As I explore new skills and I am accepted into the communities which practice those skills, I am also finding support around me in general.
I think it is my shifting awareness of safe havens which is connecting me.
As I move into what I love to do, and learn more, I am creating an atmosphere of love and appreciation for myself and it is showing up on the outside
I am still healing my sheared nerves from childhood abuse, but I am replacing my surroundings with non-judgemental people.
I like seeing this progress.
It encourages me.
I can sense the thoughts which were imposed on me, and I can sort them out.
I continue to collect good and supportive thoughts and feelings as I move into what I love to do each day.
The acitivities which used to be solely for calming measures are creating a whole new line of productive work.
I love that none of the time and development is wasted.
Everything is contributing to healing, and one kind of healing is contributing to another.
I must take the time to build the foundation in all its requried minutiae.
Then, my reconnected nerves can process events and feelings instead of leaving me cut off and in confusion.
I am looking forward to finding more and more connections of support now that I am seeing them in action in new ways.
My new support is becoming more consistent from within as I replace the lies with the positive truth about me.
My life is becoming true to who I am instead of carrying out the past negativity.
It is incremental, but the foundation is being built without chinks in its structure.
What I am learning is reconstructive steps for regaining a calm and positive way of living.
This is not trivial.
What we take for granted in a successful career of principle is the result of sound building whether conscious or unconcious.
Supporting ourselves as we rebuild what was destroyed so young is possible.
We can shift to support ourselves through this powerful process.
© 2019 Kathryn Hardage
Your Diamond Mind
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