Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Cultivating Deep Peace

When I remember what I am really here for, I listen for a feeling of deep peace.

When everyone I know remembers what they are really here for, they listen for a feeling of deep peace.

When everyone I don’t even know all over the planet remembers what they are here for, they listen for feeling of deep peace.

Today, I felt the familiar interference of confusion when I started working on a project.

I stopped and listened for the feeling to be put into words.

As I sensed the words behind the confusion, I realized it was a strong and repetitious memory of confusion when I was a child.

It was not my confusion, then or now.

It was someone else’s.

I realized that I am clear on my place and my role, but because this feeling was in my life from so young, I had never separated it out from myself.

Once I made the distinction, the confusion cleared up completely, and I was able to work steadily on my project with no interference.

The deep peace which I am finding in other areas of my life is mine.

My standard is deep peace.

Not confusion.

I know the difference and I can create what I want to feel.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, September 25, 2017

Conscious Listening

Waking up in the night, I have learned to listen for the idea which I am to consider.

I may spend a couple of hours reflecting and meditating on what comes to me.

Sometimes I write down the reflection I have on the ideas.

Sometimes I am impelled to action, and I get up to work on or to finish a project.

The special quiet time allows me to listen and think with no distractions.

I can devote pure thought to the idea.

I can lay some issues to rest with concentrated thought and meditation.

If I reach an impasse, I can be satisfied to let it go for now.

If I reach resolution, I can be satisfied, too.

That deep listening time is precious.

I am grateful for the valuable work I can do during that time.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, September 24, 2017

A Story That Works

One day as I was meditating, I realized that nothing I could do would change the story for someone else.

The story has to be changed by the person telling it.

If you are telling yourself a certain kind of story, your life will have a certain kind of path.

If you change the story, the path will change.

It is as simple as that.

Why you believe the story is not as simple.

But it can still be changed.

Decide on a direction you really want to go.

Don’t hold back.

Describe it in detail to yourself every time your think about it.

Think of all the reasons why you want it.

Embellish the picture.

Then when it is as full as you can make it, keep enjoying it.

When you hold to this consistent enjoyable  plan, you will start to see it take shape.

It is not something you do for yourself, although it is a gift you give yourself.

Keep doing your part and the Universe will do the rest.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Changing the Story

There may be several reasons why we believe a story.

If it is about us, it is the one we are willing to believe about ourselves and the people in our life.

When we create a happy life, we are telling ourselves one kind of story.

When our life is full of problems and challenges, we are telling ourselves another kind of story.

The story can be changed.

We are the person who can change it.

We can tell ourselves a story of hope and fulfillment and success.

We can tell ourselves a story of despair, insurmountable challenges and failure.

There is also a collective story that society tells itself.

Now that so many of us are getting tired of that story, it will be interesting to see how we change it.

We must be convinced that we want another story.

Then we must agree on what we want it to be.

Then we can create it for ourselves.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Perfect Fulfillment

From angles to flow.

That is the image that comes to my mind.

Instead of bouncing off angles, I find a strong and gentle flow carrying and supporting me.

I am connected to the best alternatives.

I am held by consummate knowledge and practices.

I am supported with  confidence and encouragement by the right motivations.

These goals go beyond myself.

They reach out to all who are in need.

The answers are always through honesty and generosity.

Long-term problems can be solved by looking at the deep origins.

Workable solutions address the deep origins and adjust the outcome.

Long-held wrong beliefs are corrected and different uplifting action results .

Resources come in different ways when the actual problem is addressed.

Flows are created where sharply angled walls once stood.

The first walls which have to come down are the ones we believe.

Then good, equitable, fair, right action can take place.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Seeing With an Expanded View

We are here to experience the things we see from our viewpoint.

We are then to improve upon them until we, and they, reach a state of joy, delight, harmony, beauty.

We reach that state by service.

We are to uplift through our perception and attitude.

When we are seen, it becomes a delivery of who we consciously are.

We are delivering our sense of the world and its possibilities.

We are foolish to be limited by what has already been and is considered common practice.

There is a way in which all things that are seen can be uplifted and improved.

The ways differ according to who is seeing them and the tools they are using to uplift the situation.

But they all have upliftment in common.

We move from our present sense of things to include more people in good, in harmony, in prosperity.

When we finally become unafraid to do this, unafraid that the limitations we see around us are the only view, then we become empowered to make the changes which uplift.

We are all empowered to do this in various ways.

We all come together at a certain time and in a certain way when the time is ripe.

We are seeing this now.

Enough people have had the kinds of experiences which compel them to share their new view with the kind of conviction to change our present course.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage  

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

From Compassion to Wholeness

True government moves us from compassion to wholeness.

As a government what are the compassionate things we can do to enable others to move themselves to wholeness?

A government which respects and loves its people works best in this way.

What is the self-concept embedded in the governing philosophy?

How does that result in training and education?

How does that impact how people can take care of themselves?

In any family, the goal is to give, give, the child what it needs in order to become self-sufficient.

A self-concept which includes love and support, followed by  good manners, skills, and training.

Within the community, continuing respect for all the members helps identify what is needed to help the ones who are struggling the most to bring themselves up to a better standard.

This strengthens and uplifts the community.

Each expanded level of government can proceed in this way, so that we have a world built on compassion which moves everyone to wholeness.

Imagine what it would feel like to live in such a world.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Near and Far

How do the things I do today build what I want for the future?

What are the qualities in my life which will let me develop and take my ideas forward?

I appreciated learning about this in a book written for high schoolers by Napoleon Hill, called “The Law of Success in Sixteen Lessons”.

Since it is in the same style as his more famous book “Think and Grow Rich”, it conveys great respect for the abilities of young people to achieve.

The good work habits and rigorous thinking applied to daily life and responsible relationships in both personal and business life require consistency and discipline.

There is no substitute for integrity.

There is no fast track.

This is not a quick read.

Steady application of the principles creates a strong foundation for success.

Rereading the book shows how deeply the ideas have penetrated and leaves room for more study and application.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Narrow and Wide

Thinking in our usual narrow terms has created the world we live in today.

What kind of world can we create by thinking in uplifting terms for all of us?

Colonialism has always destroyed the land and people it invaded.

What if the land and people were honored, crops and governmental systems left in place, appropriate environmental and cultural practices were continued?

From Columbus onward through time, working cultures have been destroyed for the purpose of overwhelming greed which was then displaced by another Western power a few years later.

The time left to us could be best spent in learning the traditions which sustained cultures for centuries before they were interrupted by outside powers.

The powers within the cultures cultivated community, respect and care for all members, and prosperity, through food, art and ritual.

That seems to me to be the best approach, a wider view which includes respectful employment and celebration for everyone.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, September 18, 2017

The Most Important Thing

When I shape my day by thinking of the most important thing I can do, it gives me a new direction.

When everyone I know shapes their day by thinking of the most important thing they can do, it gives them a new direction.

When everyone I don’t even know, all over the planet, shapes their day by thinking of the most important thing they can do, it gives them a new direction.


The habitual things I do keep me going in my current direction.

When I think about the most important thing I can do, it gives me a new direction.

It opens my mind and heart to inspiration through imagination.

New steps to take come to me.

New results enter into the equation.

I find a more upbeat attitude permeating my plans and activities.

I am grateful for the opportunity to take a new look at my situation and my beliefs.

I am grateful for the opportunity to create new priorities.

And I am grateful for the new feeling which replaces even my most cherished habitual attitudes.

The most important thing can change daily, or it can continue in a certain line for some time.

Looking at the most important thing allows me to shift my direction and keeps my life very fresh and engaged.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Place and Purpose

Your place and your purpose are governed by your world view.

How are you contributing to the peace in your heart, in your community, in your nation and in the world?

What are the fundamental issues of peace?

Doing what you love to do in a way which uplifts you and those who come in contact with you helps create peace in your heart and in your community.

Ethical business practices contribute to peace wherever you do business, as a creator or a receiver.

Fairness in policy creates peace on a wider range because all people can contribute to their well-being in the nation and world-wide

We are in a position to see everyone as worthy and valuable and to accept their contributions through much wider channels of policy.

Small good practices benefit people where they are.

Supporting communities enables people to decide what is valuable locally and to implement it themselves.

Examples of micro-preneurism and small scale restoration agriculture have transformed communities into self-sufficiency.

There are always resources for individual improvement which benefit communities.

Our place is to find our purpose and utilize it in practical ways.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Making a Contribution

What do you have to contribute today?

Your view of the world shapes how you live your day.

Are you in pain or do you know someone who is?

Is there anything you can do to help, a visit, some reassurance, some practical support?

Is your city in pain?

Is there something you can do to help?

Volunteer, support city laws and ordinances, participate in counseling or education?

Is your nation in pain?

Is there something you can do to help?

Let your voice be heard through contacting your congressional representatives, by becoming more informed on the issues?

Let your awareness be expanded.

Do not shy away from the current discomfort.

It is stirring up change for the better.

Looking and seeing how current affairs affect everyone is healthy.

This allows for new growth and new direction.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage