Saturday, July 13, 2019

Crossing Paths

As my life develops, I cross paths with many people.

Some are going along parts of my path, and we converge for a time.

Some only cross briefly and we nod in passing.

Some people turn up later and we have more in common from our richer lives.

We are always blessed by the grace we receive as we go along our path.

We learn from our mistakes and correct them, sooner or later, once they are no longer useful.

Those who are learning the same kinds of lessons come into our sphere in different ways.

With some people, we learn lessons in contrast to theirs and have a briefer association.

We learn how to create enduring relationships with those who have the same general ideals as we do.

We walk together for some time.

Our path grows wider and wider as we attract more individuals who share similar goals.

Community begins to build.

We share goals and solutions.

We develop our values.

Our life fills out.

We see connections and share our happiness.

A secure feeling envelops us all.

We share our wonderful feeling of security wider and wider.

People love to come into our community, feeling safe to develop their ideas.

There is always room for those to share their uplifting skills and ideas.

Some people diverge from the community and find their way along other paths.

There is room to reflect on who we are and where we can serve most beneficially.

Our paths are never static, but always changing to lead us into new knowledge and higher practice.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage 

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