Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Creativity From Wholeness

I create from my wholeness.

Everything I do expresses itself in a harmonious flow from one step to the next.

As I receive ideas, resources appear.

As I accept the resources, their shape and definition appear.

As I create the form, its beauty  becomes evident.

The form attracts interested parties and the beautiful forms fulfill their purpose in their new settings.

I am connected from idea to production.

I am connected through release of the idea and am buoyed up by its reception.

The wholeness which comes into my life is uplifting and continuous.

I want for nothing.

My happiness spills over and uplifts my community.

I live in abundance surrounded by secure and happy people.

My life is full and whole.

I make important contributions which are recognized and acknolwedged.

My creativity flows unbounded.

It reaches those who can most benefit from it and they are uplifted and find their wholeness.

I have a secure and expanding interaction with my clientele.

As I do what I love, I attract a supportive following.

I am recognized in my own right.

I am secure in my identity, purpose, action and contribution.

I work gladly and cultivate my flow of inspiration along with new skills to share it.

I am grateful for all the steps which have brought me to my present expression.

I am most happy to share my work and to see its uplifting action in the community.

It is a wonderful feeling to experience the cumulative effects of so much development.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

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