Wednesday, November 30, 2016


Because we think time is real, we experience things in time.

When we feel the underlying flow of the Universe, we seem to step out of time.

Large changes and movements in consciousness are being felt and expressed all over.

Perhaps they started in the thought of one person and led to discussion and more observations.

As the movement picked up speed, time became dissolved and what appeared to move slowly became evident to everyone.

With this in mind, it is always worth while to think in the highest, most generous terms.

These express the timeless values which will one day become conscious uplifting movements.

When you are receptive to uplifting thoughts and are willing and able to maintain them, they will not only guide your actions, but will translate into action into the lives of others around you.

It is always worth while to consider what is timeless.

It is what is good for us all.

© 2016 Kathryn Hardage

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