Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Comfort From Within

I am discovering the persistent presence and consistency of comfort from within.

Whenever I am faced with confusion or uncertainty, I can find my way forward by listening within.

My intuition goes into action and I am led to take the steps I need, big or small.

Mostly, I take lots of tiny steps, but every once in a while, I take a big step.

I figure the foundation has been laid through the many tiny steps to allow a big step.

When a big step happens, all the minutae of details are present, supporting the big step.

The importance of establishing connections through all the tiny steps is essential.

These little steps are a comfort every time they are taken.

This comfort assures support for the big step.

As we listen within, and find the comforting Presence, we are able to act on Its Guidance.

We see our progress by going from comfort to comfort in each tiny step.

Then we can observe the larger step and have a larger perspective on the comfort we have been creating and maintaining.

As I create a comforting atmosphere for myself, I see how it comes from wthin and expands around me.

I gain trust and assurance for myself as I expand my range this way.

I find that comforting situations and atmosphere come to meet me.

When I clearly define what comforts me and then create and maintain it, that is what appears wherever I go.

Any situation which does not feel comfortable is a warning and a protection.

I can find another way.

After all, that is what I have been doing through my new practice of listening within.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, July 29, 2019

Do the Work

Do the work, and when it is done, move on.

When you give the considerable weight and power of your thought to solving a problem , that is enough.

Once you have discerned a solution, you are in tune with the Universe.

You have laid the foundation for a plan of action.

Take the action, then move on to the next solution.

You have set the wheels in motion.

Trust your power.

Do not fret or worry over the implementation.

Once you have received and released the solution through divine discernment, it is part of the action of the Universe.

All those who are receptive to the divine will feel its power and be called into action.

As we see the massive movements for good for all throughout the world, we feel the inclusive power of well-being for all.

Our own ability to discern solutions has been through a calling of great compassion.

Others have laid the foundation for action which we are now implementing.

As more and more good for all becomes apparent, the apparatus for accomplishing it is put in place.

This is happening on a massive scale, much larger than our own imagination can conceive.

Everything that we see is the result of great compassionate power and love.

What needs to go is being exposed through the upheaval of the establishing presence of inviolable good.

These are the signs that healing is taking place.

Do the work which you are called to do.

And then, do the next work.

 © 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Your Diamond Mind

Illusions Must Go

Do not believe the illusions.

Even when it seems that disaster is occuring in so many ways, look deeper into the divine.

Do not believe the distractions.

Find the true power behind the good that is occurring.

Turn toward the direction of the many good things which are coming into existence.

Think of the enduring good things which continue to happen despite the negative.

We are operating on an infinite scale here, and bearing witness to the Infinite from where we stand now.

The illiusions of power which are being taken away from where it belongs will not last.

It will return to its true origins and guardians.

The new players in the old stories of corruption and power will have to deal with their mistakes.

Continue being a force for good, by living a life of integrity.

Let all the many little good things in our lives continue to operate well. 

Acknowledge them and let their consistent power continue to build.

This will wash out the illusions of power and balance will be restored.

As long as we don’t get caught up in believing the illusions, we will be  OK.

As long as we recognize the difference between goodness and corruption, we will not be decieved by all the illusions of the lies.

Our higher nature will prevail, and it will carry everyone into a reality of good and well-being for all of us.

This is not an illusion.

The corrupted power must and will, go.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Courage to Rebuild

I am receiving the ideas I need from many wonderful resources in order to rebuild my life.

I can feel the new foundation taking place as I take each new step.

I can choose the company I keep and the supportive friends I enjoy.

I can find the solution to each big and little manifestation of the negativity of the past.

My steps are more sure as I place my need to be fulfilled and happy in the forefront of my activities.

Being in a direct line to receive the good I have always worked for makes it easier to rebuild.

My life is worthy and important;  I am not here just to serve the needs of others.

My life has a value of its own, newly discovered.

I am able to proceed directly to my own goals.

Everything which I learn helps me move more securely toward my goal.

My foundation becomes stronger as I express myself clearly and confidently.

I attract those of good character around me as I express myself without fear.

I have the courage to learn the new skills which will insure my success.

I feel the presence of security and guidance taking me to where I belong.

I am able to recognize the attracting force of my healing and to receive its benefits.

I am able to increase my calmness and to expand it into more and more situations around me.

I am able to spend more time in the deep peace which nurtures and nourishes me.

My ability to receive peace is the most important factor in rebuilding my life.

By doing the things I love, I align myself with the peace I desire. 

I remain in the deep peace until it permeates my entire being before I take even one step.

I feel my true nature and capacity in a state of deep peace.

I see that I am living and working from a completely different foundation now that I am building on what is revealed to me in deep peace.

My courage to leave the old foundation of negativity and to explore the possibility of a different kind of foundation has brought me into my new and beautiful life.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Peace and Courage to Rebuild

I am exploring, more deeply than every before, the pieces of my life which need restoration.

I am grateful for the many gifts which I receive and practice daily.

They give me a foundation on which to rebuild.

The fact that so many people are in the rebuild process tells me that our experiences and symptoms are part of a much larger situation.

It is normal to be part of a nurturing and balanced community, but so many of our communities are way out of balance and far from nurturing.

Taking the beginning steps to rebuild requires courage to look at the problem and courage to continue finding solutions.

The solutions comes as we continue taking each new step.

We are not required to make things work for anyone else, just ourselves.

We are worthy of our own attention.

We can draw on all our resources to nurture and to feed our own soul.

This is the new foundation we are building, one that supports us directly.

As we fill in the gaps for ourselves, a piece of the whole fabric of society is mended.

As we increase our ability to function in a natural manner, we prosper.

As our prosperity builds, we overflow.

With the overflow, we can increase the nurturing nature of our community.

We can participate in the stability and happiness and well-being of the community.

This is what our peace contributes and is the result of our courage in taking on the work to rebuild our life.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, July 26, 2019

Rebuilding My Life

I am reclaiming my mind and body and emotions as I rebuild my life.

I feel the dfifference in just being able to obseve what happens instead of being carried away.

My calming practices help me settle down.

I am also anticipating my ability to self-regulate when I feel the sensations of anxiety beginning.

Each step helps me gain confidence and not fall into the cycle of fear and anxiety.

The many resources which are flooding into my life show me I am not alone in my healing.

Many people are facing the same kinds of problems and we are all helping each other find solutions.

I am grateful for the opportunity to share authentic steps I have found.

The Universe brings the people to me whom I am able to help.

Each step of rebuilding increases the health of society.

My life is being rebuilt on the basis of my own priorities, doing what I love to do.

My own priorities include valuing my own skills.

My own priorities include placing myself in nurturing surroundings.

My own priorities include connecting with an expansive concept of well-being for all.

As I recognize my worth and value, I am placing myself in a different relationship.

I am strong, I am equal, I am validated.

I respond to fear by replacing it with confidence and strength.

I dissolve all the negativity which was passed down to me.

I gain courage and strenth and power.

I manifest my ideas and they bring me recognition.

My work in healing myself is removing the cruel burdens of the past.

My reservoir of healing overflows and I am able to help others to heal as well.

The life I am rebuilding is my own, and it is expanding to include healing others.

Many people see my work and uplifted by it.

My life of inspiration and healing is a benefit to my community and to all around me.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Your Diamond Mind

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Courage and Resources

I am grateful to have the courage and resources to rebuild my life.

Everyone I know is grateful to have the courage and resources to rebuild their life.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is grateful to have the courage and resources to rebuild their life.

It is a challenge and a privilege to be able to rebuild my life.

I am grateful for the opportuity to find solutions for so many of the problems of the past.

As I address each one, I find myself in a better and better place.

The light from within is manifested in more light aorund me.

As I continue to listen for inner light, I receive more and more ideas to share.

Sharing the ideas not only helps rebuild my life, it helps others to rebuild their lives.

I find I have an impetus as well as a calling to help others.

My courage in facing my past and finding the resources to stay aware and engaged is powerful.

It creates enough light that it overflows with the purpose of helping others.

All the techniques, tools, writing, and other resources which have come to me are not only for my own rebuild and healing.

They are useful and accessible to others.

As I continue to acknowledge the value of the work which I have done to create stability and harmony in my own life, I am empowered to introduce others to their power.

As they take the steps to engage in their own healing, they will find new paths opening to them.

With their courage and ability to use the resources which I am providing, they will build a new foundation for their life.

By following through on what they learn, they will engage in new practices.

The old patterns will be left behind as new connections are made and sound practices begin to yield new results.

Each one who takes these healing steps for themselves is helping uplift the whole community.

As they face their fears and begin to replace them with a healthy and uplifting direction, their entire life fulfills its purpose.

The past is eradicated and a new approach is initiated for all of society and civilization each time we help rebuild our own and others lives.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage


The End of Separation

We have peace when we identify ourselves as having many good things in common with others.

The isolation, which may have begun due to conditions beyond our control, is over as we desire to experience and celebrate community.

We are able to choose good companionship and uplifting company.

We begin by listening to our intuition and moving in the direction of what we love to do.

That forms around the core of our heart and brings us into alignment with our ideals.

Such postive practice releases us to continue moving in good directions.

We can build new associations for ourselves as we see our own value.

As we live in appreciation for who we are, we realize we have something valuable to share.

Our joy in expression leads us to find ways to share it.

When we see ourselves in relation to what we love to do, we begin our connection.

Our connection builds from within and includes all that we enjoy.

We find our resources, our timing, our clients.

We include supportive friends.

We find them where we can share what we love to do.

Our connection ends our isolation and our separation by building the normal, everyday associations which we are entitled to have.

It places us in healthy friendships around healthy work environments.

It ends the separation between ideas and accomplishments.

It creates happiness and fulfillment in our life.

It allows us to gain awareness of who we and where we belong.

It allows us to receive the value we have created in our life.

We no longer feel separated from what is good in life.

We are generating it from within and seeign the results.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Receive Recognition

I am grateful to receive recognition.

Everyone I know is grateful to receive recognition.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is grateful to receive recognition.


It is completely different to receive recognition for your own unique work instead of for doing a good job on someone else’s project.

Identifying oneself takes courage and deep reflection and commitment to inner work.

The result can be completely different from being even an excellent worker.

Now that I am standing on my own ground, I feel the difference.

I am no longer working for outside approval of my efforts.

My work is aligned with my values.

I draw on new skills which I have been learning as I move in the direction of my heart’s desire.

I feel fulfilled as I do the work, even before I release it to the public.

When I do release it, I find that it touches people’s lives.

I am not pushing my ideas, simply making them visible.

As I become commited to my ideas, I express them more consistently.

I am able to find ways to convey their meaning.

As they become clear to me, I am able to express them clearly.

People recognize them and receive benefit from them.

It is my natural progression through a life of challenge and inspiration which makes my ideas valuable.

Others are uplifted by knowing they, too, can meet their challenges.

The foundation which I have built supports my work and its expansion.

Adversities have been met and turned into foudation posts.

All the details are filling in to create beauty and utility.

Others feel the substance of my work and are uplifted by its power.

They want to receive the generosity of the Universe, too.

I am so grateful to have an overflow to share.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Climbing the Wrong Mountain

I need to climb my own mountain.

Following someone up their mountain does not get me where I need to go.

No matter how well I climb, it does not fulfill my purpose.

No matter how beautiful it is, it is not where I belong.

No matter how much I want to support someone else’s project, it will not address my reason for being.

So I stand at the bottom of that mountain.

I turn and take a step away.

I find I am following my own direction.

And yes, there is a mountain of my own.

It has plenty of fulfilling challenges for me.

I feel elated as I rise higher and higher.

I am so satsified to be climbing this mountain.

It is full of meaning for me.

I see my own project and purpose expand.

I get stronger as I climb my mountain.

I get to see the world from my own elevated perspective.

Others can see me; I am no longer invisible.

I am seen in my own light.

I am respected.

I am recognized.

People can receive what I have to offer and be benefitted.

I have a place and purpose.

I am climbing my own mountain.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Your Diamond Mind