Wednesday, December 28, 2016

It comes From the Inside

It seems backwards, but whatever you are missing can only be supplied from the inside.

Becoming a friend to some else, addresses loneliness.

Service to a youth group or even fostering or adoption, addresses a desire for parenting and mentoring.

Learning new skills addresses boredom and lack of activity.

Simple acts of kindness to your body, like learning to eat differently is effective for protecting your health and digestion.

Moving in ways which support your body shows that you respect it and appreciate all the work that it does for you.

Volunteering in the community gives you a connection with like-minded, generous people.

Outreach always beats anything you feel you are lacking.

Self-appreciation helps you glow by recognizing your inward Source, Who loves you.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage


Creating with What you Like and Don’t Like

You bring what you think about into your experience.

Good or bad, what occupies space in your thought occupies space in your life.

The causal or extreme attention which you give to certain topics or events establishes them casually or firmly.

So you can shape the events in your life by consciously redirecting your thought with intention and emotion.

After doing this persistently and seeing simple results, you will want to go deeper.

As you see even more results and you life improves significantly, you will notice areas which are not changing.

This requires really persistent work and focus.

In my case, certain things, attitudes, were holding me back.

As I remained consistent and listened to my intuition, I kept getting closer and closer to revealing the deep limiting thought.

As I journaled to see my thoughts more clearly, definite bodily turmoil resulted!

I was so uncomfortable, I knew I was close!

Finally, I found myself dealing with a very effective negative though which had been implanted when I was a pre-schooler.

When I saw it, I stated the reverse.

The bodily turmoil remarkably ended.

I have been able to move on to removing more and more deep thought blockades though this consistent, sometimes very uncomfortable process.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Inner Sanctuary

I am sitting tight here as Christmas Day gets closer.

The tension is rising as everyone rushes to get their Christmas shopping done.

Even at my quilt store sanctuary, there is tension and the sadness of some people not being with a family group.

I have withdrawn into an inner sanctuary symbolized by the space in my daughter’s home where I am sewing, knitting and cooking.

Earlier, I decided not to resist the still impenetrable emotional firewalls, and instead bless them for being in place.

I am not yet prepared to deal with what is on the other side.

I came  the conclusion that it is OK to wait until I gain the skills to deal with the past violence and to leave it alone even in memory as much as I can at this time of year.

And I am grateful to say I am doing really well, for me.

I am still upright and functioning, not buried in bed with the covers over my head and a six-week migraine.

I have made it easier and easier for me to function at this time of year.

No pressure for presents.

I will make some things after the celebration.

I will complete the things I already made later as well.

I am no longer tied to the date to express my appreciation for the wonderful people in my life.  

I send things to them at different times of the year.

I do not have to measure anyone else’s expression toward me by a date either.

We are all dealing with our own life situations, positive and negative.

So, my holiday blessing is less and less pressure on myself and others.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, December 16, 2016

Looking Near and Looking Far

What we look at determines our place and our direction.

Close at hand, we see details.

Far away, we have visions.

the steps in between create our world.

Attaining our visions, we take many steps.

the close-up view of each step may not look like much.

But each step is a microcosm of the vision.

It contains the whole vision, right there in a single step.

It is a holographic view.

The quality and direction of any project is characterized by the quality and direction of each step.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

What We Love

Love, wisdom, expression, meaning intelligence, and purpose are part of everyone we know and part of every one we do not know, all over the planet.

Everyone is made up of the same qualities.

That is how we recognize one another.

We can only perceive what we are.

Anything that we see and appreciate in anyone, is in all of us.

It is a universal quality of life.

It passes from the Universe to us and through us, and back to the Universe.

It is a flow of ideas and qualities.

The qualities that make the most sense to us are the ones we manifest.

And we manifest most that which we love.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Your Individual Wealth Vocabulary

You have your own vocabulary of wealth.

You build it based on your own experiences.

You shape it according to your point of view.

You can build up a wealth of negative experiences or positive ones.

You direct it, either consciously or unconsciously.

If your life is going in a direction you do not want, or you feel helpless, you are experiencing unconscious direction.

When you begin to confront it, and are willing to follow through, you will discover what you need to heal and redirect it.

If you are experiencing effortless, positive living, you may have simply grown up in an atmosphere which supported you.

Be compassionate toward those who have had the opposite kinds of experiences.

Build your wealth of experiences consciously and watch yourself heal and prosper.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

25 Days of Christ and Christmas - Benevolence (15)

We give of our heart’s rich overflow.

We give freely, or we do not truly give.

Benevolence means sharing our prosperity, our good will.

It means having an overflowing heart.

Benevolence is given to those in need.

Benevolence includes giving dignity to the one being served.

Practical benevolence lifts up the one receiving it, and it uplifts the giver as we see others gaining their own freedom to prosper.

Benevolence is encouragement at a dark time.

It is recognition that there is a future for you to build for yourself.

It is acknowledgement that everyone has the tools they need to thrive.

It contradicts circumstances.

It flies in the face of the obvious and finds alternative solutions.

Benevolence is innovative.

Benevolence gives comfort where there is pain so that the recipient can hear the path to freedom and prosperity.

Benevolence is a breath, which encourages more intake of inspiration and more action upon receiving it.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Maintaining My Body

When I turned forty years old, I decided that I wanted to cultivate a healthy and strong body for the rest of my life.

I found an unusual exercise book at the Half-Price Bookstore.

In the photos, it showed a muscle I had never seen before.

It was the long thigh muscle on the back of the leg.

I began trying to do the very gentle exercises even when I couldn’t perform them.

I just kept trying out the postures and attempting the exercises.

Eventually, after seven months, I was able to lift my leg to develop the thigh muscle on the back of the leg.

When it finally took shape, I laughed!

I am very short, about 4’10”.

That long thigh muscle on the back of the leg on the much taller model, looked about twelve inches long.

On the back of my leg, it is about three inches long, if that(!).

However, all the rest of the supporting exercises kept toning me and making it easier and easier to move during my rigorous pre-school music classes, a total of twenty-nine years begun when I was thirty-four years old.

When I retired, I was in good shape.

Even though I no longer teach the rigorous schedule I once had, the deep muscle training has remained with me.

I have to revive it from time to time, and I even add on to it.

I have had to learn to eat differently and better to compliment what is going on inside the body with what is going on outside it.

But I am happy and satisfied with the direction I am going with my body.

I am very pleased to be able to say that.

(The book I found is called “Callanetics”, by Callan Pinckney.  I even enjoyed the fact that one of her videos featured a short round person like myself!  And also her seventy-year old mother.)

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

Maintenance of Peace

It is so important to maintain our peace every day, all throughout the day.

Anything, and there are so many things, can unbalance us and cause us to lose our peace.

But we can get it back, even rapidly, when we make peace our priority.

Now, i enjoy my own opinion as much as anyone does, but I know that I often do not have all the information I need for a clear view of a situation.

So, if I find myself feeling outraged, I know that I have not given myself enough information to find out what I need to know.

I can calmly reflect on the situation, and then get more information, and then take action.

To counter many little harassments during the day, I know that I can simply give myself more time.

I do not have to rush.

I can move calmly and be more graceful.

I can be more thoughtful as I go about my business.

I can be more aware.

Taking my time to be aware and thoughtful and graceful allows me to incorporate being calm into my everyday movements and activities.

That way, I am not exhausted from lots of tiny reactions.

I am actually more rested at the end of the day.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

Maintaining Calm

Maintaining calm is my first priority.

Maintaining calm is the first priority of everyone I know.

Maintaining calm is the first priority of everyone I don’t even know all over the planet.


When maintaining calm is the first priority, we put ourselves in a position of being able to think clearly.

We stop reacting to all the disturbances and excitement around us.

We take our three deep breaths and then we can examine our surroundings.

We can see which things need our attention.

We can ignore the things which do not.

We can deal with many other things later.

Our focus on remaining, or getting, calm and maintaining it, clarifies the action we need to take.

It allows us to sit still as long as we need to.

It takes the stress off our system and out of our mind.

Getting calm provides the one basis for doing anything that needs to be done.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

25 Days of Christ and Christmas - Sacrifice (14)

Sacrifice means letting go of something in order to move higher.

We move from a lower expectation to a higher one.

We sacrifice the lower one, because it leads to a higher way of living.

We no longer need to hang onto what the earlier practice meant to us.

We are ready to move onward and upward.

As we are growing in ways which we desire, we may also have to let go of things which meant something to us with our former focus.

Sometimes it is a surprise to discover what those things are.

We still want to maintain their presence in our lives.

But we cannot, not and move forward and upward.

Our growing expression is in terms of the Infinite, not our own personal life plans.

We simply lack the viewpoint of the Infinite.

We are not equipped to make those choices.

And so we sacrifice.

We give up one thing for another, a better thing, a higher thing.

And this happens over and over again, as we refine our purpose and our identity in terms of the Infinite.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

25 Days of Christ and Christmas - Dedication (13)

What do you dedicate yourself to?

How do you spend your time?

What is most important to you?

The business of everyday can distract us from our deep purpose.

However, when we focus on our deep purpose and dedicate ourselves to it, our busy days run much more smoothly and harmoniously.

Dedicating ourselves to developing our spiritual individuality gives meaning and focus to our lives, and within it, our days.

In focusing on our higher purpose, we take a deep breath to listen inwardly for it.

As we sit quietly, a sense of calm and peace enters our being.

We feel this quiet dedication to something higher.

Taking the moments to breathe, sit quietly and focus opens us to the feeling we need to release our business.

Then, with that feeling in mind and throughout our being, our daily tasks get done.

 Steps toward our larger goal are clarified and begin to take place.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, December 12, 2016

25 Days of Christ and Christmas - Spirituality (12)

What is the enduring message of the Christ and how do we acknowledge it and celebrate it?

Is is just for one season, or is it an enduring commitment?

When we tune into our spirituality, we see that what is uplifting is also present at all times and is abundant everywhere.

We can tune into the upliftment at any time.

As we cultivate our awareness of spiritual qualities, they become more and more a part of our conscious life.

We find ourselves becoming less critical and more accepting.

Less judgmental and more encouraging.

More willing to see how beautiful we all are.

Our compassion grows for everyone through acknowledging all the things we are all facing.

We find ourselves naturally offering hope and support.

It may be through personal contact or through a silent acknowledgment.

When it becomes a habit, we know that more of the Christ-spirit is in us and that we have a true celebration moment by moment.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage