Thursday, December 31, 2020

Overflowing outreach

 I am experiencing how the overlfow of inspired ideas reaches into the atmosphere all aorund me.

I have been taking in the writings and teachings of many inspired authors over several decades.

It has inspired me to begin my own search for purpose and the ways to devleop it.

My newest step, in addition to sharing freely for years, is to launch my first on-line class.

This will allow the overflow to increase its presence in the world.

I have no doubts about the effrect this has had on me and the effect my work will have  on others.

The incremental results of uplifting thought in one life multiply as we share our experiences and  their results.

I am  so very grateful.

© 2020 Kathryn Hardage 

The example of snowflakes

 We may think that our life needs a major shift in direction, and that it will take a major sustained effort.

We may feel despair and and panic at the thought of all that impossible work.

Today’s snowflakes make me think differently.

I am watching all these tiny, insubstantial patterns of moisture as they fall gently on the ground.

They will cover it up completely over several hours.

It is not a major sustained effort.

It is a small efffort repeated many times.

A new life direction can be achieved the same way.

One shift in judegement repeated many times, over several weeks is enough to begin the shift.

The next habit of thought can be addressed in the same way.

Over time, these sustained repetitions create a new environment of thoughts.

The new environment of thoughts attracts a different set of circumstances and events into one’s life.

Gradually, gently, our life assumes a new shape and a new rhythm.

There is nothing in our life which cannot be shifted in this way.

This makes a huge difference from a gentle sustained  effort.

©  2020 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Trust yourself

At this time and in this place, trust yourself.

While I was raising my very large family, I received this “wisdom”, that each child brings its own supply.

As I clung to the spiritual meaning behind this, I calmed down.

That allowed me to hear the ideas which I needed and to provide for my children.

At one point, I was having a panic attack in the grocery store.

As I calmed down, I saw a large package of fresh spinach.

I remembered that I always liked  to make a large batch of soup for my family.

As I bought the onions and garlic and bacon, I continued to feel provided for.

I was able to complete the rest of my grocery shopping for the week and to come home and to cook.

This feeling of supply occurred, both during my marriage and when I was a single parent.

Now, it continues to be true for me in retirement.

I am finding more ways to be useful and inspired and paid.

My long-term commitment to listening within is yielding even better results in this day and age.

I am learning to trust myself to be able to learn new skills.

My new skills are connecting me with greater opportunities.

I am able to share my “wisdom”, which inspires other people.

Trust yourself in the step you are in today and in all the others which come to you.

Your ideas come to you for practical action.

They come when you are calm.

This is your greatest resource becuase it connects you to everything else you need.

© 2020  Kathryn Hardage 

Saturday, December 26, 2020

The deliciousness of this moment


My first deep breath of inspiration is to savor the deliciousness of this moment.

My second deep breath opf inspiration is for everyone I know to savor the deliciousness of this moment.

My third deep breath of inspiration is for everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, to savor the deliciousness of this moment.


This moment has all that I need.

Each breath brings me calm.

Each thought aligns with my true nature.

I look around and I see that I am surrounded by all that I love.

This has been a goal for me, to discover what I love.

Each step in that discovery has added to the deliciousness of my life.

As I take my tiny steps, they place me on a firm foundation.

I am always moving toward my goal.

Each step includes a little more of it.

I maintain my course.

I include more of what I love.

I can see further all around me.

It is beautiful.

It is delicious.

I move in the conscious presence of the beauty and power of what I love.

I live surrounded by good, by harmony, by love.

© 2020 Kathryn Hardage 

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

In the middle of peace

 Now that I know how to find peace for myself, I can place myself in the middle of peace at any time.

I feel it surround me as I go through my day.

I feel the peace from within and I let it flow out around me.

I carry it with me and I release it to fill up the space in front of me and behind me as I walk.

I remind myself that we are all precious.

I remember that what I have discovered is availalbe for everyone to discover.

I make sure that I am sharing inspiration and peace in whatever ways that I can.

These activities are what keep me in the middle of peace.

Peace is my new home.

© 2020 Kathryn Hardage 

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Turning your experiences into gifts


You turn your experiences into gifts.

How you look at them and what you replace them with, turns them into gifts.

When you find comfort, you are turning despair and cruelty into a gift.

When you reject bad treatment and focus on doing what you love, you attract respect, dignity, and honor, recognition and appreciation.

When you live in the consiousness of these new qualities, they become your life.

You make room for love, assurance, confidence, creativity, delight, happiness when you start the flow by doing what you love.

This washes out the old quality of life and everything attached to it, and you rise into your new life.

Old habits, old feelings, old sensations wash away by your constant involvement in doing what you love.

Your new attitude improves your life, your body, your relationships, your income.

Doing what you love releases the outflow and makes room for your income.

© 2020 Kathryn Hadage 

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Peace in the middle of everything

Since peace comes from within, it is always accessible.

Peace is available in the next breath.

Peace is available wherever we are.

Peace is a substance we carry around with us.

We can draw upon it gently, affirmatively, persuasively.

It can permeate every activity.

It replaces pain.

It replaces pressure.

It replaces uncertainty.

When we draw a deep breath of peace, it moves throughout our being.

We can feel ourselves relax as we breath in deeply.

We slow down time.

We recognize and honor ourselves.

There is nothing we need to do except breathe in peace.

Then when we breathe out, we are adding to the atmosphere of peace around us.

Our peace cancels out confusion around us.

It rolls back the pressure in the atmopshere.

People notice it as we contine our peaceful breathing.

We take a peaceful stance.

This gives us peace in the middle of everything.

This is sustainable peace.

© 2020 Kathryn Hardage 

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Loving myself and my work

I love how it feels doing the work that I love.

It embraces me in a completely different way than even doing work that I am good at.

Being excellent is a wonderful goal for quality work at any time.

Being in a frame of mind where my work is what I love is better even than being excellent.

It has changed the way my day feels.

I am in anticipation all day.

Every single thing that I do brings me back to what I love.

When I fix a meal, I come back to work I love.

When I check the mail, I come back to work I love.

When I run errands, I return to my favorite current project.

The Universe is compelling me to expand.

As I take on new projects, I need to learn new skills.

Since the new projects are inspired by the Universe, I am having another completely different experience learning new skills.

It is easier.

Where I pushed and fretted and worried and got anxious and concerned, when I now find myself in the middle of something I need to learn, I am simply able to do so.

It is definitely diferent.

I find myself relaxing more as things come up which I need to address, fix or even redo.

I am in a diffeerent atmosphere.

I do not criticize myself.

I give myself room to do what needs to be done.

I do not pressure myself.

I am not on anyone else’s timetable.

Even as I put together my current new long-term project, I can see I am learning how to take care of whatever comes up mostly calmly.

It is a new rhythm and a new pace for myself.

This feeling of loving myself as I do my work is a wonderful way to live my life.

© 2020 Kathryn Hardage 

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Moving forward with confidence

I am grateful to move forward with confidence.

Everyone I know is grateful to move forward with confidence.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the planet is grateful to move forward with confidence.


In honoring myself, I have been able to listen within to discover what is important to me.

In honoring myself, I have discovered what I love to do.

In honoring myself, I have taken on the challenge of learning many new skills which are important to me.

With the discovery of what it important to me and starting to do what I love and learning the new skills to share this, I am now moving forward with confidence.

My new discovery began to attract people of like-mind, as I put myself into action.

I began attracting support for what I love to do.

My inner frequency of creating uplfiting art and inspiration began to match those who recognize and appreciate what I do.

The desire to share what I do more widely led to the challenge of learning new skills.

Now, I realize I can accomplish my desires.

That gives me confidence.

I am so very grateful for the steps which have led me to my new confidence and expression.

© 2020 Kathryn Hardage 

In my right place


 Because I love me, I take the steps to place myself well.

I place myself in a  happy frame of mind.

I know what I love to do and I make sure that I do it.

I respect my body and I feed it in a healthy way.

I move consciously and with intent.

I maintain my flexibility and strength in gentle consistent ways.

I place myself in beautiful surroundings.

I support myself with an uplifting process of thought and art.

I involve myself in good causes for the earth.

I  acknowledge the value of artists and I contribute to them.

I have simple routines of maintainance and cooking.

I converse often with my husband and tell  him I love him.

I elminate anything which would pull  me down.

My attitude and practice are the most important aspect of my life so I guard them particularly.

That is how I live in an uplfiting way.

That is my contribution to society and civilization.

© 2020 Kathryn Hardage 

Your Diamond Mind Within


Within you resides the most radiant, beautiful, valuable self.

This is where you can find not only whatever you need, but also, whatever you desrie.

In order for it to be worth your while, it must be the most uplfiting desire you can think of.

And after you think of it, then let it go and fly.

Where can this uplifting desire take you?

What is it for?

It has come to you to be nurtured, to be appreciated.

Can you give it that kind of love?

When you do it will transform you.

It will take you  far beyond your original desire.

If you hang on to its tail, you will be taken far above your original starting point and be dangled far above the earth.

Then you will look down and see all the splendor below, and know that here lies your blessing.

Here is where you are brought to add to the inestimable beauty of the earth and all therein.

Will you accept the results of your desire?

Will you nurture and appreciate it?

Be sure to think of it often.

Let it lead you to  where you belong.

Let it lead you to the most satisfying life possible.

© 2020 Kathryn Hardage 

Saturday, December 12, 2020

The frequency of doing what you love


First, move youself into the frequency of doing what you love.

When you do, that  shifts the harmonic balance of the world just a tiny bit.

But look what it does for you.

From that point on, whenever you are working from that frequency, you are advancing the idea of harmony.

You are living from harmony.

You are expressing your ideas in a harmonious way.

You  are interacting with people and sharing your happiness.

Your peace is conveying itself to those around you.

You are the evidence of happiness, balance and peace.

Your tiny steps, connecting to the world of harmony, are immensely powerful.

In conveying haromious proportion, you are adding weight to the idea of peace and happiness.

You are giving a new dimension to life.

The  dimension of life you are expressing ties into the Infinite.

You have security; you live without frustration or worry.

Beyond  security, you have happiness.

Your happiness leads you into security.

It is always fun and enjoyable to do what you love.

It is always satisfying to take on challenges and find solutions.

Finding what you love and doing it, is one of the best solutions you can discover and enact for yourself.

Moving into the frequency of harmony counteracts its opposite.

It raises the possibilities of those around you.

It adds expectation of something good.

Others can feel the possibility of living well, of living in health, of living in right relationship.

The frequency of doing what you love  establishes harmony at the core of your life.

I cannot think of  anything more valuable.

©  2020 Kathryn Hardage

Your Diamond Mind

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Listening for inspiration

 My first deep breath tunes me in to listen for inspiration.

My second deep breath is for everyone I know to tune in to listen for inspiration.

My third deep breath is for everyone I don’t even know all  over the planet to tune in to listen for inspiration.


Whe we tune in to llisten for inspiration, we expand our day.

We expand our service as our inspiration overflows into our community.

The inspiration I feel comes to me in deep peace.

I am glad for my deep peace to spill into the community.

I am grateful to receive and to share.

Taking my three deep breaths allows me to slow down and to listen inwardly.

It allows me to expand my thought and service from within in a  far-reaching  way.

Each time I do this, I am connecting with others who can benefit.

We all support one another as we receive and share inspiration.

© 2020 Kathryn Hardage 

Where I find peace today

 Today, I find peace in my inspirational work.

As I listen for ideas and they fill me up, I write, draw, paint, make videos.

My ideas are turning into ways of sharing.

What I really like is that once the ideas have done their work to comfort, guide and inspire me, they are available to do this work for others.

It gives me peace to turn them into sharable forms.

I feel happy as I work.

I enjoy seeing how the ideas shape themselves in my hands.

Some of them become art.

Some of them become meditations.

Some of them become videos with voiceovers.

All of the ideas which come to me demand to be shared.

I am learning new skills, expanding into the on-line community, and becoming visible.

These are all things I never expected.

Such a new way to experience life.

Deeply peaceful, joyful, relaxing.

© 2020 Kathryn Hardage