Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Finding Guidance

When I am in new circumstances, I am able to be peaceful even when I do not know what to do.

Through listening within, I am able to hear my intuition and feel my inner guidance.

As I take a step in the most promising direction, I connect with what is best for me at the time.

Even as I search for information beyond my present experience, I naturally move in the right direction.

I am able to correct my course as I go, in order to conform with the highest possible action at the time.

I love this way of finding or reestablishing my peace.

I step away from any confusion or pressure by becoming calm and listening within.

As I feel the calm spreading throughout my being, I am able to sense may next step.

This happens over and over again in tiny impulses until I am where I need to be in the most harmonious way possible.

I am able to release fear and to be safe as I continue taking my next steps.

I am peaceful and unafraid throughout my day.

I experience peaceful results as I continue to listen and receive guidance.

This is my evidence of success as I continue my habitual practice of inward listening.

I have a constant connection to whatever information I need.

I am able to receive direction, often from resources beyond my current knowledge.

I love the feeling of freedom and relaxation from being able to trust such a constant guide.

From the first inklings of intuition to making inner listening a constant practice, I am convinced that I can trust my life to it.

My decisions are harmonious and sure.

Even while exploring new circumstances and experiencing new situations, I am confident and happy through listening to my inner guidance.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

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