My deep peace is becoming a habit.
Peace is becoming more dominant in my life as I become more and more consistent about returning to peace and maintaining it.
I can access peace in many ways.
I can slow my breathing.
I can do Meditation Drawing.
I can read, sing, cook, sew, crochet, knit, paint, draw.
All these are activites which allow me to access my peace.
The peace without is a refleciton of the peace from within.
The more I practice peace, the more room I create for it in my life.
I know others feel it, because of the new responses I receive in my daily life.
As I carry less fear and more safety within, I experience more care and safety without.
People notice that I have something valuable to contribute in new situations.
My quiet cofidence and strength are becoming apparent.
I am conquering my demons as I change my perspective.
I am creating more space for happiness and as I expand my peace and safety.
I am able to gain new skills as I approach them with confdience and patience.
I receive the rewards of my excellent work as I trust the peace within.
I do not hesitate to express myself through my work.
My peace insures the acceptance and placement of my excellent work.
I am connected to good thorugh my peace.
I ward off any distrubances through my confident and consistent practice of peace.
I find myself in uplfiting and beautiful surroundings through my peace.
My habit of peace has changed my life.
© 2919 Kathryn Hardage
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