Monday, May 29, 2017

Increasing Peace

Discovering the peace within is a remarkable feeling.

Learning to access it at any time is a wonderful resource.

Being able to expand it is a humbling feeling.

Now that I know where to find my peace, I long to increase the peaceful experiences in my life.

I am learning to do so.

By returning over and over again to the peaceful feeling, I naturally find ways to experience it more.

It is leading to release of pressure over doing things.

It is leading to slight adjustments in organization.

It is leading to projects being set up so I can work on them.

And it is leading to reading the news with solutions in mind.

We have gone over the top in reacting to bad leadership.

There is a reason to have moral goodness in view of everyone.

It helps raise the level of behavior and conversation.

It promotes the discussions which lead to understanding.

It takes away the need for violent reaction.

We can increase our peace within and without.

We can be a model of patience and listening and calm.

These feelings are contagious.

They underlie the peace we can expand in our communities.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Making New Patterns

Discovering the “hidden drivers’ in our lives makes it possible to address uncontrollable situations.

As the old emotional stuff comes to the surface and can be seen, it can be dealt with compassionately.

I am grateful for the support to learn many new ways of doing this.

As I see the destruction of the old patterns, I can feel the power of making new ones.

Gaining control of my life in this way lets me move forward without fearing attacks on my new steps.

It begins to give me confidence that my ideas will be respected and safeguarded.

It allows me to learn new skills and ways to communicate.

It removes so much habitual fear from my life.

I can enjoy taking the steps to expand my life.

I can move in directions which are important and meaningful to me.

I can embrace the direction I choose for my own life.

Even though I still weigh when to take time out for others, I now have the choice to devote time to myself as well.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Stick To Your Ideals

Your ideals will take you much farther than anything else.

As you develop them, they expand.

Your ideals work through your mental and emotional channels, so therefore they have a much farther outreach than all other resources.

Follow them.

Listen to them.

Take the first tiny steps which come to you.

Let those tiny steps accumulate into more and more steps.

Your goal will redefine and expand each time you listen to your ideals.

There are no limits on the power of ideals and the resources they attract.

Be sure of your desire to uplift, comfort and to provide assurance.

Selfishness turns inward, and generosity blesses everyone it touches.

Your generosity comes from the ideas which help you uplift others.

You create room to receive when you listen inwardly for direction.

As yo provide room for others to receive, you receive also.

Your giving heart does not leave you empty.

The expansion of ideals lifts, comforts, provides, communicates, supplies, and enhances every part of life.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Choosing How I Look at Things

I am grateful to choose how I look at things.

Everyone I know is grateful to choose how they look at things.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is grateful to choose how they look at things.


Because I choose to look at how I can serve, I am given opportunities to uplift others.

Because I look at how to expand my service, I am given opportunities for farther outreach.

Viewing life this way can cause us to look outward instead of inward.

By leaping over the crushing media influence of self-service, and by including everyone in our desire to live well, we can create a different kind of life design.

Thought moves in different patterns when it breaks the bounds of self-service.

Of course, we want everyone to live well.

When we interpret our resources differently, there is enough for all.

Focusing on our outward goal lets us receive the ideas which support it.

It is so very important to listen for the expansive ideas instead of getting caught up in the crushing lies around us.

We have every resource imaginable if we don’t talk ourselves out of it.

There is a desire to communicate and to uplift.

We are seeing this in meetings of world leaders.

We are seeing a consensus of right ways to go about a more expansive and caring view.

The contrast only highlights the upward goal more clearly.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Power Blesses

Infinite Power blesses infinitely.

We are all in the care of the Universe.

The Caring Universe provides for our every need and helps us expand beyond any limitation.

What is the most expansive service you can provide?

The Caring Universe will help you do so.

What is the most far-reaching good you can do?

The Caring Universe will help you reach your beneficiaries.

All the details, contacts, organization, and resources will come to you for the purpose of providing service and outreach.

Whatever your talents can provide are already divinely supported.

Whoever you would reach out and bless, are being prepared to receive and be uplifted by your provision.

You are being empowered to empower others, who will then be uplifted and strengthened.

Your light will shine and light up other lives.

Other lives will grow on a foundation that began with a blessing.

You can receive the kind of Infinite Power that blesses you in the empowering of others.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Pulling in the Pieces

For my whole, life I have known what I wanted to do.

I have been vectored and deflected away without the resources to guide my own life.

Now that I am gaining those resources, I am having the experience of pulling those pieces into place.

I cannot describe the peace.

i cannot describe the feeling of coming home.

After so many years of being pushed and prodded to do something other than what my desire was, the feeling of comfort and gentleness is overwhelming.

I am so grateful for all the little steps that I have been taking against all the training I have had.

I am so grateful for the longing that never quit.

I am so happy to feel the first little tinges of secure joy.

I love feeling at one with my heart and action.

It is simple things, which when pursued consistently, make up the new picture.

I can’t move as fast or as powerfully as I feel I want to.

But I can move a little.

I can continue to refine and build my concept and then see the little steps filled in toward my goal.

I can continue pulling in the pieces until I have the complete and whole life that I desire.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Where the War Takes Place

Inside each of us are our many opinions and experiences.

This is where the war takes place.

What is right?

Where do I belong?

As people settle the question for themselves, peace begins to take shape.

The limitations of hatred and negativity are certainly taking their immense toll.

The power of the goodness in everyone, no matter buried how deep in ignorance and depravity, will rise to the surface.

It is the destiny of every courageous heart.

The power of truth and reconciliation which took place to end apartheid in South Africa have their equivalent in every culture.

We are all unified in that fact.

The new awareness of the rights of everyone is clashing with the fear that only so much good is available.

When everyone is expressing good, much more is available!

This ridiculous fear of limited good is where the war takes place, and the space available to it is dwindling rapidly.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

While Hanging in the Balance

I am so grateful to remember that good action continues even while much of it is unseen.

Everyone I know is grateful to remember that good action continues even while much of it is unseen.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is grateful to remember that good action continues even while much of it is unseen.

There is still valuable work going on while things are hanging in the balance.

While we feel the influence of public action pulling us downward, nonetheless, the human spirit likes to rise.

We seek out the higher elements, because rage and degradation and their negativity can only last as long as it can deceive.

When honesty and the longing for a better way, for upliftment and kindness and consideration, begin to take hold in the minds of so many, as they are now, movement pulls in an upward direction.

The upward direction is unlimited.

There are so many ways it can be expressed.

Everyone has access to it through ideas.

And ideas demand action.

With unified action, as awareness is beginning to dictate, the course can be changed.

It will be interesting to see the many different ways this takes place.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Root Connectivity

In so many ways, we are on the brink of connectivity.

The scientific discovery of how trees are connected by their roots and can share nutrients is so fascinating.

As we discover our own oneness as a human people, we can learn to share our resources with whoever needs it most at the time.

Studies of the mind are showing new psychological, social and mental trends of more and more awareness of the needs of others.

We are seeing the clash of millennia of self-importance with this new feeling that every era and every culture has something of value.

It is wonderful to see this being acknowledged even as we go through the pains of trying to stay separated.

It is the most familiar feeling, to have to protect against strangers, the “other”.

But we are all the “other” to someone.

Now that our world communication is so fast, we can experience influences at a much, much faster rate.

Our old millennia of feelings are facing a new challenge, the introduction of everyone being all right to know.

It is all right to get along with all the new people and cultures that we are becoming acquainted with.

We all add to the mix in an enriching way.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Another Step

I am grateful to take another step.

Everyone I know is grateful to take another step.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is grateful to take another step.

I am grateful for the perspective on progress.

I can tell when I take another step.

I can feel the challenge of moving forward.

I am propelled by the necessity of doing so.

Staying where I am is better than the last step, but not near as good as I want it to be.

I am certainly reminded not to go backwards.

That is totally confusing.

I forget where I am now when I do that.

It is important to remember how I got here and to keep building to take the next step.

It feels better and better each time.

I just have to get used to the new place and the new techniques for staying here.

I have done that many times.

I can keep doing that.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Keeping It All Current

It has to be happening in the “now”.

It is wrenching to try to look at the past to evaluate it.

It is speculation to look at the future.

Everything is happening on a continuum that is actually getting us somewhere that we want to be.

The things that happen in passing are all OK.

Today’s conclusions are the strongest ones so far.

Stay with today.

I must remind myself.

Things just cannot align harmoniously if there are other time periods trying to pile on at the same time.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

A New Path and a New Language

Going through a healing process is a unique kind of validation.

It acknowledges the pain of the survivor, while teaching a new language for a new kind of wholeness.

It is tricky to continue to interact with the world.

It requires acknowledgement of mental and emotional prison bars. 

Historically suppressed expression has many layers to deal with.

Discovering how to meet needs which have never even been acknowledged is challenging.

There is no vocabulary for them.

Other coping skills filled in instead.

Living with the misunderstanding of people who mean well has its own challenges.

Replacing frustration with acceptance is a huge step.

You will find your own way.

Indeed, you are the only one who can do it.

Other paths will not suffice.

But, you will find yours.

Your commitment makes that a given.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage