by your reception and devleopment of the ideas which come to you.

You will experience satisfaction and fulfillment consistently and on a greater and greater scale.

You will not be tied to traditional forms of education or of marketing.

Yours will be a path of receiving ideas whenever you need them, wherever you are.

These ideas will be perfect for your situation.

You will be supplied withwhatever you need to develop them as you continue to listen inwardly.

People will show up, either with skills you need, or, for contrast, skills you do not need.

Either way, your path will continue to be defined for you.

You may relocate, either by some curious desire to be somewhere else, or by a deeply defined goal you have always had.

Always the Universe will be there with its unlimited resources and guidance.

You will find your connections happen more frequently and more naturally.

You will start to reshape your expectations for good things to come into your life.

You will get used to the new feeling of safety and happiness, although it may take a while depending on your past.

You will feel completely in alignment with who you are, what you do, and what you love.

You will relate to the world with an uplifting disposition.

You will feel completely at home with your surroundings.

You will feel empowered to live freely, in a way which is safe and satsifying to you in every way.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Trusting Myself

I am discovering the benefits of trusting myself.

Everyone I know is discovering the benefits of trusting themselves.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over theworld, is discovering the benefits of trusting themselves.

I have a more direct route to my goals when I trust myself.

Others interpret what I say differently and have their own directives for advising me.

My own trust aligns me perfectly with my deep identity.

When I sense who I am through inner listening, I am connected with the action I am to take.

I am able to move directly toward my goal.

By not getting distracted by the opinions of others, I can move with confidence.

It is a great step to trust myself.

I have been instructed in minute detail in every phase of my life.

Even to find the way to experiencing things for myself has required me to override my detailed early instruction.

Once I am sure that I am listening to my own voice, I can make my own observations.

I can move in the direction of what I love.

It is so freeing to discover what I love and to do it.

As I continue listening to my inner voice and doing what I love, I am connected to others who share my goals and desires.

We form an uplifting community, active in behalf of all its members.

I can trust the associations I make since we are all motivated by the same ideals.

My ability to serve and to be benefitted by my assocations expands in beautiful ways.

We see things in the same expanded light.

We are able to reach others who want to live in a way which epxresses their individuality through doing what they love.

Through trusting our intuition, we are led to include those who belong in a community with our ideals.

We are able to keep our work pure and uplifting as we share our goals with those who are looking for an uplifting life.

By trusting myself, I am led to establish a wonderful life for myself which expands into the community.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage