Monday, April 29, 2019

Peaceful Adjustments

I feel peace as I move into my new place.

Everyone I know feels peace as they move into their new place.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet feels peace as they move into their new place.


The promise of a lifetime of fulfilment is occurring as I move into my new place.

All the elements which have come before are settling gently into place.

I feel a deep disposition of peace as everything moves effortlessly into arrangement.

The deep feeling within me is manifesting itself all around me.

I have a joyous sense of expectancy and trust.

All the things I identity as good and fun and beautiful and lovely are bringing me where I can enjoy and express them.

I love my relationship to my new place.

I have created this atmosphere so consistently that it is drawing me to my new place with assurance.

I feel a sense of grace as I move toward it.

I am sure of who I am and what I express.

My abundance is a daily expression.

It is wonderful to see how my daily practice is shaping my next steps and placing me in a wonderful setting.

As I listen within, I am connected to the next step.

I fill in the openings with the resources at hand.

What is useful appears as I need it.

Resources which have been waiting are coming into play.

I am so grateful for this moment as I move into expression of ideas which I love and my new place to express them.

Everything is included in peaceful abundance.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Natural Expansion

Once you have established an uplifting practice for yourself, it will expand naturally.

You will find yourself maintaining your inspired thinking not only for yourself and the situations around you, but for others in a general way.

Specific opportunities will begin to come to you as well.

The same way we would never let a child of ours remain in pain, we cannot bear to see others suffer.

By applying the tools and techniques we have learned to support our own practice to other situations, we can be an uplifting influence.

This does not require actual speech; it occurs as you direct your uplifting attitude to the situation.

I find myself affirming that a solution is at hand for everyone involved.

The same way that I trust the Universe to bring me the ideas I need, I affirm that the Universe is available in a current situation.

As I sit quietly and gain a sense of peace through this type of meditation, I often see a disturbing situation resolve itself.

The frustration and impatience some one is experiencing will stop as they receive the services they need.

A parent will be able to quiet a restless child as the atmosphere is lifted through applying this affirmative and deeply meditative practice.

As you continue to affirm the presence of the Universe and Its solutions, you will see the results around you.

On one particular occasion, I had the opportunity to speak directly to a man who was in deep depression and grief over the loss of his wife.

Even though it had been some time, he had been unable to find comfort.

As we spoke, I was able to find a way to relate how, as an art teacher, he valued the work of the painters in history,

I was able to convey the idea that he could continue to value the wonderful qualities his wife expressed throughout their marriage.

He was able to accept his ongoing appreciation which he could draw on every time he thought of her.

His depression was lifted and when I visited him several months later, he was a contributing member in various activities, and enjoying the associations.

We are always able to receive uplifting ideas for the situation by acknowledging the presence of the Universe, and we can often share them in appropriate ways.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Our New Course

I am relieved to recognise my new course.

Everyone I know is relieved to recognise their new course.

Everyone I don’t even know, all one rate planet, is relieved to recognise their new course.


As my new course appears, I realise I am placing it on the uplifting ground I have been discovering for myself.

My life purpose emerges to uplift not only myself, but others who come into contact with me and who can be benefitted by my actions.

I realize that my own motives have grown beyond their original intent.

To live with a sense of balance, all aspects of all peoples in the world must be able to live in balance.

How does my work contribute?

By being aware that my actions impact whatever I think about, I want to be sure that they are considerate.

I want to be a conscious earth-steward.

I want to use vocabulary which reflects awareness of the larger world and the larger picture.

My own life illustrates what I am aware of.

It illustrates my response to the bigger picture.

Who is not benefitting from where and how they are living?

Are there things which we as individuals and members of local groups can do to increase well-being for others?

Let us set our course to include everyone, by beginning with what is close to us.

How can our local actions benefit the local air and water?

How can our actions benefit those who need more encouragement?

Which resources can we use to reset our course?

Let us use them.

Let us make sure that education resources are reaching everyone, in ways which will help them make consistent improvement.

Let us make sure that environmental resources are creating healthy surroundings.

Let us increase our compassion in ways which recognise the contributions of people and increase their ability to live with dignity.

Our new course can be reset with the resources which are currently available as we redirect it in ways which are uplifting, inclusive and compassionate.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Reaffirming Your Course

There is a deep sense of purpose which appears to each one of us as we seek it out.

It may not be by our own design, but at some time, the purpose appears, and following that, the course to achieve it.

We may actually discover that we have been on that course, but not known it.

We naturally direct ourselves to the most fulfilling, satisfying path.

At first it may contain superficial goals, but at some point, the real purpose reveals itself.

At that point, we realise we have always been on our path, or we redirect ourselves.

Many things begin to converge as we become conscious of the intersection of our life’s purpose and what we are doing in “real” life.

We turn our attention to the higher aspects of our purpose and listen for ways to achieve it.

Certain synchronicities appear to us which may have been present before, but now we are aware of them.

We make certain connections which we recognise because of how well they fit our purpose.

A sense of underlying restlessness leaves us as we move into purpose directed action.

We are kinder, both to ourselves and to others.

We are relieved, and our attitude and actions reflect that.

A perfect fit is something to be cherished, and we recognise that.

We not only want it for ourselves, we want it for everyone.

To be fulfilled and productive and sharing and giving is a profound opportunity for contributing to an uplifting community in every aspect.

When we experience that feeling and activity in our own life, we surely want everyone to have it in an ongoing tangible way in theirs.

The more strongly we are guided and driven into affirmation of our own course by action, the more results we see around us.

The satisfaction and happiness we feel within naturally leaks out into the atmosphere around us.

Others feel it and are encouraged and uplifted by it.

Reaffirming our course through active participation in uplifting our communities changes the course for others.

As they get caught up in it, they change their own course towards a more giving and uplifting route.

This healthy contagion benefits all of us, locally and throughout all communities.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Your Diamond Mind

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Starting on New Ground

As anticipated, all the new things finally came to a head while travelling, adjusting to everything new every day.

I was prepared for this to happen, but it always overflows into overwhelm before I can even acknowledge it.

I backed off from all the frustrations, giving myself room to process the facts from so many new situations.

Then I sifted through everything, picked one thing to deal with, and got started again.

I am so grateful to know to anticipate this and to be able to deal with it so quickly and back out of the extreme discomfort zone.

When we are starting on new ground, we have to be ready to acknowledge that every single little thing which is automatic in our home situation has to be consciously seen and dealt with.

Breaking things down into smaller bits and pieces makes it possible to reassemble a life on new ground.

It just takes however much time and effort is necessary.

After one takes care of basic needs of food and shelter, (we are travelling with clothing, of course), all the transportation, grocery items, daily comments in conversation have to planned and accounted for.

Gradually, one thing and then another become more familiar, or just the unfamiliarity of things becomes the routine.

Many times, we have chosen and eaten meals with names of foods which we did not understand.

We have been fed well.

Many times, we have backtracked locating a particular business; it just takes more time to get there.

Many times we have been guided, helped, directed with a voluntary helping attitude from someone we did not know.

It all comes together, even when it becomes overwhelming.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, April 22, 2019

Peaceful Release

As I receive more ideas to share, I look forward to releasing them.

Knowledge for release comes the same way the ideas do.

Through deep intuitive listening, I receive each next step.

This happens consistently in every aspect of my life.

I go beyond any opinion of the situation and listen deeply.

Whatever skill is required, whatever technology, whatever the connection, it is provided from Its Infinite Source.

I can always receive it as it appears in the most appropriate form.

All the examples around me are evidence of many ways to release ideas.

Whatever way is best is part of the package which comes with the ideas I receive.

I am connected to the best way, the same way I am connected to the ideas.

Whatever is necessary and good shows up.

I can be peaceful as I anticipate what is coming.

I am part of an immense thought-train of good which is releasing itself constantly.

All who are prepared to receive good ideas find themselves surrounded by them.

Through cultivating a listening stance, we are able to receive ideas.

Through cultivating a releasing stance, we are able to release them.

Learning how to use the tools of release makes it possible to share the wonderful ideas we receive.

I, too, am capable of learning how to use new tools.

Whatever I need is here, right in front of me, and I can use it.

I am listening to take the next step.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Completely Different Goals

My goals are completely different than the ones I started out with.

They are also completely different from anyone I know.

Some aspects overlap with people I know who are in business.

I am greatly appreciative of those whose character appeals to me.

While I am involved in some way with everyone I come in contact with, I am noticing that my direction is different.

Through my life experiences, I have been moved into different life goals.

I have certainly fought off the results of many of those experiences.

I have had to learn to deal with them, anyway.

They are turning out to be powerful directives.

In fact, I am being herded in a particular direction.

I am having to learn all new skills in order to deal with it.

Especially difficult is learning to stand up for myself.

I was very specifically taught to grovel.

I am learning about my own dignity under impossible circumstances.

I am gaining compassion for myself and a sense of kindness.

I find this leaking over into other circumstances and other people.

My need to climb out of a deep hole of disrespect is giving me a strength I never even knew to look for.

I am gaining a sense of confidence that is not bolstered by mere “success”.

What I am gaining I want for everyone.

Having it does not take away from anyone else.

When our goals are cooperative and we desire well-being for everyone, our entire society will turn in a different direction, and it will be a good one.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Your Diamond Mind

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Everything Else

What if the other person is smarter?

What if they are more manipulative and they are winning?

Even there, you are OK.

Your lack of experience and cunning is not a defect.

Your purity and innocence are still important qualities which you bring to the table.

If they are able and willing to take advantage of you, what does that say about their character?

Would you be willing to act in such a way?

Of course not.

Your goodness and sense of fairness are much more powerful in carrying out your life’s purpose.

You have no more ability to compromise your character than you have to stop yourself from  breathing.

Keep moving forward with the power of your integrity.

Let everyone else have what they are scrabbling for.

Maintain your dignity and let it carry you forward into the next step.

You will always have whatever you need to make progress.

Continue seeking opportunities for service.

Continue being a giver.

You have made contact with your Infinite Source.

Your actions and attitude will uplift you even as you observe those who are scrabbling and trying to take advantage of you.

Be generous of heart and continue looking higher.

Let the other person win in the way that they can.

Keep moving upward in your own expression.

Nothing can take away your dignity and self-respect.

Do not play on a lower level.

Simply observe what is going on around you and do not be disturbed by it, even if it appears you are at a disadvantage.

You are gaining a higher view.

It will give you everything else you will ever need.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage