Thursday, December 31, 2020

The example of snowflakes

 We may think that our life needs a major shift in direction, and that it will take a major sustained effort.

We may feel despair and and panic at the thought of all that impossible work.

Today’s snowflakes make me think differently.

I am watching all these tiny, insubstantial patterns of moisture as they fall gently on the ground.

They will cover it up completely over several hours.

It is not a major sustained effort.

It is a small efffort repeated many times.

A new life direction can be achieved the same way.

One shift in judegement repeated many times, over several weeks is enough to begin the shift.

The next habit of thought can be addressed in the same way.

Over time, these sustained repetitions create a new environment of thoughts.

The new environment of thoughts attracts a different set of circumstances and events into one’s life.

Gradually, gently, our life assumes a new shape and a new rhythm.

There is nothing in our life which cannot be shifted in this way.

This makes a huge difference from a gentle sustained  effort.

©  2020 Kathryn Hardage

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