It is easy to determine our priorities when we observe the ideas which come to us.
Often, I spend time crowding them out with things I think I have to do.
After fighting to get them done, I realize I need to calm down.
As I take the time to maintain a calm state for a few minutes, the ideas which I have overlooked come to me.
The ideas which persist are the ones you want to pay attention to.
Sometimes they are little ideas, like how to arrange items in your display booth.
Sometimes they are bigger ideas, like the content of your inspirational booklets.
Sometimes they are really big ideas, like where to relocate in order to have a supportive atmosphere around you.
Each of these ideas is a kind of priority over distracting conversation or mundane action.
Since you are so valuable in your delightful and unique identity, you want to make sure that you prioritize your expression.
It is important to value who you really are.
You have a unique viewpoint and an attracting way of expressing it.
As you define what you value and why, your life direction will become more focused.
You will include what you really love and you will get to observe how that moves you forward.
Your progress will seem effortless, even though you are working on challenging material.
You will be more effective at sharing your point of view in discussions.
In short, everything will become more efficient for you as you prioritize your soul’s truth.
© 2018 Kathryn Hardage
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