Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Choose Peace and Security

By aligning yourself with your ideals and living them, you can create peace and security for yourself.

Your view from these ideals is pure and has the strength of clear focus.

Your uplifting thought and energy to include everyone in the of goal living well, will create the peace and security which we all desire as individuals.

When the needs of everyone are given consideration, and everyone is included in finding and applying solutions, we will create a peaceful and secure society.

By remaining aware of our place in the community and in the world, we naturally desire to see well-being for everyone.

The results or order and harmony have only been seen on a small scale.

As a culture, we have not practiced them long enough for them to be far-reaching.

The results in intentional communities are instructive.

People relate to one another differently, in that all are considered equal members of the community.

With a sense of worth permeating through all aspects of society, we will see completely different results in the productivity and safety and security of our communities.

From a standpoint of everyone’s innate worth, we will involve them in creating opportunities which address and supply their real needs.

With the grassroots participation through respect, fear will disappear as genuine needs are met.

We will experience a sense of inclusion as we see everyone immersed in community participation and conversation.

No one will be left out through negligence or ignorance.

We will value the presence of every member as instruction to include everyone in creating solutions.

With needs met in this way, there will be energy and resources to direct towards joy, delight, and happiness.

Celebration will be natural as it includes everyone.

Widespread peace and security will be a consequence.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

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