Once you discern your purpose, your faithfulness will bring you more than you can imagine.
As I take my tiny steps to establish my foundation, I can feel some of what is building on it.
The more steps I take, I feel the vision filling out more completely.
As I take the final (?) step, I am overwhelmed by the happiness which moves into place.
I know there will always be more steps, but this one feels as though it completes an important part of my life-puzzle.
I am moved into deep calm and peace.
I feel the fruits of my faithfulness.
I have not been distracted.
I have kept myself on the track which has been revealed to me through many steps of healing.
I feel the substance and shape of what is to come.
I am beginning to see the results on the outside as well as through inner vision.
My consistency and refusal to give up has given me a rock-solid foundation.
I hae absolute confidence in my ability to continue to build on my new foundation.
Thre tremendous volume of work which I have created throughout my healing is gaining an outlet.
It will be able to bless others who are ready to do their own healing work.
I am blessed through my vision and so are so many others.
I am grateful for the sense of purpose which continues to move through me as I listen within and take outward steps of action.
I am grateful for the resources which continue to show up in exactly the right way for me as I stay faithful to my vision.
I am here, and it is enough.
© 2019 Kathryn Hardage
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