Do not believe the illusions.
Even when it seems that disaster is occuring in so many ways, look deeper into the divine.
Do not believe the distractions.
Find the true power behind the good that is occurring.
Turn toward the direction of the many good things which are coming into existence.
Think of the enduring good things which continue to happen despite the negative.
We are operating on an infinite scale here, and bearing witness to the Infinite from where we stand now.
The illiusions of power which are being taken away from where it belongs will not last.
It will return to its true origins and guardians.
The new players in the old stories of corruption and power will have to deal with their mistakes.
Continue being a force for good, by living a life of integrity.
Let all the many little good things in our lives continue to operate well.
Acknowledge them and let their consistent power continue to build.
This will wash out the illusions of power and balance will be restored.
As long as we don’t get caught up in believing the illusions, we will be OK.
As long as we recognize the difference between goodness and corruption, we will not be decieved by all the illusions of the lies.
Our higher nature will prevail, and it will carry everyone into a reality of good and well-being for all of us.
This is not an illusion.
The corrupted power must and will, go.
© 2019 Kathryn Hardage
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