I am noticing all the little tendencies of thought which run through me as a constant background to my day.
Many of those are unconscious until I look at them, and then I realize that I would not invite them into a conversation, so I take the step to consciously remove them.
As I replace undesirable judgements, criticisms, and evaluations with appreciation, compassion and patience, my day improves.
I am not subject to low grade depression.
I embrace happiness and healthful activity.
I move myself into uplifting and inspiring creativity.
I value myself and my work.
I do not accept things about myself which I would not voice to anyone else.
I realize it is a pattern from long ago, and it was part of the background accompaniment to my life.
I am leading a life which I choose.
I choose to surround myself with beauty and creativity and happiness.
I have moved onward from the degrading behaviour around me during my childhood and I am creating a wonderful life for myself.
Acting in a conscious manner toward good and uplifting and inspiring activity has totally redirected my life.
I no longer numb myself to my surroundings.
I no longer succumb to a narrow focus in order to maintain any kind of equilibrium.
I look around me.
I see detailed and embracing beauty.
I participate in making beautiful things.
I am embraced and included in conversation and in life.
I place myself where I can serve and where I can be uplifting and inspiring.
I am successful at work which I choose to do.
I overcome the background noise I was raised with and create a conscious and distinct and tangible, beautiful, happiness in which to live.
© 2019 Kathryn Hardage
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