Saturday, November 30, 2019

What is Your Business?

As I have come through the deep gloom of my early childhood, I find it possible to thrive.

I resented and feared what my abusers had done to me, but I am finding my freedom anyway.

As I viewed their later lives, I wondered how there could be any good waiting for them.

That is how I am beginning to understand forgiveness.

Our HIgher Power knows what we are underneath all the layers of bad, or even good, behavior.

We are seen in that original Light no matter what practices we have taken on for ourselves.

Yielding to temptation, finding pleasure in cruelty, all disappear and are replaced as the person desires to reform.

The ability to reform, to become something different, is a result of the power of forgiveness from our Higher Power.

The corresponding portion is the ability to be released from despair and fear on the part of the victim.

As we see ourselves in a stronger light, our ability to overcome and to surpass our obstacles results in our own freedom.

I never could understand how that worked.

But now I am getting a glimpse.

The desire to be better brings in a different view and corresponding actions.

No one is lost, neither perpetrator nor victims.

It is up to us to take individual responsibility for finding the solution for ourselves.

As we seek out the solution, resources will come to our aid.

Authors, workshop leaders, therapists, friends, all help us on our healing path.

It is our desire, whether victim or perpetrator, which starts us on the path to healing.

This is how I understand and see evidence of forgiveness.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Evidence of Forgiveness

As I have come through the deep gloom of my early childhood, I find it possible to thrive.

I resented and feared what my abusers had done to me, but I am finding my freedom anyway.

As I viewed their later lives, I wondered how there could be any good waiting for them.

That is how I am beginning to understand forgiveness.

Our HIgher Power knows what we are underneath all the layers of bad, or even good, behavior.

We are seen in that original Light no matter what practices we have taken on for ourselves.

Yielding to temptation, finding pleasure in cruelty, all disappear and are replaced as the person desires to reform.

The ability to reform, to become something different, is a result of the power of forgiveness from our Higher Power.

The corresponding portion is the ability to be released from despair and fear on the part of the victim.

As we see ourselves in a stronger light, our ability to overcome and to surpass our obstacles results in our own freedom.

I never could understand how that worked.

But now I am getting a glimpse.

The desire to be better brings in a different view and corresponding actions.

No one is lost, neither perpetrator nor victims.

It is up to us to take individual responsibility for finding the solution for ourselves.

As we seek out the solution, resources will come to our aid.

Authors, workshop leaders, therapists, friends, all help us on our healing path.

It is our desire, whether victim or perpetrator, which starts us on the path to healing.

This is how I understand and see evidence of forgiveness.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

What Is Revealed

As you search for your purpose, deeply and with commitment, it will be revealed to you.

You will build up an entirely new foundation as part of your new practice.

Each tiny step will be revealed to you as part of your unique and unstoppable path.

Your ability to listen within to hear the unique messages which define who you are, is enough.

Your presence in the world is bringing something beautiful that would not be there without you.

There is a place reserved for you and your work.

As it reveals itself to you, uyou will recieve an unmistakable feeling of peace and wholeness.

Whenever you move close to what your purpose is, you will feel alignment in your life.

Whever you move away from what your purpose is you will feel deep distress and despair.

Those feelings will keep you on the path which is continuously revealing itself to you.

Each tiny step, taken in revelation, creates a firm foundation.

A firm foundation leaves no gaps; it is whole.

The unique structure which you build on your firm foundation will last for the ages.

It has the characteristics of purity and power.

It takes action with an undeniable uplifting force.

It is irresistible, sweeing those who can most benefit toward it.

When you live in the power of revelationk, you have a confidence and assurance which endure despite any other happenings.

Your revelation is your security.

The uplifting ideas which continaully come to you and which you express keep your safe and assure yor place.

You have a unique sustainign practice through revelation.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Your Diamond Mind

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Naming the Lie

“I believe you have put the wrong name on that package!”

When you realize that what you are hearing and feeling is a lie, you can name its owner and send it back.

It is someone else’s viewpoint.

It does not belong to you.

I identify strongly with loving myself so when I feel bad, I recognize it as something from my past.

A lie is anything negative about you, i.e. your personality, your actions, and is always about its source.

Not you!

Once you name where it is coming from, you are free to go on with your feeling of happiness.

You self-validate when you remember who you are and get on with what you were doing.

The qualities you cultivate when you commit to doing what you love to do are supportive of your best self.

You are part and parcel of all the good things which you know about yourself.

Someone with low convictions about themselves may try to put some of their negativity on others, but you can brush it off quickly.

You belong in the beautiful surroundings you attract to yourself.

You have a right to enjoy positive friendships which support you.

No matter who the lie attaches itself to, even a good friend or a relative, it belongs to them, not to you.

You continue taking your steps in the direction you choose.

You enjoy your new associations and partnerships.

You enjoy your new friends and your new clients.

You live in the conscious activity of loving what you do.

You are surrounded by all those who love you and what you do, too.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Filling Up With Good

Step by tiny step, I am filling up with good experiences.

These are displacing the decades of hidden fear driven by child trauma.

As the fears are uncovered, I return myself to calm.

I do nothing but remain in a calm state, until I am sure I can maintain it.

Into my life, there enters a new circumstance, a new opportunity.

It may look like a particular type of opportunity, but for me, it is an opportunity to fill up on good feelings.

There is a lot of room for good feelings to displace the negative ones.

I stand patiently, willingly releasing the good work I have been creating into the community.

I receive all the benefits possible in each setting.

Step by tiny step, I become convinced that others consistently see me in a positive light.

I recieve appreciation and recognition for my work.

I am beginning to feel comfortable being visible.

I learn to sustain myself in a calm and relaxed state around others.

Being patient is part of remaining calm.

Everything grows at its own rate.

Patience and calm are required for growth, as well as challenges.

My professional classical musician background taught me to sustain tiny, miniscule actions over a long period of time, years, decades, in order to achieve musical results.

I am learning a new set of comparable skills.

Instead of a concerto by a composer, I am learning a different set of skills and techniques.

I am learning how to live comfortably, beautifully, creatively, with patience, calm and grace.

This is how I am filling up with good.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Your Diamond Mind

Compassion Means the Most to Me

The most deeply moving stories of compassion are what inspire me.

I am so touched by those who have the ability to reach out and provide comfort.

When I realize the profound uplfiting effect of such actions, I am grateful.

Such actions counter the great selfishness we see in so many so-called leaders.

Our true leaders are those who are insightful and compassionate.

They share their joy with others in meaningful ways.

Small and gentle actions reach people where they are and give them a sense of being visible and cared for.

Such comfort and compassion breaks their isolation.

The innocence which leads such acts of compassion is powerful.

It shows all of us that little steps and small actions are effective.

Our presence in the world gives us many opportunities for compassion.

As we begin to listen for the ideas which uplift us, we are led to share our compassion.

Being receptive to ideas to hep others enables us to recieve the help we need.

We are all togehter in a world of our own creating.

We can create more compassion.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Healing Over the Wounds

Even though you are operating well enough in your daily life, you may be dealing with old wounds.

Everything you bring into your life can bring healing to these wounds.

As you commit to loving yourself and to discovering what you love to do, you will begin to provide a nurturing atmopshere for yourself.

Since you deserve to live without pain, you can build a new foundation for yourself.

Immerse yourself in loving statements about who you are.

Feel the presence of being loved, cherished, and adored.

Watch for what is beautiful in your life.

Call it to your attention.

Spend time thinking about what you love.

Let uplifting thoughts trickle into consciusness wherever you are.

Notice what is beautiful and harmonious.

Give compliments.

As you discover what you love and continually include it in your life, you will displace and replace the old wounding messages.

You are here to be uplifted and inspired.

You are here to be embraced and cherished.

You are here to be recognized and appreciated.

This is your great role in the world.

As you heal, your story will uplift others.

This is yor legacy and your service.

You can be healed and be an uplifting influence for others.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, November 25, 2019

Learning Peace

The experiences I need show up right on time.

As I become aware of them, I am given insight into their deeper meaning.

I learn to receive their gifts.

It is a challenging time to learn peace as a consistent state of being.

I learn to discard all distractions, and I gain another moment in sustaining my peace.

There is no rush to complete things.

Each step can be done in a state of peace.

Being in a state of peace allows much wider observation.

Instead of being preoccupied by accomplishing the next step, I can relax and feel my surroundings.

I am no longer cocooned in a state of deep concentration in order to distract myself from pain.

I am gradually becoming in touch with my senses and taking in my surroundings.

I am safe.

I am in a safe place.

I am visibly seen in a good light.

What I do is appreciated.

I am given support as I take my new tiny steps.

The support comes in unexpected ways.

There is a lot of compassion surrounding and supporting me.

I am doing what I love to do and I am being seen in positive ways.

I am standing up for myself in ways which support who I am and what I do.

The threatening distractions fall away as I become confident and continue my practice.

I feel the peace as I maintain my alignment with who I am and what I do.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Sorting Through the Miasma

With so much new freedom and happiness through my healing, it is a definite contrast for me to deal with heaviness.

As I sorted through the heavy feeling, I found it was a reaction to doing a particular project.

I have freely chosen the project, but there was heaviness, and dread.

As I isolated my feelings around this project, I saw that it was one more reaction to the past.

I no longer have to contend with the jealousy and negativity of the past.

I now allow myself to do the things I want to do.

I give myself complete permission to enjoy everything I do.

I embrace my creativity and happiness.

I spend the whole day doing the things I love.

With this knowledge, I moved into action and got started on my project.

I am grateful to have built a new foundtion for my life through many tiny steps.

The tiny steps have made it possible to move forward.

Tiny steps are so small, almost no one notices.

I feel the motion, though.

After many tiny steps are taken, the result of the action becomes visible.

Tiny steps are one of the ways I sort through the miasma of bad feeling.

I am alerted to it through memories of past negativity.

Now that I fill my days with doing what I love, I notice the contrast.

I can redirect my thought and take action.

I am conscious and mindful of what is going on in my life.

I am grateful for the power this gives me to shape my own life in a positive manner.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Loss and Gain

I have lost so much; I have gained so much.

During my long healing over a couple of decades, I have lost so many opportunities for family contact.

Durig the same period, I have sifted through so much past abuse and processed it to a fine, thin powder which, broken down, fits thourgh a seive.

That is what the healing has been like.

Tiny, powerful steps to confront long-term egregious crimes against a little girl.

It is sifted, proocessed, healed and released.

Certainly, there continue to be triggers, and emotions and memories which have to be dealt with.

But the actual work is done.

I have a new foundation to build on.

I am moving beyond my past and emerging into doing what I love.

That this is possible is attributable to the input of so many authors, workshop leaders, talented and compassionate therapists and supportive friends.

It is attributable to my persistance because the alternative was unacceptable.

I am in a new place and I am grateful for my new life.

Things connect; I am not filling in for so many gaps.

It is possible to be recognized and valued and appreciated.

It is possible to be happy.

It is possible to live in beautiful surroundings and to feel safe and secure.

It is possible to be around people who enjoy my company and who love me.

With this new foundation, I enjoy the progress I am making.

I am so sorry for the great loss, whch was beyond my control.

Now that I have dealt with so many of the”hidden drivers” of my life, I am hopeful for more reconcilation and healing.

Let all be well for all of us.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Staying Faithful to Your Vision

Once you discern your purpose, your faithfulness will bring you more than you can imagine.

As I take my tiny steps to establish my foundation, I can feel some of what is building on it.

The more steps I take, I feel the vision filling out more completely.

As I take the final (?) step, I am overwhelmed by the happiness which moves into place.

I know there will always be more steps, but this one feels as though it completes an important part of my life-puzzle.

I am moved into deep calm and peace.

I feel the fruits of my faithfulness.

I have not been distracted.

I have kept myself on the track which has been revealed to me through many steps of healing.

I feel the substance and shape of what is to come.

I am beginning to see the results on the outside as well as through inner vision.

My consistency and refusal to give up has given me a rock-solid foundation.

I hae absolute confidence in my ability to continue to build on my new foundation.

Thre tremendous volume of work which I have created throughout my healing is gaining an outlet.

It will be able to bless others who are ready to do their own healing work.

I am blessed through my vision and so are so many others.

I am grateful for the sense of purpose which continues to move through me as I listen within and take outward steps of action.

I am grateful for the resources which continue to show up in exactly the right way for me as I stay faithful to my vision.

I am here, and it is enough.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage