Saturday, June 29, 2019

Radiant Presence

I know I am in the radiant presence of the divine whever I receive a wonderful idea for service.

The wonderful ideas allow me to express my love by making beautiful things.

When I make them, they are infused with inspiration, balance, harmony.

As I work, I am filled with upliftment and happiness.

My entire day becomes satisfying and delightful.

Everything I do serves my higher purpose.

I am led from step to step in a gentle flow.

All my needed resources become visible and are at hand.

The people who can most benefit from what I do appear at the right time and in the right place.

My continuous expression of the ideas which come to me through radiant presence guarantees my connection.

As I receive, so I attract.

As I travel, the conditions which are necessary for me to carry out my purpose also appear.

I meet new people who are already in position to feel my deep connection and to receive its benefits.

I enjoy the support of community with them.

We confirm each other’s deep spirituality.

A new level of sharing and release becomes possible.

I share what I see of divine awareness within them.

Our combined uplifting practice releases gentle power into the atmopshere around us.

Others are introduced to a combination of awareness.

We are not isolated in our perception.

All the steps we are taking individually are resulting in a larger connection and collective uplifitng power.

The benefits are enormous.

What were solely harmonously functioning bodies and businesses become harmoniously functioning communities.

Harmoniously functioning communities are inclusive of solutions for the well-being of everyone in them.

Generous solutions become the rule.

Lack disappears.

All experience raidant presence in the work they do.

It is the natural release of the uplifting power of service.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Claiming My Time

I am grateful to claim my time.

Everyone I know is grateful to claim their time.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, is grateful to claim their time.

When we claim our time, we are respecting our own development, our own worth.

We are here to accomplish a purpose.

 Our devotion to it determines whether that role will be fulfilled.

Learning to listen within becomes our sole guidance.

Only the deepest peace becomes satisfying.

I am comforted by the presence of the divine within me.

Through the divine, I know I have everything I need.

Only distractions from this knowledge give me any concern.

When I claim my time, I claim my ability to direct my thought.

I return to the deep peace I have found.

I listen for guidance and take that action.

It calms me, heals me, and accomplishes my purpose.

I arrive at my goal.

My continuous tiny steps give me the foundation to take bigger leaps.

I build up confidence in my new direction with tiny steps.

The bigger leaps are possible with the strength and consistency of the many tiny steps.

The time I consistently devote to listening within and to taking tiny steps builds whatever is needed to fulfill my purpose.

Claiming my time gives me the connection to the divine which is utimately satisfying.

It is my preferred direction and association.

I am grateful to discover this underlying and all-encompassing dimension.

It is where I most like to spend my time.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, June 28, 2019

Being in Accord

As my purpose and definition grows clearer, others see it and respond.

Just by living my high ideals, I find I am being drawn to places where people who need what I have can find me.

The problems I have been solving for myself provide common ground and my solutions are helpful.

My natural interests and tendencies place me where I love to be, doing work I love to do.

My happiness and balance attract those who are ready for what I have to offer.

I find I am naturally moving into the place I belong.

I move gently into doing my true work.

I am protective and considerate of myself as I evolve in this new direction.

I am being tenderly restored and I must not allow any interruptions.

My tentative steps are becoming firmer.

I trust my strengthening inner guidance.

My path has seemed to meander but it included everything I need.

My impatience has dissolved as I begin to sense the scope of my work.

All the required preparation has been done to this point.

The time provided has been adequate.

I listen quietly within, ready to receive the next gift, the next step.

I am peaceful as I calmly contemplate the poise I exhibit.

I am secure and assured in my new direction.

I am on a completely new track with everything I need to sustain myself and to thrive.

I am in accord throughout my life.

I rest and listen.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Wholeness for All

Every step you are taking is moving you toward wholeness.

As you continue to build your own foundation by listening within and taking action, your work will be seen by your community.

The powerful influence you exert will be felt through your level of excellence and by your commitment.

Others will desire to be involved in your work and your philosophy.

This gives you the opportunity to introduce your program of wholeness for all.

When every person is treated with dignity and respect, it will create the ideas which free them to move in the direction of their desire.

With access to training in needed skill areas, their ability to contribute to the community is assured.

They acquire the self-respect which allows them to interact with dignity.

They feel the power within them and are able to sense their own wholeness.

Your example of success through work you love sets the tone for you within your community.

You become a trusted member who lives in a manner which engenders admiration.

Your outlook that everyone is valued and precious becomes part of the fabric of the community.

This results in public policy enacted through innovative and imaginative solutions which will meet needs and uplift community members.

By including those who will be affected, more accurate and practical responses can be made.

Solutions will be effective when they are guided by principles of respect, dignity and on-going work which is genuinely needed in the community.

Practice within the community which leads to wholeness results in a delightful and uplifting community attitude.

Steps can begin with young members of the community and continue building throughout their lives.

By recognizing and creating opportunities within the community, areas of weakness can be built up and strong areas can receive additional strengthening.

As community members become whole, the community benefits.

Your continuing development and success will be a beacon showing the opportunities for wholeness in your community.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Your Diamond Mind

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Community Connection

I am buoyed up through my connection with communities.

Our shared ideas and experiences help us create the atmosphere we all want to live in.

As we put our ideals into practice, we see their reality manifested.

Once we discover the action of doing what we love, this uplifting attitude permeates itself into community.

Repeated by all who live there creates an inspiring and joyful community.

There is joy in excellence.

There is happiness in meeting needs.

There is peace in generosity.

There is contentment in unselfishness.

Whenever we speak, we always show the overflow we have in our lives.

We naturally share what is going on and our response to it.

When we live generous lives, that is what shows up for us.

When we live in fear, that is what we share.

It is worthwhile to cultivate ideas which benefit everyone.

In that way, we are increasing well-being in our community and all around us.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Your Diamond Mind

Creativity From Wholeness

I create from my wholeness.

Everything I do expresses itself in a harmonious flow from one step to the next.

As I receive ideas, resources appear.

As I accept the resources, their shape and definition appear.

As I create the form, its beauty  becomes evident.

The form attracts interested parties and the beautiful forms fulfill their purpose in their new settings.

I am connected from idea to production.

I am connected through release of the idea and am buoyed up by its reception.

The wholeness which comes into my life is uplifting and continuous.

I want for nothing.

My happiness spills over and uplifts my community.

I live in abundance surrounded by secure and happy people.

My life is full and whole.

I make important contributions which are recognized and acknolwedged.

My creativity flows unbounded.

It reaches those who can most benefit from it and they are uplifted and find their wholeness.

I have a secure and expanding interaction with my clientele.

As I do what I love, I attract a supportive following.

I am recognized in my own right.

I am secure in my identity, purpose, action and contribution.

I work gladly and cultivate my flow of inspiration along with new skills to share it.

I am grateful for all the steps which have brought me to my present expression.

I am most happy to share my work and to see its uplifting action in the community.

It is a wonderful feeling to experience the cumulative effects of so much development.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Live From a Secure Foundation

I am grateful to live from a secure foundation.

Everyone I know is grateful to live from a secure foundation.

Everyone I don’t even know, all over th world, is grateful to live from a secure foundation.


I live from a secure foundation.

My ativities are uplifting and attract those who can most benefit.

We all feel the blessing and lift each other up.

We live from a sense of wholeness.

Our life is secure.

Every activity we engage in contributes to the community.

We embrace every step with happiness and fulfillment.

We are attracted to goodness and embrace purity and unselfishness.

We are willing to learn new skills in order to contribute in an orderly fashion.

Our practice continually improves and we all benefit.

We have room to create beauty and to live with inspiration.

We are one of many examples of harmonious living.

Our goal is to live in such a way as to create balance.

We live through respect for all elements in and on the earth.

Through our contribution and balance, we attract support.

Our uplifting activities are well known and recognized.

We are able to expand our foundation through our many inspirational outlets.

Our life of hamony and giving creates a secure foundation for living.

We are happy to share it in uplifting ways.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, June 24, 2019

New Skills for Inspiration

I am learming new skills and am incorporating them into my inspiraitonal practice.

I have been making Meditation Drawings for several years, which are available to see at Share Inspiration and Peace, both on FB and at its blogspot address.

Now I am adventuring and experimenting with color.

I am trying out watercolor, colored markers and colored pencils.

They add  new dimensions to my inspiration.

It moves me into risk-taking as I experiment with new ways of expressing my ideas.

Color, all in itself, is startling, after so many years of black and white.

Even the grays I am adding to my Meditation Drawings give the eye more to reflect on.

Combining mediums moves me into other thought dimensions.

I feel so much more opening up for me.

New possibilities present themselves as I expand my expression.

The calming effects of my Meditation Drawing have grounded me for many years.

Now I am safely stepping into new areas of expression.

It is thrilling to be able to take these steps.

I can feel places where I need to create more grounding to prevent panic attacks.

I am so grateful these are becoming more defined.

I am opening up to optimism and joy as I continue to experiment with color and art and inspiration.

The best part is the support through Sketchbook Revival, which has introduced so many artists and techniques and then created the space to practice and share them.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage
Your Diamond Mind