I was involved with delightful family exchange during and after dinner when I realized I needed some more alone time.
I have gotten used to listening within for long periods of the day.
I need that solitude to listen deeply within.
It was easy to remove myself from the conversation and to move where I could be alone.
In the alone time, I have learned how to slow down.
As I regulate my breathing, I feel the tensions of my world drop away from me.
I enter the realm of quiet within.
Here is where I find my peace.
Here is where intuitive messages come to me.
I receive practical ideas as well as a general feeling of peace and wholeness.
I am learning to translate ideas into action while remaining in my peace.
I feel the wholeness of the idea and then I begin to live it.
There is a continuous flow as I witness how all the elements come together.
My calmer approach allows me to sense when everything is complete.
I can make changes as I hear the refinements to my project during my quiet time.
I continue to listen patiently until I hear the answer to a problem.
My listening time is the way I check on myself, to make sure I am following my priorities.
I am able to loose any incompatible influences as I become completely quiet within.
My true nature reveals itself to me and I am able to express who I am confidently.
© 2019 Kathryn Hardage
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