The first way I discovered prosperity was though an increase in ideas.
The ideas became more consistent until I was sure that they would always continue to flow.
As I now build on the abundant presence of ideas, I am finding ways to express them and to share them.
As I continue to expand on the promise behind the ideas, I am generating more wealth through well-being for everyone who comes into contact with them.
This is much farther than I expected to go in my study of prosperity, wealth, and abundance.
I became aware of an ability to give which I had not experienced before.
The ability is what is expanding my wealth and causing the ideas to continue to flow.
Ideas take shape and assume the form which will allow them to serve in the most appropriate ways possible.
As we listen for ideas, we, too, are shaped and assume the forms most appropriate to bring them into service.
The wealth we experience on the inside takes shape on the outside.
We are able to track our progress as we put the ideas into practice which will allow us to give more.
When we realize our own prosperity in terms of how our uplifting nature is manifesting through service, it uplifts others and moves them towards their own prosperity.
This is how it appears to me.
Prosperity as a sense of well-being expands throughout society as it expands through consciousness.
Once we reach the point of seeing all as worthy, our ideas of prosperity and well-being assume the most appropriate forms through public policy.
© 2019 Kathryn Hardage
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