Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Social Business Job Creation

Yunus Social Business believes that most people are entrepreneurs,

It provides business training for those individuals who have an idea for job creation.

This is a step beyond the micro business loans which won Dr. Mohammed Yunus a Nobel Peace Prize for economics.

First, hundreds of thousands, then millions, of people have been able to move themselves out of poverty through the small loans from Grameen Bank.

A second step is job creation through ideas which serve the needs of poor people in order for them to lift themselves out of poverty.

Youth and Yunus have Social Business Camps for training in successfully launching social businesses.

As this new idea of business gains more application, its credibility has led to it being taught in colleges and universities.

Business as a way to uplift people through imagination and service is a transformative paradigm.

Micro loans for $30 - $150 began in Bangladesh, and are earned all over the world with a 99% repayment record.

The US has several branches of Grameen Bank, which provide business loans from $1000 - $1500.

Yunus Social Business is active from Australia to Scotland, with many more countries participating.

Being able to create a business which starts very small allows more people to be job creators.

A borrower must meet weekly with four other women who also have small businesses.

This condition provides experience and support from the other members of the group.

By valuing the ideas and motivation of people who are poor, social business models are able to give dignity to their participants.

By listening to the needs which poor people articulate for themselves, and to support the job creations to address these needs, Grameen Bank and Yunus Social Businesses are enabling people to build their own foundations.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Moving Forward

I am moving forward.

Everyone I know is moving forward.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is moving forward.


Sometimes I work to make progress on a project or in developing a relationship.

Sometimes, I am not aware that I am making progress until later on.

All the things that I am reading, observing, and taking in throughout my day, work to create progress in my life.

After a while, I notice that things are different, and that I am moving forward.

I am pleased and grateful to discover this is happening.

I do not have to be in control or even aware of everything in order to make progress.

There is a greater synthesis that is taking place.

When I become aware of something and want to explore it further, more on the topic starts coming in to my life.

When I have a deep desire, somehow it goes out into the Universe and more aspects of it open up for me.

I am constantly in forward motion.

I can tell immediately when there is a change.

There will be a feeling of mild or even stronger negativity.

I can act immediately to change it.

I know how to redirect myself into a more uplifting attitude.

As I take action, I am restored to my forward moving track.

I have the choice, always, to restore myself to forward moving progress.

I love having the ability as well as giving myself permission to be a position of constantly moving forward.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Integrity, Anyway

I love being able to stand up for myself for what I believe in.

I trust who I am because I have that strength.

I have demonstrated over and over again that I will stand for integrity over other choices.

That includes seeing the deep integrity in others.

I want everyone to have the ability to provide for themselves.

That way, every person will have dignity in their life.

As public policy changes in the direction of valuing everyone, we will begin to see an expansion in the integrity of our governmental representatives.

This will have the effect of recognizing the integrity of other business models.

Instead of the one capitalist model, job creators of social businesses will be recognized.

The integrity of individuals who enjoy the concept of businesses which support their workers will emerge more strongly.

Profits will be invested back in the businesses which will cause the businesses to grow and to continue creating excellent working conditions for workers.

Recognizing the value of everyone is part of integrity.

Exploitation for one’s own gain is an immature practice of selfishness.

The mature concept of business is reflected through policy which includes everyone’s well-being.

By being honest about the effects of what big business does and the actual cost of corporate profits, better management can be implemented.

By guarding the integrity of the environment, a corporate global strategy can emerge at a scale of regeneration all over the planet.

A holistic management policy recognizes the needs of all involved in the business and how it  affects them.

From this proven practice, comes the beginning of integrity throughout our current culture.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, February 22, 2019

The Progress You Don't Think You Are Making

Even though it looks like you are still stuck and not making progress, apparently, you are.

I found myself going round and round because I could not get the tech link to work for me.

And, even with multiple emails back and forth and resetting the password, and all the steps, it turns out, I actually never did.

However, the threatened meltdowns never happened, over and over again.

Even though I am dealing with the information transfer in another way, it is OK.

My progress is not technological, but it is emotional progress.

And I am happy with that.

My uncertainty with how to deal with the updates in technology happens every year.

And every year, I find some way to handle getting the data where it needs to be.

The actual progress is the lowering of my anxiety level.

That is really strong progress.

The work I have been doing on remaining and regaining my sense of calm, is absolutely working.

It is even leaking out around me.

I was able to get help with some of the data analysis from the other party for the first time.

There were no meltdowns on the part of anyone.

There was attention and support every step of the way.

Tackling certain required yearly chores is becoming more possible with less disturbance.

The healing and progress is taking form in noticeable ways despite the tangled technologies.

It is just happening on a different front.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, February 21, 2019

I Learned, Anyway

I was taught not to know things and derailed consistently enough to develop serious self-doubt, but I have learned to trust myself anyway.

I have fumbled my way up through the numbing filters until I could face the pain of the past and take my first tiny step to freedom.

I still take it step by step, but since I know what I am dealing with, it is now a case of building the strength every time I discover another awareness I missed out on.

No matter that it is unfair, I now know what it takes to deal with it, so I will do the work and I will accomplish my goals.

This is the greatest freedom for me, knowing what it is that I have to deal with.

After facing the fact of my intentional derailment by sick people,  I can work my way up through the numbness and find out what is actually going on.

I can look around me and discover what it is I missed out on.

I can take the steps I need to remedy my situation.

I can build up the strength to become proficient in skills which I am building for the first time.

I can become successful.

The first thing I am feeling as I work through the numbness is relief and then, compassion for myself.

I do have the ability to relate to people once I push the cruel messages I was fed out of the way.

I do have the ability to be valued once I move out of the habits of influence of the cruel and powerful people of my childhood.

I do have the ability to become proficient in skills which I value instead of the ones I was forced to learn.

I have discovered a self-identity which I really, really love.

Despite horrible circumstances and emotional handicaps, I am making my way towards my own important goals.

I know others have faced worse, and I appreciate their astounding success stories.

I am grateful for every person, every writer, every workshop, every affirmation which has helped me take more and more tiny steps.

I hope to add to them to inspire someone else.

That is what I have learned anyway.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Taking Calm Breaths

I am feeling the balance and proportion of calmness.

Everyone I know is feeling the balance and proportion of calmness.

Everyone I don’t even know all over the planet is feeling the balance and proportion of calmness.


As I take my three deep breaths and calm my thought, I am able to listen for what I need to know.

I move myself into balance and out of confusion or frustration.

I am able to see things in their most useful priority and proportion.

I know which steps to take and when to take them.

I am able to be where I need to be in a timely and safe manner.

I am able to join with others in creating a calm and secure community.

I am able to be where I am most needed.

As I learn ways of creating balance in my community I can share them.

As a community we can create and maintain good practice for the security and well-being of all our members.

I am learning more about creating community, which is part of the balance and proportion we all can participate in.

With my calm attitude I can share ideas which will support the well-being of all in the community.

Taking action in appropriate ways will ensure that everyone is able to provide for themselves.

Public policy will evolve to support actions which enable independence and security.

A calm approach allows new ideas to appear which allow people to take care of themselves in  natural and effective ways.

A calm approach creates efficient use of resources for effective independent care.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Inspired By Calm

When I am in a calm frame of mine, I can receive ideas most clearly.

I understand the most appropriate action to take and when to take it.

Because I want to receive the best ideas, it is worth it for me to calm myself completely.

The more I practice releasing my own opinions and that of others, the better able I am to hear the pure, fresh, powerful ideas from within.

That is what gives me the most calm.

I am learning to live in a calm state more of the time.

It is still work for me to consciously stay in a state of calm.

It is so easy to respond to the hook of personal opinion.

I notice my agitation and restlessness more easily now because I have been practicing my calm state more and more.

I am more understanding and compassionate in a state of calm, so I prefer to stay there.

My agitation comes from impatience and from judging, both attitudes I am working to lessen.

When I am in a calm state, I receive inspiration.

I am in a state of “flow” as I receive the ideas and write them down.

I feel a sense of well-being when I am able to receive ideas which inspire me.

I feel as though I am fulfilling my purpose, that the world needs what I have to offer through my state of calm and inspiration.

I am happiest in this state of calm.

When I listen for ideas and put my inspirational writing first, the rest of the day fits together effortlessly.

That is how I am learning that it is valuable to maintain a sense of inspiration and calm listening.

At first, I used to slow my breathing and sit quietly as a means of simply calming myself down.

Now, I know that remaining calm is part of the inspiration of my day.

I appreciate that I am meant to live a daily life of inspiration and to share it in a calm way.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Back in the Calm

I have learned how to bring myself back into a calm state no matter where I am.

I am grateful to return to places where I was overwhelmed in the past and to be able to become calm.

As I have conducted my business, despite recurring anxiety, I have been able to find my way to whatever I needed.

I have been able to take the time I needed to take my deep breaths, settle myself, and to proceed on my course.

Throughout my day, I was where I needed to be in a timely manner.

I was able to include some valuable and inspiring time at art exhibits.

I continued with my spiritual writing and meditation drawing and visited classes on spirituality.

Every element which I needed was at hand.

I made new friends easily, and enjoyed participating in new activities.

I have gained valuable insight on my progress.

I appreciate the freedom which I am experiencing.

I am grateful for the new place I find myself in.

I am able to operate well, conscious of what I have overcome from the past.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Surrounded by Calm

I am creating calmness for myself wherever I go.

I have experienced the calm of sitting in an off-grid cabin and looking at Nature.

I have experienced the calm of living in a small town.

I have experienced the calm of reading a good book in the middle of a large city.

Each of these experiences allows me to feel calm.

I have created a “meditation drawing” practice which I can carry anywhere to create calm for myself. (

I now have a baseline of calm within and the techniques and tools to bring it back to me when I need it.

I am so grateful to have established this baseline from which to work.

I can measure other events against it.

How much excitement do I want?

Is it constructive excitement or worrying excitement?

I can live with the calmness which I prefer.

I always have access to the ideas which are important to me.

I share them through drawing on my calm within.

My life evolves through the calm which I create for myself.

I am able to learn new things through being calm.

I eliminate confusion and frustration through being calm.

I can reach out and take the tiny steps to reach my goals through being calm.

I am amazed and grateful to have redirected my life so that calmness is apparent.

I am able to life a life through which I receive inspiration and uplift others.

That is the strength of the calm I have learned to include within and without.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage