As we receive light, we are impelled to release it to expand into the atmosphere around us.
Our abilbity to see and feel the good in the Universe requires us to express it.
Others who are waiting for some good news can catch a ray of light as we release it, and benefit from it.
They, too, are drawn to the light until they can feel and receive it for themselves.
Because so many are yearning and looking for the light, we who have been gifted to see it at this moment in time, have a responsibility to stay tuned into it.
We conciously cultuviate our relationship with the Universe in order to receive the light.
We maintain our awareness of infinite good and look for its expression through us in our daily lives.
As we continually uplfit our viewpoint of the world around us, we are contributing to more enlightened practices of oneness and community.
When we get overwhelmed, it is necessary to redirect our thought toward the uplifting feeling that everyone in the Universe is precious and valued.
As we feel this for ourselves, we can share it in our daily interactions.
The feeling of uplifting light comes to us in our quiet and deep listening.
In our release of our own and others opinions, we make room to receive ideas which lead to positive action.
We recognize the good in others and do not limit it in any way.
We accept all others as worthy of consideration and compassion.
We participate in activites which broaden communication and acceptance.
We do not try to keep all the light for ourselves because it is coming from an infinite Source.
This light is inteneded to expand into everyone’s life.
We are all intended to be full of light and to let it overflow and uplift our communities.
Our part is to be a consistent receiver of light and to let it permeate our own life.
Through our expression of light, we are calm and happy.
We are successful and satisfied.
We continually give back to our community until all are lifted into dignity and security.
We add to the balance in our communities through pouring in so much light that our community becomes known for its stability, safety and productivity.
When well-being for all is achieved, we know that we have been successful receivers and sharers of light, as we let it flow and overflow.
© 2019 Kathryn Hardage
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